Transmission and distribution of electricity is carried out through power lines, which can be of two types: overhead and cable. The former are installed on supports, while the latter are laid along cable structures or in the ground. This set of measures allows for reliable communication between power plants, transformer substations and consumers.
The design, design and installation of electric poles is regulated by relevant regulatory documents, such as GOST and PUE. The installation of power transmission towers is carried out according to special technological maps indicating the number of workers, the scope of work and the required technical devices, and also has a strict sequence. The support is a structure that holds the systems of insulators and cables. Therefore, before direct installation, several steps must be completed:
1. Route marking. At the design stageit is determined where each electric pole will be installed, their total number and type. In addition, the distance between the supports is indicated.
2. Well development. The installation team goes to the site and drills the required number of wells in certain places. At this stage, the participation of specialized equipment is required.

3. Each electric pole is installed, its base is securely fixed. Poles are being leveled and checked for defects and damage.
4. Fastening of insulators and suspension of cables. The final stage of laying power lines should be carried out only with the permission of relevant organizations and carried out exclusively by qualified specialists with the required level of clearance.
The installation process implies unconditional compliance with all the rules and requirements that are determined by the project and regulatory documentation.
Classification of transmission towers:
1. Wooden. They are considered the cheapest and easiest way to lay an electrical network. Such structures are characterized by relatively low weight and increased elasticity, which, in turn, allows you to install an electric pole in conditions of significant wind loads. The service life of wooden poles is 40-45 years (due to the fact that this material is subject to decay processes and has a low level of strength).
2. Metal. These structures are able to withstand difficult weather conditions and the impact of significantloads. The undoubted advantage of such supports is also the possibility of their assembly from several parts, which sufficiently simplifies transportation and allows assembly work to be carried out directly at the installation site.

3. Reinforced concrete. An electric pole made of this material is characterized by high strength, corrosion resistance, reliable and long-term operation (more than 50 years) even in the most adverse climatic conditions. This has resulted in widespread use of these supports.
Install an electric pole: issue price
The cost of this set of measures includes not only the price of the support itself, but also payment for the delivery and labor of assembly workers, and in some cases, the dismantling of old structures. In addition, the material from which the support is made should be taken into account.