This plant can be seen in many houses and apartments of Russian lovers of indoor floriculture. Kalanchoe does not require complex care, but the plant needs moderate watering, periodic feeding and pruning. The plant not only blooms luxuriantly and often, which makes its owners very happy, but is also a good helper in the treatment of various diseases of the nasopharynx, ears and skin.
In order for the flower not to stretch, but to have a rounded, neat shape, it must be cut in time. Despite the fact that many plant this medicinal type of plant in their homes, decorative species are in no way inferior to it in popularity. Lush and colorful blooms, green stems and luscious foliage throughout the year make them spectacular decorations for any home.

Today there are more than 200 species of this plant. Some of them are suitable for indoor floriculture. The most popular Kalanchoe is one-flowered and pinnate, as well as KalanchoeDegremont and Blossfeld. Native to the tropics, Kalanchoes of all kinds tolerate drought and high humidity equally well. Plants practically do not need fertilizers, are resistant to diseases and pests.
In this article we will talk about how to properly trim Kalanchoe at home, why such a procedure is needed and how to carry it out so as not to harm the plant.
Caring for Kalanchoe
As already mentioned, plant care is simple, but certain rules must be observed when growing Kalanchoe. It depends on how comfortable the plant will feel in your home, and how it will develop.
Temperature conditions
Optimal in the summer for flowering Kalanchoe is the temperature in the range from +23 °C to +29 °C. The plant will tolerate higher temperatures, but in this case, if it blooms, you should increase the frequency of watering, otherwise the buds may dry out.
Surprisingly, this tropical plant tolerates low temperatures well. In autumn and winter, when the temperature rises slightly above +10 ° C, it can be safely exposed to fresh air.

Kalanchoe can be placed anywhere in the room where the sun's rays reach. The plant feels most comfortable in partial shade or in diffused light. Direct sunlight is dangerous from 11 am to 3 pm from March to September.
Watering Kalanchoe
Kalanchoe is a succulent, in other words, it is a plant that can accumulate moisture inleaves. Because of this, it can survive drought. Excessive watering for Kalanchoe is harmful. This indoor plant is watered in such a way that the water soaks the earthen ball, and the excess water must be drained. On hot summer days, watering frequency is increased (not forgetting about excess water). In winter, it is enough to moisten the soil no more than twice a week.

This is not the most important indicator for the normal development of Kalanchoe. This is due to the fact that the plant retains moisture in the leaves. That is why drought is not terrible for this flower. It is only necessary to ensure that water does not fall on the leaves when watering, as this can cause plant disease.
Once a month, Kalanchoe should be fertilized with formulations designed for succulents. This is necessary for the regular flowering of the plant. Experienced flower growers recommend using half the dose indicated on the packaging of nutrient mixtures. In winter, the plant is in a dormant period, so it does not need top dressing.
Do I need pruning Kalanchoe?
Yes, I do. Moreover, this is the most important condition for proper care. Pruning Kalanchoe at home involves removing excess flowers and leaves. This procedure will help to form a beautiful plant. Flower growers believe that a small compact bush looks much more attractive than a long and unkempt stem. And for lush flowering, Kalanchoe pruning is a must.

When removing extra shoots, in the stemjuice accumulates, which after the procedure is distributed over the remaining branches. The flower becomes juicy, the plant becomes more resistant to drying. It should be noted that there are three types of Kalanchoe pruning:
- original;
- prophylactic;
- after flowering.
Often, especially when placed in the sun, the flower outgrows. Therefore, many novice flower growers are interested in how to correctly prune Kalanchoe if it is stretched out so as not to injure the plant. If a long and not very beautiful top has grown, it should simply be cut off. Constantly watch for escapes. When they start to grow, pinch off two leaves from the top.
Pruning different types of Kalanchoe
Of the numerous types of Kalanchoe, only a few of them are common in indoor floriculture. The pruning technique is almost the same for all varieties, but for some varieties there are special rules that must be followed. The most common variety in our country is Kalanchoe Blossfeld. This variety is ideal for growing indoors. The plant has beautiful flowers of different shades.
This variety of Kalanchoe can be cut at the root. In this state, the plant begins to actively develop, the bush becomes beautiful and lush. Varieties that produce white and yellow flowers are pruned differently. But these varieties are quite rare in indoor floriculture. These plants require special care. Pruning Kalanchoe of these species should not be cardinal. Removingtoo much foliage can harm the plant: it may not recover from such stress.

In order for the formation of Kalanchoe to be carried out correctly, you need to find out which variety grows in your home. Remember that pruning is a necessary and painless procedure for the plant. If rotting has begun at the cut points, treat them with charcoal. To prevent such complications, use a tool that has been previously disinfected for trimming. It is strictly forbidden to cut off excess leaves with your hands. Such pinching can weaken the plant.

Initial and maintenance pruning
Once a plant has established itself in a new location, it needs initial pruning. On the shoots, cut off the top two leaves in turn. Young shoots will soon grow at the place of pruning.
Now it's time to carry out preventive pruning of Kalanchoe (we posted a photo in this article). It can be carried out repeatedly until the flower looks like a pretty and compact bush. You don't have to wait for the leaves to grow. As soon as young shoots appear, the procedure can be carried out.
Pruning the flower is stopped in late autumn. The next bush formation can be started in late spring or early summer. But if the flower has bloomed, pruning is prohibited.
Do I need to prune the plant after flowering?
Every year, the lush cap of inflorescences and leaves becomes noticeably smaller. The exquisite beauty of Kalanchoe is losing its formermagnificence. But this is not a reason to abandon the plant. Just a flower signals that it needs pruning. It depends on the variety of Kalanchoe.
For example, the Blossfeld variety blooms until the end of May, and then enters a dormant period. After pruning and wound treatment, the plant is transferred to a cool place until spring.

For hybrid varieties, it is important not to overdo it and remove leaves and inflorescences to a minimum. Only shoots that have lost their former attractiveness are removed. Don't forget about slicing. Kalanchoe is also cut to update decorative forms.
A few words in conclusion
Kalanchoe is a very beautiful flower. Connoisseurs of indoor plants love it for its attractive appearance during the flowering period, but also for its healing properties. As it became clear from the article, pruning Kalanchoe is an absolutely simple procedure. But it should be carried out regularly so that the bushes always have a beautiful shape. If all the rules are followed, the flower looks amazing and is actively developing.