Grapes are one of the most beautiful gifts that nature has given to man. The berries of this plant are very juicy and sweet. Grapes are considered one of the most valuable food products, as they contain a large amount of vitamins and nutrients that have a beneficial effect on the human body. In addition, many people know that this particular product is an indispensable raw material, with the help of which excellent wines are made with unique taste qualities. There are many varieties of grapes today. One of the most popular among gardeners is Anyuta grapes.
Variety description

Anyuta grapes are hybrid. This form was obtained by crossing varieties Kishmish radiant and Talisman.
The ripening period for these berries is average. From the moment the first buds bloom to reach technical ripeness, it takes from 140 to 145 days. Most of all, this variety is common in Moldova. In this country, it fully matures by mid-September.
The shoots of the plant havegreat growth force. The vine ripens high (at least two-thirds of the growth). Very good rooting cuttings. Anyuta is a grape variety whose flowers are bisexual. In a normal familiar climate, it begins to bloom in June, closer to the middle. Good pollination.
Appearance of berries

The clusters of this grape variety are large, branched or conical. Their density is average, and the mass can reach from 0.7 to 2 kilograms.
Anyuta grapes (the photo is presented in the article) has one-dimensional pink berries and an ovoid elongated shape. They are quite large, their weight reaches 12-14 grams, and the size is 2.5x3.2 centimeters. The peel of the fruit is not too thick and is not felt at all when eating them. The pulp has a varietal pleasant taste. Density is average. This variety is also distinguished by high and regular yields. One plant can bring its owner six or more kilograms of product.
A characteristic feature of this variety is the beautiful appearance of the grapes and the excellent taste of the berries.
Characteristics of the variety
Each grape variety has its own characteristics, which are measured in certain units. Here is how experts characterize Anyuta grapes.
The resistance of the variety against diseases such as gray rot and oidium is estimated at five to seven points, against mildew - at five points. It has excellent frost resistance. In the eye, his kidney is able to withstand frost down to -23 ° C. Pruning a fruit-bearing vine iseight to ten eyes and is considered long. The load level of the variety with shoots is from 22 to 24 (the feeding area in this case is from 4 to 6 square meters), and with eyes - from 30 to 35.
Cultivation of grapes by cuttings

Of course, growing and caring for grapes is hard enough. However, despite this, gardeners are happy to engage in such plantings and consistently receive excellent and plentiful harvests. Anyuta grapes can be propagated in several ways: using layering, cuttings, grafting and seeds.
The most popular and easiest method of propagation is, of course, cuttings. Harvest parts of an annual high-yielding vine at the time of pruning, before the plant takes cover for the winter. To do this, you need to take the lower or middle parts of the shoots, which have well-formed eyes. After that, all foliage and tops are removed from the cuttings. The blanks must be divided into several segments of 30-40 centimeters long. Prepared cuttings must be protected from the harmful effects of the environment, especially from mold. To do this, they must be kept for 2-3 hours in a five percent solution of iron sulfate, and then tied into bundles. Store them in cool rooms (temperature should not exceed 5 ° C). For best preservation, wrap all bundles (wet burlap is used), place in a plastic bag and tie tightly.
At the end of winter (January-February), the cuttings should be laid in wet coniferous sawdust. After about 21 days, the first roots will appear. Then the cuttings are planted in containers filled with a mixture of sand, compost and peat (in equal proportions) and put on the window. Planted in open ground in May.