Indoor hibiscus is often called Chinese rose or Chinese rose. This is a unique, beautiful, unpretentious plant, with beautiful glossy foliage and large flowers of different colors. Hibiscus care at home is simple, as the plant does not need special conditions. Anyone can grow this flower.
Indoor rose begins to bloom at an early age. Depending on the variety, the height of the plant can be from fifty centimeters to two meters. Flowers are terry, simple, monophonic, multi-color. Foliage is not only green, but also variegated. Depending on how the hibiscus will be cared for at home, it can be formed in the form of a trunk, bonsai, or allowed to grow arbitrarily. In the latter case, he will form a bush himself.

Homemade hibiscus
The genus of hibiscus has more than two hundred thousand varieties. And this includes not only shrubs, but alsotrees, herbaceous perennial plants that are common in the tropics and subtropics.
China and Asia are considered to be the birthplace of the Chinese rose. Different species can grow in gardens in central Russia. Where the plant is very common, young shoots are used for food, tea, dyes are made from flowers, plants are used in medicine. An example is Sudanese hibiscus, from which Hibiscus tea is made. Tropical hibiscus, Syrian, hybrid and Chinese are grown indoors. Hibiscus is the national plant of the Hawaiian Islands. There it is called the flower of beautiful ladies.
Features of rose care
Before the plant takes its place in the room, more than one year will pass. If you provide hibiscus with proper care at home, then this plant will delight with its appearance for many years. For this you need:
- Use good, well-composed soil for planting.
- Provide proper lighting.
- Observe watering regimes.
- Apply fertilizer at the right time and in the right dosage.
- If desired, carry out the formation of a bush.
- Protect from pests and diseases.
The plant needs to comply with the winter and summer maintenance regimes. It does not like drafts: from them the leaves begin to turn yellow, the branches are exposed, unopened buds crumble.
Growing hibiscus and caring for this plant at home requires compliance with the rules for selecting a pot: it does not need a container "for growth". The pot must have drainage forremoving excess moisture.

By purchasing a plant
When you bring home a rose from the store, do not immediately put it next to other plants. First you need to carefully examine it: stems, leaves on both sides, flower stalks - they should not have pests, sticky substances, stains, streaks, rot.
For room rose hibiscus care at home begins with an inspection. If even the smallest dots, spots, cobwebs, unevenly yellowed leaves are found, it is necessary to immediately treat the plant with insecticides and fungicides.
Repotting after buying a plant is not always necessary. Usually flower shops sell plants supplied from Holland. They are planted in containers, matched to the desired parameters, providing abundant flowering. The root system of plants by the time of sale is well mastering the earthen ball. Hibiscus are planted in peat with a very high content of fertilizers and growth stimulants. If you immediately transplant the plant into a less nutrient medium, then it will simply die.
If you still decide to transplant the plant into another pot, then this is done by transshipment, preserving the entire earthen clod. Of course, it is better not to do this immediately after the acquisition, but to wait until the end of flowering. During this time, the nutrients from the soil will leave, and the plant will better tolerate the transplant.
After flowering, transplantation is carried out only after removing all the remnants of the old soil from the root system. To do this, the root system is thoroughly cleaned of the old earth, butyou should not wash them, as roses are painful for this procedure.
Sometimes, after transplantation, the plant has leaf lethargy. In order for the flower to survive stress more easily, it is recommended to water it with the Zircon preparation. A month after transplanting, you can cut the plant.

Soil for planting
Hibiscus care at home begins with the preparation of the soil. Here, flower growers can go in two ways: buy ready-made soil specifically for hibiscus, or make the composition yourself. In this case, you will need: two parts of clay turf, one part of leaf humus and simple earth from the garden, a little sand, vermiculite and charcoal. All components mix well.
For planting, a pot is taken two to three centimeters larger than the previous one. Transplantation is carried out every spring.
The plant is carefully removed from the pot. Old dark roots must be removed. To do this, use sharp scissors or another sharp clean object. The cuts are treated with charcoal.
How to care
To get hibiscus like in the photo, home care comes down to following these recommendations:
- The place where the plant will be placed is chosen correctly. Young specimens are placed on the western or eastern windowsill. Adults - placed by the window. If you put a plant on the north side, it will stretch, the color of the foliage will fade, the rose will stop blooming.
- Temperature. To get a hibiscus flower like in the photo, home carecomes down to temperature control. This plant does not like heat. Temperatures are considered comfortable: in winter - 14-16 degrees, and in summer - 20-15 degrees.
- Water. The rose belongs to moisture-loving plants. In the summer, it is watered abundantly, until the earthy coma is completely wet. Water is removed from the pan thirty minutes after watering. Reduce watering in autumn. After complete drying of the upper layers of the earth, it is loosened and only after three days, not earlier, the plant is watered. In parallel with watering, the temperature of the content is reduced: the cooler the room, the less often you need to water the rose.
- Humidity. Hibiscus loves high humidity, it must be sprayed. During flowering, this procedure is performed very carefully, trying to prevent water from entering the buds. You can solve the problem of dry air by installing humidifiers, as well as placing the pot on a tray with wet filler.
- Ground. It should be light, nutritious, neutral. Peat is not used when compiling the land on its own.
- Feeding. In the spring, fertilizers with a high content of potassium and phosphorus are applied. The rest of the time, a complex balanced fertilizer is used, intended for flowering crops. Nitrogen content should be kept to a minimum.
- Transplantation. Until the age of four, a plant transplant is carried out every year. As the flower grows, the interval between transplants increases to three years.

Shaping a bush
To get as pictured hibiscus, home careconditions implies the formation of a bush. It is best to carry out this procedure after flowering. During formation, all shoots are removed, growing parallel to the trunks and directed inside the flower. Cuts are made at an angle, directing the outer edge of the bevel to the top of the crown.
Pruning is carried out in two steps, giving the plant the opportunity to recover. If you immediately remove all the shoots, then this can provoke the development of diseases. How to properly trim, you can see in this video.

What to do if the rose does not bloom
Hibiscus flower care at home is simple, although there are times when the plant refuses to bloom. This is usually due to a violation of the rules for keeping the plant: warm wintering, too large pot volume, improper watering, improper feeding. To stimulate flowering, you need:
- In October, cut off all old shoots, leaving three eyes on each.
- If the pot is too big, then the plant needs to be transplanted into a smaller container.
- In winter, the plant must rest. To get indoor hibiscus as in the photo, home care comes down to observing the rules of wintering: the temperature should be about sixteen degrees. Lighting should be limited, watered only when necessary.
- With the beginning of March, watering is intensified, the earth needs to be well loosened.
- In the spring, put the pot with the plant in a warm place, carry out the first feeding.
Features of reproduction
You can propagate by seeds and cuttings,the latter method allows you to get the same variety of hibiscus. Care and reproduction at home for new plants is practically no different from caring for an adult: it also needs to be watered, replanted, monitored for lighting and humidity levels.

Growing a plant from seeds
Growing hibiscus from seeds is not easy and very troublesome. If the seeds are purchased from a store, then the likelihood of their germination may be low. Seeds from their own plants germinate best.
To get he althy seedlings you need:
- Prepare the soil. Peat with sand is used for planting seeds. This mixture is filled into a container.
- Seeds are sown with 0.5-1 cm incorporation, the soil is moistened. From above, the crops are covered with glass or a plastic bag. The container is placed in a warm place where the temperature is constantly maintained at 25 degrees.
- After the appearance of the third true leaf, the seedlings are planted in separate containers.
When growing seedlings from seeds, the plant blooms in a year, but more often in two.
Propagation by cuttings
Rose propagation is easier and faster with apical cuttings. They quickly give roots and grow. For successful rooting, you can take cuttings obtained by pruning hibiscus.
Home care involves cutting cuttings up to eight centimeters long. Cropped sections are treated with a solution that stimulates root formation, for example, "Kornevin". Then the cuttings are placed onrooting in water. You can plant them directly in the ground. In the latter case, the container with cuttings is covered with a jar or other container. After the appearance of signs of growth, the shelter is removed. Usually the roots appear within a month, and after four, the first flowers bloom.

Growing problems
Sometimes flower growers are faced with the problem of yellowing, drying of leaves, with falling buds. There are other problems when growing hibiscus. Home care in winter and summer for this plant requires simple rules, otherwise it can get sick and die.
Yellowing of leaves can indicate dry air, tree chlorosis, pests, root disease. If the leaves begin to fall off, then this may indicate low humidity, stressful situations, too damp ground, the presence of pests.
With a lack of nutrients, the tips of the leaves begin to fade. When twisting the leaves, the plant is infected with aphids or other pests. Falling buds indicate a lack of potassium, heat, or damage to the plant by gall midge.
Rose pests
Of the pests, the plant is most often affected by spider mites. To get rid of the pest, it is necessary to increase the level of humidity by washing the plant with soapy water, and also treat the plant with Lightning or another means.
Rarely the whitefly affects the rose. Signs of the appearance of the pest are the stickiness of the leaves, yellowing, the presence of white moths on the plant. With these insectsdifficult to fight. Adults are caught with sticky traps, be sure to treat the bush three times with "Aktara" or another drug.

Common diseases
From diseases typical of the plant, bronze leaves and tracheomycosis wilt are distinguished. The first type of pathology is characterized by yellowing of the leaves, the appearance of small gaps on them. The leaves themselves are coarsened, wrinkled. If this pathology is detected, diseased plants are destroyed. You can try to isolate the plant and treat it with fungicides.
Tracheomycosis wilt is characterized by drying of the tips of the hibiscus shoots. Gradually, the fungus covers the entire plant, and it dies. To save the rose, it is necessary to remove all the affected branches, be sure to carry out repeated treatments with fungicides.
With proper care of the plant, you can get a beautiful bush or tree that will delight for many years with its abundant flowering. Moreover, the older the rose, the more abundant it blooms.