Great pleasure when a person makes something with his own hands. Wooden objects, dishes and even clothes. But all this is impossible to create without the help of modern technology. This is especially true for sewing.
And here modern sewing machines come to the rescue of skillful hands. Many people remember the old grandmother's typewriters, which started working only when someone turned the handle with their hand. Many will agree that this was quite inconvenient, as one hand had to turn the handle, and the other to hold and turn the fabric.
But humanity stepped forward, and the familiar electric sewing machines appeared, which made life easier for sewing lovers. This article will introduce readers to one of these machines.

The heroine of this material will be the sewing machine Janome 603 DC. The price of this equipment, the main points of its instruction manual will be considered in detail. The Janome 603 DC sewing machine, reviews of which will also be discussed at the end of the article, has a number of interesting characteristics.
Sewing machine price
So, the Janome 603 DC sewing machine has become the heroine of this article. The review will begin with a consideration of the price of this technique. In order to please yourself with the device of this particular manufacturer, you need to pay a fairly significant amount of money. In many stores, the initial price of the Janome 603 DC is 14,500 rubles. Not a small amount.

And the maximum price is even higher - 22,000 rubles! And you need to believe that for this manufacturer this price is far from the ceiling. Another model, called Janome 608 QDC, has a price tag of 23,500 rubles, which is one and a half thousand rubles more expensive than the one under consideration. But is this "miracle assistant" worth the money? Or does the Janome 603 DC sewing machine not justify such material costs? To answer this question, you need to refer to the characteristics of this model.
Sewing machine review
From now on, a detailed review of all the characteristics and external data of the Janome 603 DC sewing machine will begin. This is a great way to understand if a given model is value for money or not. And it’s worth starting with the technical characteristics.
Janome 603 DC: machine specifications
Beginning to talk about what characteristics this car has, it is worth saying who exactly this model will suit. The Janome 603 DC machine is perfect for beginners who are just trying their hand at this type of activity. Also, this device will be great for those people who love simple, not "confusing" technology.

And now about the characteristics. Raising the so-called pawis done manually, although on machines from other manufacturers for a much lower price this function is performed automatically. Turning off the needle bar is played back automatically. In addition, the machine is equipped with a needle threader, automatic thread tensioning and trimming. Buttonholes are sewn automatically, in addition, the machine is capable of making seven such loops. The so-called maximum stitch length is five millimeters, and the maximum stitch length is seven millimeters.
Janome 603 DC has a horizontal hook. By the way, I must say that this is an innovation in sewing machines. Previously, a vertical shuttle was installed on such devices. It was not very comfortable to use and caused quite a lot of trouble in case the thread got tangled.
And the most important thing is the power of the Janome 603 DC. It is equal to 35 watts. There is also the possibility of sewing without a pedal. This once again shows that this model is perfect for any novice user.
Sewing machine set
What does the buyer get for such a rather big amount of money? First, the manufacturer gives a one-year warranty on their products. To be honest, not enough. I wanted at least three years, like most manufacturers. By the way, this sewing machine is produced in Taiwan.
So, in addition to the equipment itself and the instruction manual, the set comes with a convenient soft case. The fabric is quite strong, in fact, after washing it should not tear. Of course, it is unlikely to save the device from mechanical influences, but from dustand dirt protection will be fine.

A huge, just a huge number of different legs comes with the Janome 603 DC. This is a zipper foot, a transparent foot, an overlock foot and many other options that are sure to come in handy in sewing. In addition, the kit includes a bobbin, a brush for cleaning dust, a screwdriver for a typewriter in case of some small repairs.
The result of the above is this: in addition to the technique itself, the buyer receives a huge package, which includes all the necessary items for convenient and high-quality sewing. In addition, the kit comes with all the necessary things for storing and caring for the machine.
Appearance of the tested sewing machine
About the equipment is told, about the characteristics too. Now it's time to touch on the appearance of this model. What is a sewing machine anyway? In fact, it is no different in external data from other electric machines. The color palette that the manufacturer offers to its customers is limited to just one white color. On the side of the sewing machine, you can see a small display. It shows the user which function and which mode is currently enabled.

Besides, there is a lot of other information here that will be useful to the user. Next to the screen there are control buttons for equipment. There is a button for turning on and off, as well as raising and lowering the needle, thread trimming and a twin needle. At the bottom of the sewing machine isa small compartment for accessories, it is quite convenient, because nothing will be lost and everything is always at hand. This compartment opens quite easily. Just pull slightly towards you and the lid will open.
The top of the sewing machine has a fairly comfortable carrying handle. It can be lowered and raised at the right time. Also, along with the machine comes a rather miniature pedal. Its convenience is not only in its small size, but also in the possibility, if necessary, to disconnect it from the device. This also applies to the power cord. It can be disconnected from the machine and neatly wound so that it can be conveniently stored. The connectors for the power cord and the pedal are located side by side on the back. There is also a power off button. In fact, this is all that can be said about the appearance of the Janome 603 DC. In general, the impression is positive. Everything is located conveniently and close to each other.
Janome 603 DC manual
Getting acquainted with this model of a sewing machine, it becomes clear that it will be quite difficult to work with it without reading the instruction manual for the device and, most importantly, to understand the principle of operation. I was very pleased with the instructions in terms of information content. Not only is everything described in sufficient detail, it is also shown graphically. This greatly facilitates the understanding of the process of working with this technique. There are various tables, work patterns, as well as sewing tips. In a word, a lot of useful things that will definitely come in handy for a person with absolutely any experience in this needlework.
In fact, what else should be written in the instruction manualsewing machine? Probably nothing more. At the end of this manual, there is a rather large table of faults that the user himself can fix. The table has three columns. The first column lists the fault itself, the second column lists the cause of the fault, and the third column contains instruction pages detailing how to solve the fault.
Positive feedback about the typewriter
Janome 603 DC has quite a lot of opinions about itself. Reviews are both positive and negative. It's worth starting with the positive. Most users praise the informative display and the weight of the machine itself. It works smartly and quietly, which is the most important thing. A huge number of programs, as well as no need for lubrication.

Many users have been using this machine for more than three years. No complaints about the build quality or any breakdowns during this time have been identified. Absolutely all buyers praise their purchase. And they advise their friends, relatives and readers of reviews to buy this model.
Negative feedback about the typewriter
There are quite a few negative reviews. Yes, and they are connected with a trifle. For example, not everyone liked the compartment for accessories. Many have adapted another, more convenient box for this. Another disadvantage is that the spool holder is tilted, which causes the spool to jump off frequently when the machine is operated quickly.
Another drawback is the lack of memory in the machine. That is, when you turn on the Janome 603 DC again, everythingreconfigure, which is not convenient. But users have long found a solution to this problem. They just kept a small notebook for themselves, where they write down all the necessary information.
Although the price of the Janome 603 DC is quite high, it is worth the money. Huge functionality, as well as rich equipment make this machine an indispensable assistant in sewing, even for a completely inexperienced person in this matter. Small size, quiet operation and quality!

The most important thing is that the quality of the assembly and the model itself as a whole makes this technique worthy of the attention of absolutely any buyer. These aspects indicate that when choosing a sewing machine, the Janome 603 DC machine must be taken into account.