When building a dacha, cottage, country house, it is imperative to install a fence. The article will describe what types of this structure are. Thanks to this information, it will be easy to navigate the assortment. The ideal fence should be strong and beautiful, inexpensive, but durable. It should protect not only from dogs and curious neighbors, but also from thieves. Only one question remains: are there such structures?
Passing by the neighbor's dachas, you can see what kind of fences there are. Photos of some options are published in the article. There are strong and tall structures that outwardly resemble a prison fence. On the other hand, there are graceful fences that let the wind through and do not hide people's lives from passing eyes. Which fence to put up depends entirely on the owner of the building, that is, on his personal preferences. For everyone, the perfect fence looks special. Therefore, the article will consider what kind of fences there are, and photos will help you quickly make a choice.
OnOn the territory of the Russian Federation, wood is considered the most accessible building material. In addition, it is considered the most ecological and resembles a rural style. Due to stereotypes, many locals do not trust certificates that confirm the environmental friendliness of other materials. All the attention goes to the wood.
What are wooden fences? Due to the material used, you can create a completely exclusive version. If desired, you can make a carved "crown". The fence is easy to erect curly or just sharpen. In some models, the boards are fitted close to each other, while in others they leave gaps. The tree can be easily painted in any desired color. You can do it yourself, you don’t need to spend money on the services of masters.
The only disadvantage of such a fence is that it is not durable. The tree lends itself to insects, fungi and, of course, weather conditions. In addition, such a fence burns easily. You can apply special impregnations, but such manipulations must be repeated regularly. Therefore, many hosts have to consider other, more reliable options.

Types of wooden fences
There are several types of wooden fences. The first one is a picket fence. This option is considered the most common. It is inexpensive, has a neat appearance. It is made of wooden slats, so it is not particularly reliable.
The second type is a palisade. It is created by connecting stakes. In appearance it may resemblemedieval building. It is considered a reliable option, looks quite impressive, but is expensive.
The third type is boardwalk. The simplest in design. It consists of boards that are overlapped either horizontally or vertically. Such a fence is not very beautiful, but it is considered reliable.
From timber
What are fences? The bar option is quite popular. When creating such a fence, brick columns are used. They are lined with decorative stone. Such a building looks aesthetically pleasing and stylish. The beam is often used when creating fences. The fence is solid, has no gaps and cracks. Due to the appearance, you might think that the site is not surrounded by a fence, but by a wall.
Some people think this option is flimsy and unsustainable. If such a fence is made of larch or other similar wood species, then the structure will become quite reliable. The cost of this option is also small.
Speaking about what wood fences are, it should be noted the wicker version. He looks attractive, so all the neighbors will be a little jealous. However, country style must be observed, otherwise such a fence will become ridiculous.
What are fences? The types of fences are really impressive. There are enough of them. One of the most popular is the mesh fence. The only advantage: low price. Some owners attribute the ease of construction to the pluses. If the site has poor soil, for example, clay or swampy, then such a fence, unfortunately, willthe only viable option. To complete its installation, it is not necessary to install concrete pillars. On such grounds, they are basically meaningless.
What are chain-link fences? A more durable option would be one that is coated with polymers. This fence is a little more expensive, but looks much nicer. As a rule, this type of fence is painted green. If you want to repaint, then you can do it without much difficulty.
However, you need to understand that such a structure practically does not protect against anything. It lets the wind through, and the thief will overcome such a barrier without much difficulty. If a person likes to do his own thing so that no one is watching him, and also worries about the safety of equipment and crops, then you should not use this type of fence. If it is not possible to abandon the mesh fence, then you can plant a hedge around the perimeter. It will partly solve the problem.

Many are interested in the question of what fences are in a private house. Most owners prefer concrete options. It must be said right away that such a fence looks unpleasant. But due to its height, neither neighbors nor thieves will want to be interested in the summer cottage for a long time. As for the latter, they prefer those houses where more expensive fences are installed. If you add barbed wire, then you can be sure that no one wants to know what is on the site. This fence creates a sense of security. However, there is a "but".
Appearanceconcrete fence quickly gets bored. It makes being on the site gray and faded. If you install barbed wire, you may get the feeling that you are in prison. Moreover, before installing such a fence, you need to be sure of the ground. The foundation must be stable. To create a fence, you will have to hire specialists.
If you still want to make such a fence for yourself, then you can easily solve the issue with the appearance. The fence can be painted. If you do this, the mood will rise not only from the thought that it will last long enough, but also from the fact that the fence looks quite nice. If there are small children in the family who no longer know which wall to paint, then you can buy them paints, brushes or spray cans and send them to paint the fence. It is desirable that you do not have to repaint the surface and redraw, do it together with the child, having previously discussed the picture. You can draw animals, houses, the sun.
From corrugated board
What are fences and railings? A beautiful and modern option - corrugated board. Such a fence has no holes, it is solid. The flooring is made of galvanized steel. This coating is reliable and durable. Installation does not require much effort. The service life is more than ten years. There are many color options on sale.
Why choose this particular fence? It's quite difficult to get over it. There are no holes, that is, it will not be blown. Often used by gardeners and gardeners. Among mesh, concrete and wooden fencesthis option will look really unusual.
The fencing option is considered more durable when it is made of separate corrugated slats. Between them there is about 5 cm distance. At the same time, the appearance is much more attractive than the solid version.

What are the fences for giving? People who can afford expensive models prefer brick options. When building, you need to create a solid foundation, which will cost a round sum. Given the cost of brickwork, the price will be really high. To make the protection as reliable as possible, you can install high-quality strong gates. They must have a good lock. The level of reliability is at the highest level, which fully justifies the cost.
This fence cannot be set on fire. It can only be broken with an explosion. In addition to durability and strength, this fence looks solid and weighty. If you want to increase the level of security, you should use refractory bricks. If desired, you can order a special lining. As a rule, it has an unusual shape. If a cottage or cottage looks solid, then such a fence will look great.

What are fences? They can be made not only from wood or metal. You can use some plants. There are cultures that are most often used for this purpose. It is necessary to give preference to those shrubs that let out their branches,weaving tightly. So you can protect yourself from prying eyes. Such a fence will be much more environmentally friendly than a tree. The fence will protect from dust, shelter birds.
However, the fence will not protect against the entry of thieves. If the owner of the house can be sure that they will not climb into it, then this type of fencing can be used. If you use cultures that bloom, you can literally create a piece of paradise for yourself. Often this option is used by creative people for whom contact with the world is important. Don't use poisonous plants that will attract little kids.

Many are attracted to forged options because of their sophistication and sophistication. Many, considering what metal fences are, pay attention to forging. She captivates everyone with her beauty. You need to understand that this option only protects against penetration into the territory and limits it, but does not protect from prying eyes.
Most often, a forged fence is used in urban areas. It is used to decorate structures, for example, parks, monuments, residences. Such a fence can be of absolutely any height, but most often from 1.5 to 3 meters. When installing such a lattice, you need to take care of a solid foundation, as well as pillars. The latter can be made of metal, concrete, brick or stone. If a person likes metal lace, then his choice will obviously be stopped at the forged version. Another plus of such a fence is a high service life. The fence will last at least 50years. It needs to be periodically treated for rust.

This option has many advantages. Therefore, considering what fences are, you need to pay attention to the stone. It can last up to 50 years. If you follow all the rules, then such a fence will stand for much longer. Due to the naturalness of the material, it is possible to exclude harm to the environment. Due to the various options for blocks and fractions, you can adjust the cost of the fence.
This fence is completely fireproof. Moreover, during installation you will not have to order the services of specialists, since stone parts are not difficult to lay on your own.
This fence fits easily into any interior, it can be used in any area. The stone is combined with natural and synthetic materials. Of course, you need to remember that some installation options require a solid foundation.

Important nuances
Even if the owner does not care that the neighbors can look at the site, and also if he is not particularly interested in thieves, you should still give preference to a solid fence. This will protect against drafts. Especially this option would be ideal if there is a highway nearby or just a highway.
The same fence option is not suitable for giving and at home. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully consider what kind of fences there are, and install one option in the yard, and a completely different one in the garden.
If there is a desire to open a beautiful front garden for everyone,then you can put a fence next to it, which will allow everyone to admire it. In other places - close with a dense wall. We must not forget about a single style. If you use a brick fence along with a mesh, it will look ridiculous.
When choosing the material from which the fence will be made, as well as when choosing its type, you need to study all the nuances. Be sure to check the stability of the soil. If a person lives in a rainy place, then it is better to prefer more sustainable options, such as stone, rather than wood. The most versatile and cheap fence will be wood. It looks solid and is inexpensive.