Terrace is a covered, unheated structure raised above the ground, freestanding or attached to the main task. Such a building, decorated with light garden furniture and flowers, can not only decorate the courtyard, but also become a favorite vacation spot for all family members.

Terrace options
Terraces are:
- open;
- closed;
- partially covered.

An open terrace is an area attached to the house without walls and a roof. Here, in good weather, you can comfortably sit in an armchair and leaf through a magazine or practice yoga. Outdoor terraces often feature elegant hand-forged railings, simple lighting, and a floor-mounted grommet for attaching a parasol.
Terraces, partially covered, have a light canopy above them, covering either the entire area, or only part of it. Perhaps the presence of decorative half-walls made of lightweight materials
The closed terrace is already a full-fledged, equipped room withlots of windows and furniture. It can be used throughout the year.

Terrace project
For a wooden country house used only in the warm season, the best option for a terrace is the construction of a light wooden extension decorated in a folk village style. The location and shape of the structure depends on the personal preferences of the owners and the layout of the house. The main thing is that it be comfortable in all respects. The most common option is to build a terrace against the wall near the entrance. So it turns out a wonderful room for relaxation, which serves as a hallway and porch. It is also interesting to build a circular terrace along the entire house.
The structure can be erected near the living room or kitchen. This placement is quite convenient, as it allows you to freely bring food and treat guests through the nearest aisle.
When a terrace project is being made, the main condition that is desirable to observe when choosing a place is that there must be access to the building itself from the house.
Those who want to protect this design from prying eyes can make it from the back of the house. Nearby you can plant beautiful plants and trees. This place will be a pleasure for all family members to relax.

Configuration and size
The dimensions of this design are affected by the purpose of its use and the area it occupies. So that two people can comfortably accommodate, it is enough to allocate an area of 120 cm2. The amount should be calculatedfamily members, take into account the number of invited guests. It is also worth remembering the area that is needed to install furniture: chairs, benches, sun loungers, sofas. And there must still be room for the free movement of people.
The configuration of such an extension can be absolutely any: square, round, rectangular, polygonal. The most common option is the construction of a rectangular terrace. The standard extension width is 2.5 m, and the length is equal to the size of the adjacent wall of the house.
Regardless of the configuration, any design consists of 3 main parts:
- foundation;
- flooring;
- auxiliary elements.
Selection of materials
Before you build a terrace, you need to select building materials. The best way to save money is to use the ones left after the construction of the house. Stones and bricks can be used to build a foundation. If the material will be bought, it is important to choose only the highest quality, since the structures will have to withstand both the scorching heat and the winter cold.
For finishing partially covered and open areas, the best option is to use natural stone or its imitation. The advantage of this material lies in the combination of resistance to climatic influences and external beauty. Also suitable are plastic panels, cast iron and aluminum.
Closed terraces are most often light buildings, so they are mainly built according to the frame scheme. The most environmentally friendly and comfortable option is the construction of a wooden terrace, where the elementsthe frame is made of timber, and the sheathing is made of chipboard or lining. Wood is considered an affordable and easily processed material, but it rots over time, so it requires careful care. Often, the load-bearing elements of the frame are replaced by a more durable steel profile. Terrace extension can be made of lightweight building materials, such as aerated concrete.