Merlot grapes: application, advantages, qualities of the variety

Merlot grapes: application, advantages, qualities of the variety
Merlot grapes: application, advantages, qualities of the variety

Merlot grapes are a dark technical variety that is traditionally used for the production of red dessert wines. In terms of the number of annual harvests, only Cabernet Sauvignon is ahead of it. Let's look at what a Merlot grape is. Description of the variety and its benefits is the topic of today's article.


Merlot grapes have vigorous bushes with brownish shoots, on which dark nodes stand out clearly. Medium-sized leaves are rounded, five-lobed, dark green in color. In mid-autumn, the leaves are saturated with yellowish hues with barely noticeable red patches.

Merlot grapes
Merlot grapes


Merlot grapes produce spherical fruits collected in conical bunches. The length of the latter is on average from 12 to 17 cm, and the width is up to 10-12 cm. The grapes here have a dark blue color. During maturation, an unstable wax coating forms on their surface. On average, the weight of a berry is about 1-2 grams.

Merlot grapes have a densepeel. As for the pulp, it is distinguished by the highest juiciness. The liquid that flows out of the fruit during squeezing has a neutral hue. Each berry contains 1 to 3 small seeds inside.

Application features

The Merlot grape variety is used exclusively for the production of alcoholic beverages. For fresh consumption, such a product is used extremely rarely, since its peel gives a rather unpleasant tart taste with pronounced acid tints.

Get red dry wines from Merlot, which are distinguished by a variety of flavors. Sommeliers note the presence of tones of cherries, plums, chocolate and even coffee during their tasting. Due to such a rich bouquet, these wines are suitable for drinking as an aperitif before serving poultry, beef, pork, vegetable and fruit salads.

Merlot grape variety
Merlot grape variety

Merlot grapes: a description of useful qualities

The grape variety is extremely rich in sodium. This trace element is involved in numerous metabolic processes in the body, in particular, it is indispensable for maintaining water balance. The use of wine made from such grapes, due to its sodium content, contributes to the production of intercellular fluid and the renewal of blood composition.

The berries also contain an impressive amount of potassium, which strengthens the vascular walls and has a positive effect on the work of the heart muscle. The trace element makes it possible to avoid the development of diseases that affect the cardiovascular system.

Merlot grapessaturated with calcium. The latter is required by the body to maintain bone density, nail and hair growth.

Contained in grapes of the presented variety and magnesium. The substance allows the body to maintain stable functioning of the digestive system.

Components that are concentrated in the merlot grapes can only cause harm to those consumers whose body has an individual intolerance to this variety.


When grown in dry, hot regions, the fruits produce a bouquet of powerful aromas rich in spicy undertones. When making wine from grapes ripened in such conditions, the alcohol will be more pronounced.

Merlot grapes description
Merlot grapes description

On the contrary, when grapes are grown in a moderately cool climate, floral smells and “green” notes dominate in the finished product. The alcohol plume is less pronounced here.

Quality of wines made from Merlot

Production of products from the presented grape variety looks like a good solution for beginner winemakers. Berry mass, which is used to prepare the basis of wine, is undemanding to aging. Alcoholic product matures faster. Therefore, it is possible to uncork bottles in the early stages of aging. Even so, the wine will be soft in structure, mature in taste.

Due to the large size of the berries and a small percentage of peel in relation to the pulp, the wine from such grapes is characterized by a reduced content of tannins - substances that thicken the liquideffect. Therefore, the finished product has a uniform structure that does not knit your mouth.

"Merlot" is often used to combine with other grape varieties in the manufacture of wines. The use of such juice allows you to soften the structure of alcoholic drinks rich in tannins.

Dignity of the variety

Among the main advantages of the grape variety, it is worth noting the following:

  • the ability to produce inexpensive wine that has a rich taste and rich aroma;
  • relatively fast ripening of berries;
  • plant resistance to drought and high humidity;
  • resistance of shoots and berries to low temperatures;
  • good rooting of seedlings in almost all climatic conditions.
Merlot grape variety description
Merlot grape variety description

In conclusion

Finally, it is worth noting only that the peculiarities of growing Merlot grapes in each region are individual. Individual winemakers have their own secrets of preparing berries for the full disclosure of the taste and aromatic qualities of the finished product. At the same time, the Merlot variety is the most commonly used for the production of wine of the same name, which continues to be in great demand on the international market.
