Vertical heating batteries: description and reviews

Vertical heating batteries: description and reviews
Vertical heating batteries: description and reviews

Designing interiors, modern designers think through every little thing. However, traditional heaters, which look bulky and are painted white, cannot decorate the room. Manufacturers offer decorative overlays for sale, as well as perforated panels, but their disadvantage is that the heat transfer of devices is reduced.

Not so long ago, a functional novelty with an attractive design appeared on the heating equipment market. We are talking about vertical heating radiators.

Description of cast iron vertical batteries

radiators vertical
radiators vertical

Vertical heating batteries are also called high, and there is no way to install them in the traditional way, because the window opening simply does not fit such a device. Devices differ according to the material of manufacture. Among others, you can find cast-iron radiators on sale, which have many advantages, namely:

  • high heat transfer coefficient;
  • no restrictions on the acidity of the coolant;
  • ability to endure high system pressure;
  • high corrosion resistance;
  • average cost.

However, these devices have a lot of weight and thermal inertia. For their installation, sufficiently strong fasteners and appropriate strapping are required. It is not possible to install thermostats on this equipment.

Description of aluminum vertical radiators

vertical radiators
vertical radiators

If you are interested in vertical wall radiators, then you can pay attention to their aluminum variety, which is a low-temperature device. This indicates that the level of heat transfer to the room is provided due to the impressive area of \u200b\u200bthe device itself. At the same time, it is possible to maintain a stable temperature within +22 °С, but the coolant temperature should vary from 60 to 70 °С.

The advantages are low inertia, low weight, the use of steel nipples when connecting sections. The last factor makes it easy to replace damaged parts.

Disadvantages of aluminum appliances

vertical radiators photo
vertical radiators photo

However, such devices also have disadvantages, they are high cost, a limitation on the pH of the coolant, which must be equal to or greater than 7, and the need to use an automatic valve to reset. It is impossible not to single out another feature, which is to limit the working pressure in the system. This parameter should not be more than 10 atmospheres.

Description of steel vertical batteries

radiators vertical high
radiators vertical high

Vertical radiators are also made of steel. Models can be tubular or wall-mounted, and the steel at the base has a thickness reaching 1.5 mm. The parts are welded together by laser or standard welding, and the recesses on the surface of the products are the connecting channels, which are known as manifolds.

The outer surface of these structures is covered with enamel and heat-resistant varnishes. If you want to get a higher heat transfer, then you should prefer panel radiators, because they are supplemented by an automatic thermostat and can withstand pressure up to 10 atmospheres. Vertical steel radiators also have one more significant disadvantage, which is expressed in susceptibility to water hammer. Therefore, you should not allow the likelihood of a lack of water in the system for more than 2 weeks. Such batteries are used most often for central heating systems.

Tubular vertical radiator reviews

vertical wall radiators
vertical wall radiators

Such batteries are the most progressive today, which is why they are so good for implementing design ideas. According to buyers, similar devices of any shape can be found on sale, but they will have less impressive heat dissipation.

Consumers emphasize that such heating devices have leak-prone areas that are located at the welding points. You can use the devices for individual heating systems. And the owners of private houses saythat they try to choose appliances that have polymer paint on the inside, as this reduces the risk of corrosion.

Description of bimetallic vertical batteries

vertical radiators in tver
vertical radiators in tver

You can choose vertical bimetallic radiators based on aluminum and steel, which allows you to use the advantages of devices with the greatest efficiency. The steel is used to make a core that will be in contact with the coolant.

But aluminum is used to form joints and the outer shell. Such devices can become part of the central heating system. And if you look at the technical data sheet, you can make sure that bimetallic radiators are able to withstand pressures up to 40 atmospheres. Such vertical heating batteries have several additional advantages, such as:

  • high corrosion resistance;
  • inertness to the level of acidity of water in the system;
  • light weight.

Reviews on vertical radiators in terms of connection type

Chinese vertical radiators
Chinese vertical radiators

When choosing vertical batteries, you should pay attention to their classification. Devices are divided into: smooth, ribbed, sectional, tubular and linear. However, it is also important to consider the type of connection, which can be bottom, side and diagonal. According to buyers, the first type of radiators is the most expensive, but often found. with bottom typeconnection, installing a vertical radiator will be quite simple, however, the pipes are installed inside the wall, they can also be laid in a decorative box.

Home masters note that the side connection cannot be called effective, because the coolant in this case can remain inside the radiator even during the warm period, which negatively affects the quality of the device. When choosing vertical heating batteries, the photos of which are presented in the article, you can also pay attention to those that involve a diagonal connection. According to consumers, it is the most efficient, while the entrance will be located on top, and the exit - below. The dimensions of the appliances do not have limited standards, and the height can reach 6 m with a width of up to 3 m. If you want to increase the efficiency of the heating system, then, according to buyers, it is best to choose two- or three-layer designs.

Positive feedback on vertical heaters

Vertical high heating batteries are gaining popularity quite rapidly, this is due to many factors. Among them, consumers distinguish:

  • huge selection of designs and colors;
  • relatively compact;
  • wide range of fasteners;
  • easy installation;
  • large heat transfer area.

You can buy such devices not only in the store, but also from private manufacturers who make custom-made devices in the form of mirror panels, tubular eights and other intricate elements. Buyersnote that this fact is the most significant criterion when choosing high radiators.

If you want to decorate the premises of your apartment, which has a rather limited area, but want to resort to modern design solutions, then vertical heaters will be your best choice, because they will not take up space at the bottom of the room, but for panoramic glazing and at all will be the only true way out. If desired, vertical radiators in Tver can be purchased for 8700 rubles. In this case, we are talking about a tubular radiator. But such an affordable cost is not the only advantage. Plus, consumers also consider the possibility of choosing different wall materials for installing batteries. You can mount the radiator on brick, cement, concrete, etc. Installation will be quite easy, and additional skills, tools and knowledge will not be required, which will save money.


Before starting repairs, you can purchase vertical radiators in Russia. Their prices are quite impressive. For example, you will have to pay 11,300 rubles for a device from the manufacturer Vertical, while a Tinos V radiator will cost 44,300 rubles. Indi products are similar in price to the above model. In the latter case, you will have to pay 39,900 rubles for batteries.

Chinese vertical radiators, as practice shows, are somewhat cheaper. For one of these models, which is based on duralumin, you will have to pay 16,000 rubles. The connection will be lateral. But for the Paros V model from the manufacturer PURMOsuppliers request 22,500 rubles

Negative reviews

If you choose vertical radiators, 150 mm is a parameter that can mean center distance. However, this characteristic does not affect performance too much. It is much more important to know that when working in such devices, most of the air goes under the ceiling, so consumers recommend installing them closer to the floor, which can not always be called a positive advantage.

Customers like the design ideas embodied in vertical heating devices, but they negatively affect the cost of the product itself and components. The price is much higher compared to similar skirting boards or horizontal devices. But for models from a serial collection or custom options, the cost will be even higher. To purchase designer radiators, you will have to pay an amount that is 8 times higher than the price of a conventional horizontal battery. Customers also don't like the diagonal connection with external pipes, which does not look so attractive, so experts recommend hiding the pipes inside the wall, but this will cause additional costs.


If you decide to choose vertical radiators for arranging the heating system of your house or apartment, then you need to take into account their main feature, which is their impressive weight compared to other types. That is why high radiators are installed on a load-bearing wall, and are located near the riser. Do not choose toas a wall for mounting a partition, which are made of plasterboard, chipboard and MDF, because they simply cannot withstand the weight of the structure.
