The concept of "cottage" is always associated with the concept of "rest". After all, a good rest in the country is fresh air, peace and comfort. But to come out of town and close in a house is uncomfortable. I would like to open the space of the dacha, merge it with the surrounding nature, but at the same time not lose protection from cold winds, precipitation and other inconveniences. For this, life has come up with such a wonderful summer room as a terrace in the country.
Functional features of the terrace
Terrace is a summer unheated room, slowly moving from the comfort of a country house to the natural environment. But the weather is always different: either rain, or wind, or snow, or frost. To protect themselves from external factors, architects often design houses with a terrace.

Following the conditions for maintaining maximum comfort, the terrace should be spacious and comfortable to use. From above it should be protected by a reliable roof. Wind blowing and the inconvenience of the sun, as well as bitter frosts, must be minimized.
Based on the climatic zones of our country, an open terrace in the country cannot be used equally in summer and winter. Therefore, for the winter, such terraces are usually glazed and turned into comfortable winter verandas.
Competitors of the terrace in the country house are open areas with a canopy or gazebos in the garden. But these are already separate elements of garden and park architecture. But the terrace is part of the house, and it is more comfortable and convenient to use it than a separate canopy or gazebo. I left the cozy house - and in front of you is your own open terrace. It is wide and spacious, and nothing flows on the head and does not blow from the sides.
How to decide on the idea of a terrace
First of all, you need to order a terrace project for a summer cottage from a specialist architect, since it is often part of a country house or an extension to it. It is best to initially focus on the project of a room with a terrace. Then everything will be done in a single architectural ensemble, and the open terrace will become a highlight and decoration of the cottage.

But if you got a ready-made country house without an open area, it's not scary. It can be completed at any time, since this is a temporary structure and there is no need to fill in the capital foundation for it. And there are no specific building codes for an extension to a country house. So, you need to be guided by the situation and be guided by simple expediency.
Next, you need to decide which structuresan open terrace will be built, because it needs to withstand moisture, rain, wind and frost. Finishing materials must also meet these conditions.
Where to place the terrace in the house
The most common option for the location of an open area is the continuation of the living room (common room), so that you can comfortably rest and relax on it, easily getting into it both from the living room and from the kitchen-dining room.
Often a terrace is placed at the entrance to the house to combine it with the porch. At the same time, it is better to place it away from the entrance so that incoming guests do not interfere with vacationers.
When it comes to a terrace for individual relaxation, it is better to have it on the second floor of the house.

Orientation to the cardinal points
The most important point in the choice and execution of a terrace in a country house is its orientation to the cardinal points, because you need to insolate it as much as possible. That is, as much as possible to orient towards the sun (south). It makes no sense to orient the open terrace to the northern part of the house. This will negate all the rest on it. The only exceptions are the hot and southern regions of the country. There it is better to have a terrace in the most darkened, eastern, and even northern parts of the country house.
Protection from winds and neighbors' views
The first rule when arranging an outdoor terrace is to create an atmosphere conducive to complete relaxation on it. Here the issue of protecting the terrace from winds and slanting rains is very important. Especially in the eastern regions of the country. It's good when the house is oriented so that it protects the terrace from the winds.
When choosing the location of the terrace in the country, you need to remember the "harmful" views of neighbors and passers-by. Therefore, it is better to orient the site not to the carriageway of the street, and not towards the neighboring site, but to the area of your favorite garden or vegetable garden.
A good way to protect yourself from unwanted glances is to fence yourself off with a hedge. In addition, green spaces, decorative planting of shrubs or grapes will qualitatively complement the landscape of a summer cottage.

Role of landscape
An important factor in choosing a place for a terrace in a country house is a view of beautiful nature: a decorative corner, a luxurious tree that gives a chic, soft shade to the terrace, a landscaped pond, a lake, a pond, and the like. Psychologists have proven that nothing has such a beneficial effect on our nervous system as a view of a magnificent natural landscape.
Size and shape of the terrace
Determining the size and shape of the terrace, you need to be guided primarily by the size and shape of the country house, as well as the landscape features of the site. This means taking into account its orientation, relief and the ability to attach a site to the house in the right place.
The specific dimensions of the terrace in the country are determined by the amount of furniture and equipment that the owners are going to place on it. It is also necessary to take into account the number of vacationers on it. It is known from building codes and regulations that the minimum width of a summer room in residential buildings is 1.2 m. Thisallows two people to pass each other. But we are talking about the increased comfort of rest in the country. Therefore, the size of the terrace should be "the bigger, the better." But the optimal dimensions, which make it possible to arrange everything functionally and beautifully in a summer room, correspond approximately to:
2, 5m x 4m=10m sq.
The shape of the site depends on its position in the house with a terrace. It can also be a completely independent building. The decisive role in the choice of form is played by its functionality. Last but not least is the issue of cost. The rectangular shape is the most acceptable and profitable: the furniture on it will always be located in the best possible way.
Circular terrace - the design is more complicated, but this configuration immediately changes the mood of those who rest on it. And it’s absolutely chic when the terrace turns out to be of a complex shape. Especially when there is an opportunity to organically fit it into the site.

Features of the terrace design
An important element in the design of the terrace is laying the level of its floor. Indeed, in the case of an uneven surface at the dacha site, it will have to be leveled, and the platform will be erected above the ground. In the case of a steep relief, several subordinate terraces are connected with a decrease.
The exit from the country house should be consistent with the level of the terrace. If it is open, then it is placed a few steps below the floor level.
The choice of construction materials also depends on the mark of the flooring and ceiling. Building a terrace is not difficult, you just need a desire, mood and love for what you are.doing. If you build a terrace in the country with your own hands, then relatives and friends will appreciate it even more. After all, they will rest and relax on it.
When building or completing a terrace, they usually opt for a wooden version of the structure. Captivating:
- lightness of material;
- possibility to give any shape;
- variety of decor and interior decorations.
Besides, wood is a warm and supple material. In addition, it is the most affordable for a simple summer resident.

Covered terrace options
Terraces are classified into:
- open;
- half-closed;
- closed.
The best option is considered a closed terrace in the country. It differs from the open one in that it can be considered a full-fledged separate room. On such a site you can place equipment and furniture and use them all year round. It is very good when there is an exit to it not only from the house, but also from the bathhouse, sauna.
You can build a terrace in the country from profiled wood beams. It fits perfectly with the theme of a country holiday. Especially if you add a steam room here.
A closed terrace in the country requires a lot of light. This is achieved by glazing large window openings. Often, to obtain additional lighting, they also use the roof of the terrace, attaching translucent lights there.
Now it is impractical to glaze the windows of the terrace in the country with heavy ordinary glass. It is increasingly being replaced by a gorgeous and lightweight material.polycarbonate: light, safe, practical. In addition, they can cover the roof, which is very convenient and effective for creating additional lighting.
Use of finishing materials
Since the most popular material for creating a terrace is wood, natural stone or a material that imitates it complements it best in decoration.
Most often, the elements of the terrace frame are made of beams and sheathed with clapboard or various kinds of decorative wood slabs. Different options for the terrace in the country house dictate their different finishes.

Floors and ceilings
As a rule, wooden floors impregnated with appropriate anti-fungal and water-repellent solutions are arranged on closed terraces. But on open and partially covered terraces, it is appropriate to arrange a concrete floor with an appropriate decorative stone or tile lining. The surface of such a floor should not be smooth so that it is not slippery in winter.
The terrace attached to the country house looks elegant and modern, the frame of the walls and roofs of which are made of a metal profile and glazed with light and durable polycarbonate.
When the construction of the terrace in the country house is completed, the question arises of finishing and interior, as well as its functional content and aesthetic decoration. Naturally, the whole interior design is decided at the level of project development and idea formation. If, say, a terrace is being prepared for wide festivities and frequent receptions of guests, then it is desirableprovide a place for preparing a variety of dishes and treats using a barbecue and electric grill.
If, however, preference is given to a quiet evening rest, then it is appropriate to arrange a fireplace. After all, sitting comfortably next to him and admiring the play of fire under the clink of glasses with good wine, you can experience many pleasant moments on your own terrace.
Beautifully and tastefully selected tablecloths, napkins and curtains for the terrace in the country house will add warmth and romantic mood to the rest. The presence in the interior of the closed terrace of beautiful wicker or carved furniture, as well as modern technology - TV, music center and the like, will enhance the pleasure of spending time in union with wildlife.
Any options for a terrace in the country are good in their own way. It all depends on the needs and nature of the owners. From what mood they have, how life works, what kind of work, lifestyle and, most importantly, how they know how to relax. And then the fantasy and professional skill of the performer come into play. In any case, the terrace - open, semi-closed, and closed - requires a subtle approach to construction and operation, since it is a central place for rest, communication and relaxation for both owners and guests.

This space helps bring everyone together for a great outdoor experience.
Why do we need a terrace in the country?
There are many advantages of such a building in your country house. Consider the main ones:
- Terrace is not a luxury, but a necessary and multifunctional placeholidays for the whole family.
- This is a temporary structure and does not require capital construction, which means large financial costs.
- The terrace gives the cottage an exotic and attractive element.
- Variety in the choice of materials for construction and decoration makes it possible to build a terrace of any shape and functional content, free-standing or attached to a country house.
- This is a temporary summer building that does not require heating and other energy costs for its operation.
- It is one thing to sit in a house, and quite another to have breakfast, lunch and relax on a spacious, bright terrace, admiring the beauty of nature.
Thus, the construction of a terrace in a country house is quite justified and definitely worth attention. Enjoy your holiday!