Behind the exotic word "gabion" is a structure woven from metal wire and filled with stones, pebbles or crushed stone of a standard fraction. Currently, such gabion structures made from seemingly inexpensive raw materials are in the widest demand both in civil engineering and in the military.
The main purpose of building elements such as gabion structures, the price of which ranges from 950 to 8300 rubles per metal structure, in world practice for more than a century has been the use of soil slopes, banks of reservoirs, road embankments and others as a reinforcing element engineering structures. The cost varies depending on the size of the structure and the fraction of the filler (pebbles, crushed stone, stone).

In individual construction, gabions are used to strengthen the banks of private reservoirs, to build retaining walls, and even to create various architectural forms on the site. The production of gabion structures makes it possible to changelandscape and carry out a range of engineering works on the ground without endangering the ecosystem of the territory.
Main types of gabion structures
In essence, the gabion consists of two elements - a gabion mesh and a filler. Manufacturers today offer consumers three types of such designs:
1. Boxed.
2. Cylindrical.
3. Mattress.
Box elements are made in the form of a parallelepiped and can be of various sizes. The width is at least 1 meter and can reach up to 2, the length of the structure can be in the range of 2-6 meters, the height is from 50 cm to 100. To increase the strength characteristics, diaphragm panels can be installed inside the gabion - additional elements for reinforcement.
Cylindrical structures are shaped like a cylinder. 2-4 meters - the range of fluctuations in the length of one element, diameter - from 65 to 95 cm. Cylindrical structures are characterized by greater flexibility than box-shaped ones, which is associated with the absence of stiffeners.

The standard height of mattress elements is 20-30 cm (the most commonly used is 23 cm). Width can vary within 1-2 meters, length - from 1 to 6 meters. Such structures easily follow the shape of the relief and can serve as a foundation for structures made of box-shaped elements.
Dignity of gabions
Gabion structures have certain advantages. Their flexibility is ensured by a double-twisted metal mesh capable of withstanding any type of load without breaking. Even withstrong erosion of the soil at the base of the gabion, most often the structure is simply slightly deformed, but in no case is it destroyed.

The strength of structural elements is due to the characteristics of the double twist mesh, which, in essence, is a reinforcing factor for the entire structure. Connecting gabion elements to each other using galvanized wire turns the entire structure into a monolithic object.
Gabions are permeable, so structures can be erected from them without fear of hydrostatic loads. In the case of retaining walls, there is no need for associated wall drainage.
Gabion structures are environmentally friendly, as they do not interfere with the ecosystem of the site. Over time, the voids between the stones are filled with soil, vegetation begins to grow. After a period of 1 to 5 years, the structure is fully consolidated with the surrounding landscape and can serve indefinitely.
Compared to reinforced concrete structures, gabions are very economical. There is no need to use heavy equipment, preliminary construction of drainage systems. Gabion filler (stone) is initially ready for use, it does not need to be processed and adjusted.
Gabion net

Gabion mesh, one of the main elements in the production of gabion structures, is made of double twisted wire of the following types:
- Zinc coated (no less than0.25kg/m²);
- with increased anti-corrosion coating;
- PVC coated.
In order for gabions to have sufficient strength, a special knitting wire is also used in the production. It also has certain requirements. It should not have breaks, its ends can be connected with a twist (length - no more than 20 cm) or an extension. There should not be more than 1 twist on an area of 20 m².
Gabion filler
Gabions can be filled with both polished stones and keystones. In terms of size, the filler (stone, crushed stone, pebbles) must be such that it does not pass through the mesh cell. Consumers consider the size from 1D to 2D to be optimal, where D is the diameter of the grid cell. However, according to experts, gabion structures made of filler 1D–1, 5D in size will give the most uniform shrinkage over the entire area and perimeter of the structure.
There are also a number of requirements for fillers. The stone must be of a certain gravity (different for work on land and in water), have a frost resistance of more than MP350, a strength of at least 400 units, and low water absorption. Also, the filling must be resistant to decay, the maximum weight loss should not be more than 10%.