One of the most common ways of redecorating a room is still wallpapering. This is due to the relatively low price of the material, as well as the ease of work. At the same time, a wide choice of color schemes allows you to create a dream interior.

Not everyone decides to carry out repairs on their own, because you can turn to a team of finishers who will stick the wallpaper. The price for such services is quite acceptable and starts from 90 rubles per square meter. But it must be understood that this cost includes only the installation of a decorative coating. In most cases, the wall must first be cleaned, leveled (if necessary) and prepared for pasting. In this case, the price may double or even more, depending on the complexity of the work.
Preparation for wallpapering is of great importance. If it is not fulfilled, then the quality of the future decorative wall covering may be spoiled. Wallpaper should be glued to a flat and smooth surface. If it is different, then all the flaws in the walls can be seenafter completion of work. Therefore, the first step is to level and plaster them. A primer layer should also be applied - this is necessary for better adhesion of the decorative coating to the wall surface.

If an unequivocal decision is made that wallpapering will be done on your own, then you should take care of the tool. Nothing without him. To complete the work you will need:
- scissors;
- brush or roller for glue;
- brush or smoothing roller;
- spatula;
- rags;
- simple pencil;
- plummet;
- rail;
- roulette;
- level;
- glue.
Start with markup. Using a plumb line, pencil and rail, draw a vertical line indented from the centimeter closest to the window by 1.5-2. This is necessary in order to determine where and how "littered" the corner. If it's perfect, then you're in luck, but that's usually not the case. On this line, you should mark the point that is the furthest from the corner. Using the building level, it is necessary to draw a horizontal line through it and measure 53 centimeters on it. This is the standard width of a wallpaper roll. This will be the border of the first sheet. In order to mark up for the next canvas, it is necessary to measure 53 centimeters from the resulting line and draw a vertical line using a plumb line. Etc. You should also outline the upper border for gluing.
After the marking of the walls is completed, it is necessary to preparecloths. To do this, the roll should be rolled out on the floor, using a tape measure, measure the first piece and cut it off. Wallpapering often requires matching patterns, so the roll should be rolled out and an already cut piece should be attached to it. Having combined the drawings on them, cut another canvas. Prepare the wallpaper in the same way up to the next corner.
When the blanks for pasting one wall are ready, they (with the exception of the last one) should be smeared with glue. The remaining canvas will be used to cut wallpaper for the next wall. The adhesive should cover the entire surface. Dry places should not remain. Each sheet after applying the glue should be folded like an accordion.

After 5 minutes, the glue will begin to dry - this is the ideal time to attach the wallpaper to the wall. The first sheet, folded into an accordion, should be taken and stand on a stool or stepladder with it. Holding the upper corners of the canvas with your fingers, shake it a little so that it straightens out. Next, the sheet should be attached to the wall, align it with horizontal and vertical markings. When the edges of the canvas coincide with the outlined boundaries, it can be smoothed. To do this, it is better to use a special brush or rubber roller. The same principle should be followed with the remaining canvases.
When wallpapering at the corners, the sheet should not overlap the adjacent wall by more than 5 centimeters. Therefore, you should take care of this in advance and cut off the excess. If they are cut out after spreading with glue, then the wallpaper can be easily torn. Next canvasoverlapped on the previous one, overlapping the remaining 5 centimeters. Places of overlap should be additionally lubricated with glue and carefully pressed.