The word "butt" in Russian has several meanings. In general terms, this is the name of the transverse face of an elongated object that has the shape of a cylinder or is a parallelepiped with right angles. For cylindrical objects, the end face is a face located perpendicular to the longitudinal axis. For rectangular box objects, the end face is the face with the smallest area.
The same word ("butt") is called a tile made of wood and designed for paving streets. This word also has a slang meaning denoting a person's face. Almost everyone knows the expression "got it in the butt", i.e. was beaten.
Building end
It can be said that the end of the building is the narrow side of the object, which does not carry the function of the main facade. However, it must be borne in mind that there are buildings in which the facade (main entrance) is located precisely on a narrow wall. These buildings include the Manege, the Acropolis of Athens, the Bolshoi Theater. In such cases, the common phrase "entrance from the end of the building" sounds inappropriate.

If the building is covered with a gable roof, then,as a rule, the pediment is located above the end of the house.
Front and end
The word "facade" has French roots and is close in meaning in Russian sounds like "face, front side." From an architectural point of view, this is a view of the outer walls of the building at a right angle of view. Experts distinguish between the main, side facade (the end of the building may well be a side facade), street, courtyard, park. In specialized literature, you can even find the expression "sea facade" - the side of the building facing the sea.
Most often, modern civil engineering prefers to build multi-apartment residential buildings with a blind end. The blind end of the building is a side facade (wall) without window and door openings. Such a wall can carry the functions of a firewall, i.e. be a permanent fire-resistant wall that separates neighboring buildings in order to prevent the spread of fire during a fire. This usually happens between houses along the street, i.e. residential buildings are located end to end to each other.

At the same time, blank side facades can decorate the streets of the city and become an important object of the architectural environment. Huge panels, which began to appear more and more often on blank walls overlooking the central streets, look spectacular and are well perceived from pedestrian paths.
Is it always appropriate to say "the end of the house"?
As mentioned earlier, the end of the building is a short side facade. However, if the building being constructed is square, then it will not have ends. Also if you havelong and narrow building, the main entrance to it is located on the smallest wall in terms of area, then such a "end of the building" is the real main facade. It is the richest decorated in comparison with all other external walls of the building. As a rule, such a "end" with the main entrance was often enlivened earlier with pilasters, molding, decorated with various niches.

In accordance with the current legal regulations, the facade is called the front, which is clearly visible from the side of the main street or roadway. And if such a facade is located on the narrow outer wall of the building, then such a building cannot be said at all that it has ends. It has only facades - main, rear, side, etc.