Flowers spathiphyllum - "women's happiness"

Flowers spathiphyllum - "women's happiness"
Flowers spathiphyllum - "women's happiness"

Spathiphyllum is a perennial indoor plant, a member of the aroid family. This flower with beautiful dark green leaves, which produces a gorgeous white inflorescence when blooming, will truly become your favorite.

spathiphyllum flowers
spathiphyllum flowers

Spathiphyllum flowers are quite unpretentious, the most important thing is to put them in the right place, avoiding direct sunlight. When exposed to the sun, burns will form on the leaves. A very shaded place for a spathiphyllum will also be unacceptable, it needs a fairly bright diffused light.

Indoor plant requires a sufficiently high humidity. Therefore, frequent spraying, a shower from time to time, a pallet in which wet sand is poured will only benefit him. With insufficient moisture, the tips of the leaves of the spathiphyllum begin to dry out. During flowering, the plant should be sprayed with extreme caution, not allowing water to fall on the blooming flower.

indoor flower spathiphyllum photo
indoor flower spathiphyllum photo

Indoor spathiphyllum flower (photo attached) needs to be watered very sparingly. Both excessive drying of the earth in a pot and waterlogging should not be allowed, theseactions extremely adversely affect the development of the plant and can even lead to its death. In winter, water less often than in spring and summer. If watering is insufficient, this can be determined by the leaves of the plant: they have a drooping appearance.

Spathiphyllum flowers are usually transplanted when the roots completely fill the entire volume of the pot. The plant is very sensitive to root damage, so it should be transplanted as carefully as possible. You should not plant a flower immediately in a much larger container, otherwise it will throw all its strength into the development of the root system and simply stop blooming. The best time to transplant is spring.

From the beginning of spring to the end of the growing season, spathiphyllum must be actively fed with mineral fertilizers without lime. With an excess of fertilizer, brown spots begin to appear on the tips of the leaves of the plant.

Spathiphyllum flowers are most often propagated by dividing the bush, cuttings can be used. But usually the plant gives additional bushes of 2-3 leaves, which are very good to transplant in the spring. When propagated by cuttings, they are usually rooted using wet sand.

why does spathiphyllum have green flowers
why does spathiphyllum have green flowers

Difficulties in growing

Question: "Why does the flower have brown leaf edges?"Answer: "If there is insufficient air humidity or insufficient watering, the tips of the leaves begin to dry out. Just increase the watering and spray more often."

Question: "Why does Spathiphyllum have green flowers?"Answer: "It's perfectly normala phenomenon when the flowers of a plant begin to fade, they turn greenish, then dry up and fall off."

Question: "Why does the spathiphyllum not bloom?"Answer: "The main reason for non-flowering is too large a pot for the plant. Spathiphyllum flowers bloom when the container is filled with roots, in other cases (with an excess of free space) all the power of the flower is directed to the development of the root system. Just transplant the plant into a smaller pot and create favorable conditions for it."
