Anyone who plans to make repairs in his apartment must definitely take into account the type of construction of the building, as it affects the planning possibilities and the implementation of design solutions. The most common type of buildings in our country are panel houses, since the cost of their construction is relatively low.

History of panel structures
Panel houses became widespread in the 70s of the last century. In the people they were called "Khrushchev". The advantage of such buildings was the ability to quickly erect 5-6 storey buildings in large numbers. The downside was the identity of both the external and internal appearance of the buildings. When renovating an apartment in a panel house, it is necessary to take into account many of its features. Thus, the redevelopment of apartments in such buildings is complicated by the fact that most of the walls perform a load-bearing function. To make the transfer of the doorway, you will have to reinforce it with a metal structure that can load the interior.

Besides this, wall chasing, which is necessary for laying new pipes or electrical wiring, also causes difficulty. During this procedure, you can not only stumble uponthe metal bar of the panel, but also disrupt the load-bearing function of the wall if its thickness does not exceed 15 cm. It should be noted that panel houses were built a little over 40 years ago, and the quality of their assembly leaves much to be desired. For their erection, it was necessary to attract a crane and align the panels horizontally and vertically, which was often not carried out given the mass character of the buildings. Therefore, when plastering walls in such apartments, in order to achieve their parallelism, it will be necessary to apply a thick layer of the mixture or use additional leveling technologies.

If you are buying an apartment, if possible, pay attention to panel-frame houses. This type of building is quite common abroad (Canada, Germany, USA). In these countries, they are used for year-round living. The construction of such houses is also a very fast process, as the walls sometimes come out of the factory with inserted windows, window sills, ebbs, exterior and interior decoration. All this is possible due to the absence of shrinkage of panel-frame houses. In 2 days you can build a building with an area of 150 m2. A feature of this design is the complete protection of the room from blowing. This is achieved thanks to a special technology of laying insulation. It is laid out on the walls in layers, the seams of which are overlapped. The facade is closed with a building slab and remains monolithic. Construction panel - very strong, but at the same time lightweight construction. Prefabricated (panel) houses of the new generation are verycozy, warm and environmentally friendly. They are made of wood, which makes their appearance more attractive and unique. Repairs in a panel-frame house can be carried out immediately after moving in. Since the building is not threatened with shrinkage, there will be no changes in the interior decoration in the near future.