Facade painting - reliable protection of the building

Facade painting - reliable protection of the building
Facade painting - reliable protection of the building

Painting building facades is a very responsible job, because the facade is the face of the building. The quality of the surface of the walls is affected by many negative factors. These are atmospheric aggressive environmental effects, and industrial pollution, and ultraviolet radiation, and high humidity (snow, rain), in addition, various biological factors (microorganisms, fungi, mold) have an impact. To achieve a long service life of the facade without losing its decorative qualities, it is necessary to produce high-quality painting.

facade painting
facade painting

First of all, you should prepare materials for work. Despite the wide variety of different coatings and technologies, paints and varnishes are the most widely used in modern construction. Facade painting and plastering are the most popular surface finishing methods. With the help of painting, many problems associated with the state of the surface of the building can be solved, exceptThis finish is the most economical.

The main surfaces to be painted are plaster and concrete. These coatings are distinguished by the presence of a porous capillary structure. So, moisture easily penetrates through the pores of concrete, as a result, the surface collapses faster. Painting the facade will avoid these problems and protect the building from destruction.

building facade painting
building facade painting

Starting work, you should determine the compatibility of the painted surface with paint, because the material of each facade requires a certain coating. Thus, first you need to determine the type of surface and analyze its condition, and only then select the paint.

So, for concrete, alkali-resistant and weather-resistant paint is required, for a wooden surface, an elastic, non-combustible, waterproof material is better suited, for metal, protection against corrosion and moisture is important. If the surface has already been painted, then you need to determine the composition of the old coating, because if the new paint is incompatible with the old surface, you can get an unpredictable result.

house facade painting
house facade painting

At the next stage, painting the facade of the house includes preparing the surface for applying the paintwork. During such work, cleaning, hardening impregnation, degreasing, final leveling, as well as priming to increase paint adhesion and color alignment.

It must be remembered that only a well-prepared surface will allow you to get a decent result. durability andThe appearance of a facade coating is 60 percent dependent on surface preparation, a third on the quality of the paint and 10% on the correctness of the work.

Facade painting includes work with various paints, which are divided into acrylic, silicate and silicone. Leading positions are occupied by acrylic coatings, which provide reliable protection and durability of painted surfaces. Painting facades using these materials will allow the surface of the building to breathe in the future, since moisture cannot penetrate inside, but will evaporate from the inside.
