Venus hair flower: photo, home care

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Venus hair flower: photo, home care
Venus hair flower: photo, home care

Video: Venus hair flower: photo, home care

Video: Venus hair flower: photo, home care
Video: Let’s feed the Venus fly trap #venusflytrap #carnivorousplants #plantfood #plantlover 2025, January

Absolutely all representatives of the fern family, without exception, are distinguished by their unusual, sophisticated beauty. But the most graceful and gentle of them is the maidenhair (Venus hair).

It is no coincidence that this very fragile plant is compared to the beautiful hair of the goddess of love. Its green, delicate and very lush foliage, which rests on elastic and thin petioles, sways beautifully with even a slight movement of air.

After reading the article, you can find out more information about the venus hair plant: home care, cultivation features.

Adiantum capillus venera
Adiantum capillus venera

General information

Caring for the maidenhair plant requires the same patience and diligence as hair care. In the process of growing at home, it is nourished, moisturized, cut and washed.

It should be noted that this variety of fern, in comparison with other indoor plants, has an important advantage - when grown indoors, it does not need muchthe amount of light. The flower feels great both in partial shade and in the shade. Proper care of this plant will allow you to enjoy the patterned and juicy greenery that adorns even the dark corners of the house for many years. There are many beautiful indoor plants. Venus hair is the most delicate and elegant among them.

Its name comes from the Greek a diant, which means "not wet". This is due to the fact that the surface of the leaves of the plant is as if covered with a film - water does not linger on them, it immediately drains.

Venus hair in the crevices of the rocks
Venus hair in the crevices of the rocks

A bit of history

More than 200 years ago, the Venus hair flower (photo presented in the article) settled in a person's home. Flower growers immediately appreciated the elegance of openwork leaves (their name is fronds). In those days, this plant, tender and sensitive to air quality, could not adapt in simple huts with stove heating. Adiantum and other types of ferns were grown only in winter gardens and greenhouses of we althy families.

Central heating has improved the quality of the atmosphere in the apartments, so these flowers began to decorate the premises of various houses. However, even here it was not without problems: the dry air of apartments with central heating negatively affected the he alth of the fern. Today, there are many ways to create the humidity necessary for a plant, so a wonderful maidenhair is bred at home without much hassle.

Growing places

Venus hair flower is the brightest representative of a large and beautiful family of ferns. Places ithabitats in the wild - the lower tiers of mountain forests (tropical and subtropical). However, today the maidenhair has adapted to a mild temperate climate. It also tolerates light frosts, but in severe colds, its aerial part dies off.

Growing in mountainous areas
Growing in mountainous areas

The plant grows in the Crimea, the North Caucasus, Central Asia, the Mediterranean, Europe, the mountains of Africa and America. Adiantum prefers mountainous terrain, wet and shady places to a greater extent. It can also grow on rocky soil. Settles at waterfalls, on river banks and in rock crevices.

Favorite place - limestone soil near a source of moisture.


In total, there are approximately 2000 ferns in nature. Adiantum is recognized as the most refined. Some varieties of it fell in love with flower growers for their original foliage. But the most popular among them is the maidenhair venus hair (detailed description below).

  1. Adiantum large-leaved originally from America. It has pointed leaves (length - 30-50 cm) with an unusual color. Young plants are reddish-pink but turn green over time.
  2. Adiantum stopovidny (pedatum) is the most cold-resistant fern. On flexible petioles of dark color (length - about 60 cm), small leaves are arranged in an umbrella, dissected on one side.
  3. Adiantum pedatum
    Adiantum pedatum
  4. Adiantum finely pubescent (hispidulum) grows in the highlands of India, Africa and Australia. Small diamond-shaped leaves, pubescent along the edges,located on brown petioles (length - 35 cm).
  5. Tender maidenhair (tenerum) is a very ornamental plant. Found in the American tropics and the Antilles. Delicate feathery leaves are located on black petioles (length - 30 cm).
  6. Adiantum kidney-shaped (reniforme) is the most unusual variety in the family. On its long flexible petioles are semicircular leaves similar in shape to a horseshoe. The variety is widespread in the wild in the Canaries.
  7. adiantum reniforme
    adiantum reniforme

Description of maidenhair

Venus hair (see photo in the article) is a perennial herbaceous fern with a thin and curved rhizome, covered with brownish-black scales on the outside. Leaves are alternate and opposite. Petioles (length - 25 cm) are shiny, dark, covered with scales at the base.

Leaves are small, green, may be tinged with grey. The plates are quite wide, smooth, dissected. There are trapezoidal, wedge-shaped and obovate shapes, located on the petiole in the form of a fan.

Among the adiantums there are species cultivated in open ground. For example, the stop-shaped one presented above. In the rooms, mainly venus hair is grown. However, to be fair, varieties such as Ruddy's maidenhair, transparent and tender, are also good for growing indoors.

Leaves of the plant venus hair
Leaves of the plant venus hair

Growing conditions

A representative of this species grows well in partial shade, so the best place for itis the north or east side of the room (place at the back of the room or window sill).

  1. The plant does not tolerate completely enclosed spaces, as it always needs fresh air.
  2. Does not like drafts. With them, the flower may die.
  3. Dust should not be allowed to accumulate in the room. Regularly clean with a damp cloth and ventilate the room more often.

In addition, this flower is adversely affected by the content of any harmful substances in the air. For example, he does not even tolerate tobacco smoke, and the place of growth in the kitchen negatively affects him. The optimal room temperature for adiantum is no more than +22 degrees Celsius in summer and no lower than +15 in winter.

Venus hair in the house
Venus hair in the house

Soil requirements

The root of the plant has a superficial location, so a wide and shallow pot can be used for growing. The drainage layer should be thick enough. Ready-made soil for ferns can be purchased at the store, only you need to add a little chopped sphagnum moss and charcoal to it. The soil for a home flower of venus hair is nutritious, slightly acidic and porous. It should dry quickly and absorb water well.

Approximate composition of substrates:

  1. Added to 2 parts of peat land, one part of humus and leafy soil, as well as 1/2 part of sand.
  2. Mix leafy soil and peat (3 parts each), 2 parts of soddy land, humus and sand (1 part each);
  3. Mixed leaf ground (3parts) with peat soil (2 parts), with humus and coarse sand (one part each);
  4. Equal shares of peat, coarse sand and sod land are mixed;
  5. Pine bark, coconut fiber, leaf earth and humus are mixed in equal parts.


Venus hair, like other varieties, requires some care.

  1. The plant does not tolerate any movement very well, so the pot should always stand in one place.
  2. To improve the condition of the plant in summer, it must be actively (daily) sprayed with warm water.
  3. In winter, the plant does not need water procedures, as they can have a detrimental effect on its development.
  4. In the spring-summer period, it is advisable to carry out planned feeding with liquid fertilizers (reduce the concentration indicated in the instructions by 2 times). This should be done no more than 1 time in 3 weeks. Feeding is not needed in winter.

Venus hair is a flower, the care of which includes pruning of affected and yellowed leaves. This must be done in the spring - to give the plant neatness. This process also stimulates the emergence of new, young leaves. After removing the old greenery, the plant should be well watered and sprayed.


The main rule of watering is moderation and regularity. The plant has a negative attitude to both waterlogging and overdrying. Therefore, it should be watered a little and often. In spring and summer - three times a week, in autumn - less often, and in winter - once every 7-10 days. Make sure that the top layersoil between waterings dried out.

It should be remembered that venus hair does not tolerate chlorinated water. It is best to use settled and filtered.

plant care
plant care

Resting period

The time of rest in the maidenhair, like in all varieties of ferns, is not as pronounced as in other flowering plants. Its dormant period is from November to March, when growth only slows down. There are no special activities during this time. Simply remove the pot from heating appliances, provide high humidity and diffused light, and protect from drafts.

Irrigation should also be reduced (more on this in the article above).

Interesting facts

There are references to this flower in the writings of Pliny the Elder (ancient Roman writer). It says that the healers of those times, noticing the similarity of the foliage of the plant with curls, began to recommend it as a remedy for hair.

In the Caucasus, even today, some peoples rinse their hair with infusions of the hair venus plant. They believe that thanks to him, the hair shines. A decoction of the leaves of this flower is used in China in the treatment of tobacco and alcohol addiction.

The maidenhair itself, as noted above, does not tolerate tobacco or any other smoke.


There are several legends about the origin of the plant. One of them says that at the place where a young beautiful girl fell from a cliff, a waterfall broke through. Her hair turned into a fern.

According to another legend, the goddess of loveVenus, cutting off her hair, dropped a small strand from which a maidenhair grew. Hence its name.

There are many different beliefs about the flowering of the fern. Our ancestors believed that the fern blooms in a magical way: on the eve of the summer solstice (Ivan Kupala holiday), a fiery flower sprouts, so bright that it is impossible to even look at it. And it only blooms for a few seconds. The fire flower is then torn off by an invisible force. But the person who plucked it earlier can gain power over everything. Ancestors could not understand how this plant reproduces. Therefore, similar legends about a fern with mysterious powers were born then.

However, science was able to debunk the mysteries of the fern. Absolutely all adiantums never bloom. Nature has provided a mechanism for reproduction by spores for them. They are formed in this plant from spring to autumn (along the edge of the leaves or at their tips, in sori). They acquire a brownish color as they mature. The spores are very small, like dust.

In conclusion

Creating the most suitable conditions for the venus hair plant, indulging all its whims and habits, you can get wonderful emerald green patterned fronds.

This plant will decorate any corner of the house. It is even surprising that such a delicate flower is content even with partial shade in the back of the room. The maidenhair looks great both on the windowsill, and in a hanging planter, and on a stand.
