Do-it-yourself ways to insulate the facade of a house

Do-it-yourself ways to insulate the facade of a house
Do-it-yourself ways to insulate the facade of a house

To reduce the cost of paying utility bills, it is necessary to insulate the facade. You should responsibly approach the choice of materials. The advice of experts will help you purchase suitable thermal insulation and properly mount it with your own hands. Insulation technology will be discussed further.

Why insulate the house outside?

Facade insulation technology involves the use of different materials. They may differ in performance. Today, almost no house can do without additional thermal insulation. It is best to mount the insulation outside the building. This technology has many advantages over the creation of an insulating layer indoors.

Insulation of facades with expanded polystyrene
Insulation of facades with expanded polystyrene

Additional insulation reduces energy consumption. Most of the heat gets out through the walls. Therefore, they need to be insulated. This is especially true in the harsh Russian winter.

Experts say that the cost of buying and installing thermal insulation pays off in just 2-3 years. Payment for energy resources will be in ordersmaller. Save up to 60% on gas or electricity.

Insulation of the facade of the house also prevents the destruction of the walls. They do not freeze, are not exposed to the negative effects of weather conditions. This reduces the risk of dampness and fungus in the room. The use of thermal insulation allows you to extend the life of the building.

There are many different heaters on the building materials market. They differ in a number of characteristics. You can purchase synthetic or mineral varieties of materials. To make the right choice, you need to consider the features of their main varieties.

Technology selection

Insulation of the facade of the house can be done in different ways. Most often create a "wet" or "ventilated" layer of thermal insulation. The first option is more often used when decorating the outer walls of apartments in a multi-storey building. In this case, the selected type of insulation material is fixed on the surface with glue. It is also fixed with special dowels.

Facade insulation with foam plastic
Facade insulation with foam plastic

"Wet" type of insulation of the outer surface of the walls allows you to tightly fix the material on the base. After installing the thermal insulation, a layer of plaster and special facade paint must be applied.

You can create a ventilated facade finish. This method is more suitable for a private house. In this case, a frame is created that is several centimeters away from the surface of the base. Special hinged panels and siding are installed on the frame. Insulation is mounted in the free space of the frame.

There is also another type of insulated construction. This option is more suitable for an old private house. In this case, another wall is built around the old building. It is usually built from bricks. Foam or another type of thermal insulation is blown into the gap. This type of insulation is also suitable for a slag-filled or wooden building.

The choice of method for finishing the facade with thermal insulation depends on the characteristics of the building itself. Also, great attention should be paid to the choice of the variety of materials used.

Styrofoam and Styrofoam

Often, polystyrene foam or polystyrene is used to create high-quality thermal insulation for the exterior walls of a house. These are two synthetic varieties of the material. They have a number of significant differences. Insulation of the facade with foam plastic will cost less. This material should be thick enough to keep the heat from their home out. Therefore, to create a layer of thermal insulation, foam plastic with a thickness of at least 10 cm is used.

Insulation of the facade of the house
Insulation of the facade of the house

Expanded polystyrene is also a polymeric material. However, it differs from polystyrene in the method of manufacture and technical characteristics. This is a more durable material. It can be used even when arranging floor insulation. At the same time, the thermal insulation characteristics of expanded polystyrene are always higher than that of polystyrene.

Insulation of facades with expanded polystyrene or polystyrene foam has a number of significant drawbacks. Synthetic materials melt quickly at high temperatures. At the same time, they release toxic substances into the environment.substances.

It is also worth noting that polystyrene foam and polystyrene foam do not allow moisture and steam to pass through. Therefore, they should only be used for ventilated types of structures. Otherwise, the wall under this material will quickly collapse. It is also worth considering that the service life of such thermal insulation is up to 40 years. However, already after 10 years, polystyrene foam and polystyrene foam lose their properties. They will conduct heat much more strongly.

Mineral wool

One of the best options is to insulate the facade with mineral wool. This material is made from natural ingredients. Therefore, it has high environmental performance. It is absolutely non-flammable material. He has the ability to "breathe". Steam passes through the structure of the fibers without stagnation here. This allows the use of mineral wool for arranging "wet" facades.

Insulation of the facade of the house from the outside
Insulation of the facade of the house from the outside

The thermal insulation qualities of mineral wool are much higher than those of expanded polystyrene or polystyrene. However, it must not get wet. If the cotton wool becomes wet, it will not perform the functions assigned to it. Heat will quickly leave the room. Therefore, inside the system, you need to install a layer of vapor barrier, and outside - waterproofing.

It is also worth noting that mineral wool is inferior to synthetic varieties of materials in terms of strength. Therefore, during installation, a reinforcing mesh must be installed on it.

Mineral wool has a long service life. For wooden facades, it is the preferred type.materials, as it complies with fire safety requirements. Also presented insulation can act as a good sound insulation. For facade insulation, it is recommended to use bas alt or glass wool.

Expert Tips

Insulation of the facade with mineral wool is recommended if there is a wooden facade. In this case, the finish will comply with all fire safety standards and requirements. Mineral wool will keep the heat inside the house.

To install mineral wool on the surface, a special adhesive solution is purchased. You need to properly prepare the surface. Dowels are used to strengthen the fixation. Experts advise to purchase special mounting material. In this case, it will be possible to avoid the appearance of cold bridges. Dowels must be made of plastic. Metal hangers, self-tapping screws are not suitable in this case.

Facade insulation technology
Facade insulation technology

If the house has brick or concrete walls, you can insulate the facade with foam plastic or polystyrene foam. In this case, it is better to create a ventilated type of facade. It will be necessary to install the frame, and fix the thermal insulation sheets on it. You can also create a "wet" facade. In this case, you will need to purchase not only finishing plaster, but also a reinforcing mesh.

The presence of a layer of air between the house and the structure with insulation increases the thermal insulation properties of the facade. It will serve as a barrier between the cold outside air and the wall of the house. The ventilated facade is moredurable construction.

Preparing the base

Insulation of facades with cotton wool or polystyrene foam requires preliminary preparation of the base. Otherwise, the installed thermal insulation layer will not be durable and functional.

From the base you need to remove all foreign objects, protrusions. These include ventilation grilles, gutters, air conditioning units. You also need to remove window sills, lanterns or lamps and other decorative or functional elements. If communications pass along the facade, they must also be dismantled.

Thermal insulation of the facade with mineral wool
Thermal insulation of the facade with mineral wool

In some houses, various decorative elements are made on the walls. They can be near the eaves or windows. They should also be removed. Nothing should interfere with subsequent work.

Old plaster is tested for durability. To do this, it needs to be tapped. If there are weak spots, you need to completely remove the layer of the old coating. With the help of plumb lines, the building level determines the surface irregularities. Defects should be marked with chalk on the wall surface.

If there is old paint on the walls (especially oil paint), you need to remove it. This material is characterized by poor adhesion and vapor permeability. You also need to remove the fungus if it develops on the surface of the wall. To do this, the affected area is carefully rubbed with sandpaper. Then the surface is treated with a special antiseptic. When the time specified by the manufacturer has passed, the wall is washed with water.

If there are large cracks, other defects, they need to be primed and repaired with putty.

Plinth profile

Insulation of the facade of the house from the outside requires the installation of a basement profile. To do this, you need to find the extreme point of the surface on which the thermal insulation will be mounted. This mark should be transferred using the building level to all internal and external corners of the facade. They need to be connected with a cord. The thread must be covered with chalk. It is pulled and released to create a straight line.

The base profile is attached to the created mark. It is on it that the thermal insulation will be based after installation. If the glue is not yet dry, the plates of the lower layer will become movable. The profile must match the width of the selected insulation. It is fixed to the base with dowels (length - 6 mm). They need to be installed in increments of 30-35 cm. Connecting, end elements made of plastic must be mounted between the sections of the slats. This allows you to compensate for the thermal expansion of the material.

External window sills must be installed before the thermal insulation layer is installed. They need to be fixed on the window. The window sill should protrude forward a few centimeters. This value is determined in accordance with the thickness of the insulation.

Next, you need to insulate the window from the outside. The corresponding material is fixed at the bottom of the structure. You also need to insulate the slopes. The material should protrude forward a few centimeters compared to the level of the wall. Only after the appropriate finishing of the window, you can proceed with the installation of thermal insulation.

Glue boards

Insulation of facades from the outside involves applying glue to the plate of the selected material. If the surfacecharacterized by the presence of irregularities up to 15 mm, it is necessary to apply a layer of a pre-prepared composition along the perimeter of the thermal insulation. It should be 20 mm. Several beacons must also be applied to the center of the plate. It should be noted that the adhesive must cover the surface of the insulation by at least 60%.

Flammability of the material
Flammability of the material

Installation starts from the bottom of the wall. Here the base profile is fixed. Thermal insulation sheets are installed on it. If the wall is uneven, the adhesive composition is also applied to it. When the first layer is mounted, the top row is laid with an offset. It looks like brickwork. This way of installing the plates increases the strength.

Protruded glue must be removed immediately. To do this, use a rag. During installation, the position of the plates is controlled using the building level. Sheets should be tightly pressed against each other. Between them there should not be a space of more than 2 mm. Glue must not get into the joints.

If, after installation, a large distance is determined between the plates, it must be blown out with mounting foam.

Additional fixation

Additional fixation requires insulation of the facade. The plaster will mask the installation sites of the dowels. They begin to be hammered into the material 3 days after gluing the plates. Otherwise, the material may peel off. To fix the thermal insulation, special fungi are used. This dowel has a plastic cap in the form of a circle. This hardware has a plastic sleeve. A nail is driven into it. It can also be made of plastic or metal. Better choosefirst type of nail. Plastic rods prevent cold bridging.

Fixation with dowels is carried out in the center and at the corners of the plate. In total, 6 to 8 clamps will need to be installed per 1 m². Dowels are installed near window and door slopes more often at a distance of 20 cm from the edge.

Insulation of the facade in this way will require the use of a perforator. With the help of this equipment, holes are drilled in the surface of the walls with insulation. The diameter must correspond to the dimensions of the fasteners. The depth of the holes must be 10 mm greater than the rod. Otherwise, the debris that accumulates in the channel during drilling will not allow the dowel to be driven tightly into it.

Clamps are hammered in with a rubber mallet. The hat should be at the level of the insulation. It cannot protrude more than 1 mm above the surface.

Finishing installation

Insulation of the facade requires the creation of an additional reinforcing layer. The corners near the window and door openings are pasted over with patches of this material. This will prevent cracking of the finish. This is especially true for the inside corners of windows and doors.

All protruding corners must be reinforced with perforated corners. They are produced with strips of plastic mesh installed inside. Glue is applied to the profile, and then it is pressed against the surface of the insulation. The exposed composition must be evenly distributed over the surface. After that, you can fix the reinforcing mesh on the base.

This material is superimposed on a layer of adhesive 2 mm thick. The grid must be pressed into it,and then smooth from the middle to the edges. The glue is also leveled. After that, decorative work is carried out when the composition dries.

Having considered the features of choosing and creating facade insulation, you can do this work yourself. Its quality will be no worse than that of professional craftsmen.
