Do-it-yourself ceiling in a private house: instructions, options and photos

Do-it-yourself ceiling in a private house: instructions, options and photos
Do-it-yourself ceiling in a private house: instructions, options and photos

After the construction of the house is completed, you can start interior decoration. Everything starts from the ceiling. Before choosing certain materials, as well as design options, you should think about the design of the room, because this part of the room should be combined with the floor and walls.

Finish options

do-it-yourself ceiling in a private house
do-it-yourself ceiling in a private house

If you want to decorate the ceiling in a private house with your own hands, you must calculate the budget that you plan to spend. You can choose cheap options that will look quite stylish and dignified. But if it is possible to spend money on expensive solutions, then it is better to focus on current trends.

The most common finishing options today are:

  • painting;
  • plaster;
  • whitewash;
  • gypsum;
  • suspended and stretch ceilings;
  • stucco.

You can choose wood construction, stick vinyl or paper wallpaper, foam tiles or install drywall to level the surface. Suitable for ceramic tiles. The ceiling in a private house does not get off with his own hands like in an apartment. Here you will need to take care not only of aesthetics, but also of heat and vapor barrier.

Instructions for installing the ceiling

do-it-yourself ceiling insulation in a private house
do-it-yourself ceiling insulation in a private house

The ceiling in a private house is a multilayer structure, which includes:

  • rough surface;
  • vapor barrier;
  • waterproofing layer;
  • thermal insulation;
  • finish surface.

Insulation is often also a sound insulator. The design can be based on wooden floors, which can be considered the best choice for a private house. Ease of manufacture, durability and low cost - only part of the advantages in this case. The installation of the ceiling is carried out in the same way, which does not depend on the type of ceiling, it can be concrete or wood. The only difference is the method of joining the materials.

If we are talking about a concrete slab, you will have to make holes in it and install dowels. When working with a wooden floor, everything is easier. To fix materials, a screwdriver, self-tapping screws, a hammer and nails are used. The ceiling in a private house with your own hands can be made in a hemmed, panel or floor way. When choosing materials, you must decide whether you will sheathe the ceiling.decorative material, or you plan to use it right away, hoping for the aesthetic appeal created at this stage. In this case, it is best to use slats, beams and boards. They will emphasize the color of the house and are suitable for any overlap.

If we consider the overlap, they can be divided by type and purpose. From a constructive point of view, the bearing part of the ceiling partitions is:

  • beamless;
  • beam.

The first consists of a homogeneous material, it can be slabs or panels that are used as flooring. When the beams act as a bearing surface, structurally such an overlap is called a beam. According to the purpose of the overlap can be:

  • attic;
  • basement;
  • basement;
  • interfloor.

Installation instructions for false ceiling

do-it-yourself house photo
do-it-yourself house photo

Do-it-yourself false ceiling in a private house is faster and easier to make compared to panel or flooring. This design involves the use of timber and boards. The first option will serve as beams to which a type-setting finishing ceiling is attached. With an increase in the width of the boards, the ceiling will look more massive and brutal. Natural ridges and knots give the wood a rustic feel.

Before starting work with your own hands, ceiling options in a private house should be considered first. Among other solutions, a hemmed design should be highlighted. To save money, you can use 25 cmboard. This material will not sag, as for the case when the step between the beams is more than 2 m.

Wood accumulates moisture, which increases the weight of the filing. This should be taken into account when choosing lumber, refusing to purchase a board with a thickness of more than 4 cm. The cross section of the beam should be selected taking into account what will be above the ceiling. It can be a room, a living attic or an attic. The decisive factor is the need for thermal insulation. If there is an unheated room above the ceiling, then regions with cold winters will require a layer of insulation of 20 cm or more. For the southern regions, this figure can be reduced to 10 cm.

Work methodology

mineral wool
mineral wool

If you want to insulate the ceiling in a private house with your own hands, then it is better to use polystyrene or mineral wool for this. It is better to refuse bulk materials, because they are not suitable for installing a ceiling from the inside. Styrofoam granules, sawdust or expanded clay can be used if the insulation is carried out from the side of the attic. However, the technology of the hemming system device does not provide for such actions.

When arranging a wooden ceiling in a private house with your own hands, instead of boards, you can use moisture-proof plywood or OSB. But this option will cost more, as it will require the purchase of finishing materials.

Recommendations for installing hemming system

false ceiling
false ceiling

Beams can become part of the timber top floor. They can be installed on the formed surface. Inthe second case, the timber is fixed with studs, metal corners or staples. If it is not possible to cut the beams into the ceiling, you need to use metal brackets. They are attached to the walls with screws. Any floors are laid on top of load-bearing walls. Between the beams, a step from 0.6 to 1 m must be observed.

As for the cross-section of the beam, the rule should be used here: the more, the better. It is possible to lay a 60 x 100 mm board on edge. This material provides ease of work and ease of finishing with decorative materials. If you want to make a cheap ceiling in a private house with your own hands, then you can use trimming boards that will be used to align the beams. They must first be ground. Inserts cannot be cut to size. Solid material should be used.

Beams can be led out through a brick wall. There should be 5 cm or more to the edge. Nests are sealed with polystyrene foam or mounting foam. The next step is plastering with gypsum or cement mortar. The fastening of the bars to each other is carried out with special brackets. When installing the ceiling, wooden beams should not be located close to the chimney. The allowable distance is 40 cm. In these places, the wood is treated with a fire-fighting compound and wrapped with an asbestos sheet.

When equipping a draft ceiling in a private house with your own hands, you should fasten the boards to the timber with long nails or self-tapping screws. Fasteners are installed against the edge of the board at an angle of 45˚. When insulating the ceiling in a private house with your own hands, you shouldlay the thermal insulation in the openings between the bars on the vapor barrier layer. After that, the vapor barrier membrane is stretched, and its fastening is carried out with a construction stapler and staples.

If there is an attic above the ceiling, the vapor barrier must have a foil layer. This material provides a reflective effect and will return heat back into the home. If the boards are laid on top of the floor beams, the timber will be visible. This effect is often used in the design of the ceiling. In such a room, it will be possible to create a special flavor.

Deck ceilings

Such systems are suitable for small spaces. This is due to the design features. Bearing elements are not attached to the upper floor, but to the walls. The supporting frame is not provided here, there are some restrictions on the distance between the support beams. This indicator should not be more than 2.5 m.

When equipping the ceiling in a private house with your own hands, you should first read the instructions. After reviewing it, you can find out that floor ceilings are the best option for the improvement of utility rooms and small living rooms. For such a system, a draft ceiling, thermal insulation, a foil vapor barrier and a finishing coat should be laid. Styrofoam or mineral wool can act as a heater.

If you are using two-layer polypropylene vapor barrier membranes, the films are laid before laying the heat insulator. At this stage, it is important to pay attention to which side of the material is facing the room. The membranes indicate the frontside. It's smoother so you can tell it apart.

When choosing a floor version of the ceiling in a private house, with your own hands you will need to install load-bearing elements - beams. They will bear the brunt. As beams, you can use 5 cm boards or square bars with a side of 10 cm. Metal corners should be used for fastening to walls. You will need the following materials:

  • vapor barrier;
  • mounting tape;
  • heat insulator;
  • slats;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • nails.

Stages of work

private house cheap
private house cheap

At the desired height, install a bar, for fixing which corners are used. At the next stage, you can do the installation of an unedged board, which is located along the line of the beams. You can refuse to install this lumber.

Installation of intermediate boards is necessary if the upper floor requires reinforcement. Next, you should start laying the vapor barrier and the insulation layer. At the next stage, lining boards are hemmed, which will form the final ceiling. Between the insulation and the casing, a centimeter ventilation gap should be left. Instead of boards, lining is often used when installing a flat ceiling. This allows for a modern finish.

Ceiling repair

ceiling repair
ceiling repair

Do-it-yourself ceiling repair in a private house should begin with the dismantling of the old coating. Next, cleaning up to the floor slab is carried out. In it you cannotice gaping holes and huge crevices. Cement plugs can also fall out. Pieces of the old mortar should be hollowed out of the cracks. At this stage, it is important to check the humidity of the ceiling in a private house with your own hands. If this figure is quite high, the structure is isolated from moisture. The surface should be treated with a penetrating primer. This substance crystallizes in the thickness of the concrete and does not allow moisture to penetrate inside, displacing the existing one. A deep penetration primer can even be used on wet surfaces.

The next step is to fill in the cracks and recesses. For this, cement-based putty is suitable. It fills the seam. Expanded clay granules, gravel pebbles or brick fragments can be drowned in the solution. The excess solution is removed with a spatula, the surface is left to dry. Then the seams should be passed with a primer again. In order for the seams to be strong and not crumble, they should be glued with reinforcing sickle tape.

Now you can start plastering. This process is quite labor intensive. You will need two types of gypsum plaster mixes. The first layer should be formed from the starting plaster, then comes the finishing one. The last layer should be smoother and denser. After grinding the surface, the resulting dust is removed from the ceiling.

Next, you can apply another layer of soil. At this stage, we can assume that the ceiling is ready for decorative finishing.


Having examined the photo of the ceilings in a private house, you can repair this part of the room with your own hands. For example,the plastered surface can be painted. The most popular today are water-based and water-dispersion formulations. They are eco-friendly, not too expensive and easy to apply. To get interesting visual effects, special tricks will be required. For example, to visually raise the ceiling, it should be painted with glossy paint.

The plastered ceiling can be wallpapered. Perfect alignment of the plane is not required here, which distinguishes this decorating option from applying paint. The ceiling should not have noticeable drops and defects that are too deep or protruding.

One of the options for decorative finishes is the application of plaster. Here you can neglect careful alignment, the decorative composition is able to hide small defects. But significant flaws need to be eliminated. The technique of plastering with a decorative composition does not differ from work where ordinary plaster is involved. It will only be necessary to use a special tool if the technique of decorative plastering requires it.

In conclusion

By installing a ceiling in a private house, you can create a system that will meet all your requirements. For example, internal insulation can be abandoned in favor of thermal insulation from the attic. So you level the disadvantages of low overlap. In regions with a warm climate, with internal insulation, the ceiling can drop by 70 mm, but in cold regions, the insulation can take up to 200 mm.
