Dome houses: owner reviews, price, photo. Dome houses in Russia

Dome houses: owner reviews, price, photo. Dome houses in Russia
Dome houses: owner reviews, price, photo. Dome houses in Russia

Many residents of big cities are seriously thinking about building their own country house. After all, this is an opportunity to leave the stuffy and polluted city, crowded with people and anxiety. Outside the city, everyone has their own space, there is no need to worry about the neighbors. In addition, this is a great opportunity to raise your children in environmentally friendly conditions. Your heirs will always be he althy and full of strength.

Modern developers offer many options for those who want to get close to nature in the shortest possible time. Indeed, for example, a building made of bricks familiar to us is being built for a long period, so you will not be able to move into such a house quickly. Today, modern technologies and building materials are especially popular, which practically do not differ in strength from bricks, while being characterized by a more favorable price. One of these structures are spherical or domed houses. Owner reviews speak of a large number of advantages of such facilities.

domed houses owner reviews
domed houses owner reviews

History of the domed house

Beforeto start the construction of any structure, it is necessary to make a project. Its choice depends on the wishes of the owners, the external attractiveness of the future building, its aesthetics and originality. It is domed houses that are especially popular today, photos of which you can see in our article. In the domestic construction market, these structures began to be erected in 2008, but they can in no way be attributed to the architectural inventions of our time.

Buildings of a rounded shape were erected in Old Byzantium. Often such buildings were built in northern countries, for whose inhabitants every winter the issue of heating the house was very acute. This type of structure was invented and patented in 1951 by Buckminster Fuller. To date, many domestic construction companies have mastered the construction of domed houses. Therefore, everyone can choose the right option for themselves and be sure that their future home will meet all their wishes.


Modern domed houses designed for human habitation are characterized by an unusual design that does not allow exposure to adverse environmental factors. People living in spherical houses admit that the unusual geometry of the room causes a feeling of lightness and tranquility.

domed house layout
domed house layout

Thanks to the building's aerodynamic design, the house's resistance to strong gusty winds is enhanced. Such a structure will be more resistant than others in the event of a seismicactivity. Calculations have shown that the house will be able to endure fluctuations of the earth's crust of 10 points.

Cost calculation

It is very difficult to accurately calculate the total cost of the structure. Indeed, at the design stage, the construction of extensions is often envisaged. Also, the cost of construction includes the method of finishing, and the materials that will be needed during the construction of the building. But the price of the main structure can be calculated using a special calculator. This program takes into account the way the ribs are connected, their cross section, and the radius of the base. Using it, you can get information about the number and types of vertices, faces, edges. As a result, a structured scheme will appear before you, according to which it will be possible to imagine the future domed house. The price for it depends only on the above factors.

The construction time for such a facility is on average about 3 months, taking into account the development and approval of the project. The price of a domed house is approximately 1/3 of the cost of a traditional dwelling due to less use of building materials. The cost of such a structure today is about 13,000 rubles per 1 m22.

House construction

When drawing up almost all projects, a standard structure is initially calculated, the diameter of which is 8.1 m. This size is the main one for the development of private and standard projects.

domed houses
domed houses

8 meters in diameter? It’s not enough!”, you say. But it seems so at first glance. Note that the radius of the dome is also 8meters. Then the base area will be 153 m23, and the ceilings in the house will reach 7 meters.

Do you want to build a domed house? Planning is the initial stage, during which special attention is paid to the foundation of the building, because this is the base of any building. The characteristics of the base will directly depend on the type and mechanical properties of the soil.

Spherical houses at the construction stage are characterized by economical consumption of building materials. You can save 25-40% on laying the foundation.

A domed house can have up to 5 outbuildings that will be added to the ground floor. They can be located in any of the 5 dome openings. This will not lead to a loss of rigidity of the system as a whole. Openings are used to connect verandas, domes, greenhouses, baths, etc. Thus, you can significantly expand the required area.

The final stage of construction is the interior decoration. At this stage, the layout does not require load-bearing walls, so you can independently choose any architectural delights (mansards, lofts, rooms). This will not affect the strength of the structure in any way.

Building material

The main material for the construction of domed houses are wooden beams filled with expanded polystyrene or fiberglass panels. These materials are characterized by minimum weight, high reliability. They are used as thermal insulation material. The thickness of 15 cm of insulating material is ideal for climate conditions in the middle zone. These panels are very easy to install.normal wall thickness. Relatively recently, expanding foam mass has also been used for the same purpose.

domed houses photo
domed houses photo

Bitumen shingles are a traditional roofing material. It has an attractive appearance, and its cost is not too high. This material is characterized by a large assortment, which makes it easy and simple to choose the right texture and shade.

Special design distinguishes all domed houses. Photos of various configurations, color shades, the use of various materials can be found in this article. In addition, the owner can choose the shape of the windows in the house. They can be rectangular, round, triangular or hexagonal. The window can be a decoration of an unusual facade. Thanks to the competent placement of window openings, you can save on lighting and even on heating in the future. After all, even on winter days, the house can receive additional solar heat.

Equipment and materials for interior decoration

The materials used for interior decoration of the domed house are varied:

  • MDF.
  • Drywall.
  • Vagonka.
  • Plastic.
  • Decorative plaster.
  • OSB.

You can choose the right materials to match, which will make the overall interior spectacular and elegant. Some people try to build domed houses on their own. Feedback from owners of self-built houses allows others to correctly assess their abilities and make a choice in favor of specialists or a company of close friends.

domed houses in Russia
domed houses in Russia

Installing a ventilation and heating system in such a house is also simple. For proper heating of the building, it is necessary to purchase and install heating devices. They should be the same as for a regular house, but with 30% less power.

The turnkey dome house will allow you not to control all stages of construction. You will be able to move into your new suburban home immediately.

Advantages of domed houses

It hasn't been that long since 2008, but many families have already experienced all the benefits of living in domed houses. The main positive aspects of this structure are:

Perfect even shape that can withstand gusts of wind, snow sticking. Dome houses are characterized by unusual aerodynamics, which ensures perfect wind envelope. This is confirmed by the unsurpassed stability of domed houses on the US coast during tornadoes and hurricanes

A domed house can have any number of windows. If you wish, you can even glaze the entire dome, and this will hardly affect the strength of the entire structure

domed house frame
domed house frame

This frame house has a solid construction. It does not have a separate roof, heavy floors, truss system. Thanks to this, the house is characterized by high seismic resistance. In addition, the destruction of 35% of the elements of the entire structure will not lead to the complete collapse of the building

Small houses have no load-bearing walls. In large structures, the walls can be installed in any order. This isallows you to independently plan the interior space in the house

Soundproofing. Due to the minimal surface area, significantly less sound penetrates. This makes life at home more comfortable and cozy

Spherical houses save money

Minimum base. The construction of the building is very light. Due to this, the load on the ground is minimized. Therefore, you can use a more economical type of foundation, which allows you to build domed houses on it. Feedback from the owners showed that more often they made a strip foundation, the depth of which does not exceed 90 cm. Thus, the likelihood of the building being skewed, the formation of cracks in the foundation is excluded

Construction at any time. The construction of a domed house can take place at any time of the year, regardless of weather conditions. This will not affect the cost of work and the quality of the structure under construction

The ability to use the minimum area and obtain the maximum volume. The useful area is maximum, the external area is minimum. Due to this, in comparison with the usual rectangular rooms, heat is less dissipated in winter. Therefore, heating and air conditioning costs are reduced by up to 30%

  • Energy saving regardless of climate. For example, in a cold climate, an ordinary stone house needs to consume about 230 kWh/m2 for hot water supply and heating, a wooden house - 100 kWh/m2 . A domed house made of expanded polystyrene (wall 200 mm) often exceeds the requirements of modern standards. Even with strongfrosts in case of turning off the heating, the temperature in the house drops to 20С per day. If we compare the cost of maintaining brick and domed houses for 50 years, then for the difference (not in favor of a brick building), you can buy another frame house.
  • No heavy equipment required. All elements of the building are light in weight and dimensions, their installation is carried out easily and quickly. During the season, developers can build many domed houses. Owner reviews say that this is how many of them settled.
  • styrofoam dome house
    styrofoam dome house

Maximum use of solar panels. Thanks to the symmetrical shape of the house, solar modules and batteries can be more efficiently oriented in space. With this equipment, you can save a significant amount of money. After all, it is known that solar panels can generate energy even on a cloudy day

Affordable prices. It has been proven that the construction of a high-quality reliable frame house is much cheaper than the construction of an ordinary brick house


Unfortunately, nothing in our world is perfect. Dome houses in Russia also have their drawbacks.

  1. Difficulties in calculations. A spherical house cannot be drawn and calculated using two planes. Be sure to use modern 3D graphics programs.
  2. Since the construction of a domed house is still exotic for our citizens, it is best to seek help from specialist builders,who know how to properly build domed houses. Owner reviews are advised not to conduct independent experiments, because this can lead to serious costs.
  3. A lot of waste. Often, building materials are supplied in a rectangular shape, and the main shape for the construction of this type of building is a triangle. Large losses can be avoided by careful calculations at the design stage.
  4. The need to use non-standard shapes of windows, doors, furniture, stairs.
dome house price
dome house price


Buildings in the form of domes have been known since time immemorial. They are highly durable. The peculiarity of such a house is that its bearing capacity increases with an increase in the size of the dome itself. Do not forget that this building will allow the owners to annually save a tidy sum from the family budget.

The frame of a domed house is a very large constructor. A team of specialists will cope with the construction of this house in a matter of weeks. Each owner can control the whole process. And in a few weeks, your family will be able to relax outside the city and enjoy clean fresh air.
