"Kaldewey" - German steel bathtubs: overview, types, features and reviews

"Kaldewey" - German steel bathtubs: overview, types, features and reviews
"Kaldewey" - German steel bathtubs: overview, types, features and reviews

What is a bath for a modern person? This is a place where not only hygiene procedures are carried out. Here you can relieve fatigue, put your thoughts in order and get a charge of vivacity. But often this is impossible to achieve without a cool and roomy bath. In addition, it should be of high quality and comfortable. This is exactly what the Kaldewei seamless bathtub is.

caldewey saniform baths
caldewey saniform baths

German Caldewij Bath

The bathtubs of this company are popular and in demand due to their excellent performance. They are reliable, comfortable and, finally, stylish and beautiful. A bath is not only equipment for taking hygiene procedures. It has been an important piece of furniture for a long time. Bathing bowls can make our life cozier and more beautiful. Design solutions have found their application not only in the classic versions of Caldewey bathtubs, but also in models of interesting shapes and sizes.

Product benefits

The advantages of Caldewey products are many:

  • The shape of the bowl is ideal for bathing.
  • Steel enamel is used for manufacturing.
  • Not subject to mechanical stress. It is difficult to scratch or chip off pieces.
  • UV resistant coating.
  • The manufacturer offers a variety of colors.
  • The bath is great at retaining heat.
  • Steel enamel is resistant to harmful chemical attack.
  • The coating does not emit harmful substances.
  • The bathtub is lightweight, making it easy to transport and install.
  • Models are covered with noise-absorbing material on the outside, so the sound of falling water is not audible.
  • Retains its quality characteristics for a long time.
bathtub steel caldewey
bathtub steel caldewey

Distinguishing Features

Caldewey guarantees its products for the next 30 years. Its products are covered with a unique enamel, which was developed by representatives of the company. Thus, a material is obtained that combines the strength of glass and the ductile rigidity of steel. This ensures the integrity of the products and their good thermal conductivity. Thanks to this, the appearance of bacteria and fungi is excluded, which makes the coating hygienic and safe. Using only natural materials in the manufacture of its products, the company protects the environment from the harmful effects of polymers.

Additionally, the manufacturer covers the product with an anti-slip coating. It reduces slip in the shower tray and in the bathroom. This material is composed of quartz sand, whichnot only durable, but also hygienic. The coating prevents water and dirt from accumulating on the surface. Baths "Kaldevey" - "Saniform plus" - conduct heat well and retain it. It is important. Indeed, during bathing, you do not need to add hot water to maintain the required temperature. The enamel has a thickness of up to 3.5 mm, which allows it to withstand accidental mechanical stress.

german bath caldewey
german bath caldewey

Aesthetics and harmony

The bath is distinguished by an elegant and harmonious silhouette, in which all the smallest details are perfect. The manufacturer produces models that are complemented by electronics and other devices that make the bathing process as comfortable and enjoyable as possible. Models with a built-in audio system play melodies even if there is no water in the bath. And the backlight contributes to the creation of the desired mood and complements the atmosphere with romantic notes. The enamel of Caldway products does not fade when exposed to sunlight. Do not remain on it and traces of candles. Enamel is not affected by medical or cosmetic additives used while bathing.

Variety of colors and shapes

The company produces its products in various color shades. This allows the models to fit into the bathroom with any interior. White, black, pastel, blue - the colors will satisfy every taste and preference. An ornament fused into steel will add variety to the bowl. It does not fade and cannot be removed. The bathing bowl provides stability to the legs. For the Caldewey bathroom, it will not benot only beautiful, but also a functional element of decor.

bath legs caldewey
bath legs caldewey

Shapes and types of bathtubs

The company offers its products for every consumer taste. You can buy this or that product, focusing on the size of your room and its design. Therefore, the company produces products of various configurations. Available to choose: standard version, oval, corner, octagonal. For small bathrooms, you can buy compact bowls and shower trays. The company offers the following bath options:

  • Rectangular classic. Available in a variety of sizes, from large models for large rooms to compact ones for space-constrained spaces.
  • Saniform bath is a comfortable model that follows the shape of the body.
  • Double tubs.
  • Ergonomic bowls with back support.
  • Oval options. Their appearance harmoniously look in any interior.
  • Corner bath. The non-standard design of this model organically looks in any rooms. The corner bowl is rightfully considered not only stylish, but also comfortable. Installing such a bath is a good option for a small room.
  • Polygonal models - contribute to the formation of a new concept of design. And the variety of installation allows you to fit such a bath into any design project.
  • Compact bathtubs are optimal for space saving. Small size does not interfere with comfortable bathing.

The company produces not only steel bathtubs. Her product range is varied. But all models are united by the quality of the material from which they are made, and German conscientiousness.

bath caldeway reviews
bath caldeway reviews

Care during use

Only quality products are offered by Kaldevey. Baths "Saniform" do not require expensive and scrupulous care. There is no need to buy expensive cleaning products. In order for the bath to remain new and clean, it is enough to do the following manipulations:

  • After water procedures, the bowl must be rinsed and wiped dry.
  • It is permissible to remove heavy dirt with liquid detergents. Sometimes it is enough to pour soapy water on them for a few minutes, then rinse with water and wipe with a cloth.
  • If the hardness of the water is high, Caldewey products (baths) must be wiped dry after each use. Or treat with a weak solution of acetic acid diluted with water. This way you will avoid the formation of limescale on the surface.
  • Cleaning products designed specifically for these bathtubs are used to break through blockages. How to use them is detailed in the instructions. It is required to ensure that during the gulf the drops do not spread over the enamel.
  • The use of abrasives, alkali, iron sponges is excluded.

In order not to buy a fake Caldewey, bathtubs must be carefully inspected before purchase. The company puts a logo on all models of its products. It cannot be removed without damaging the bowl. Additional accessories, handles andDotted anti-slip coatings guarantee safety while swimming. Installed steel bath "Kaldevey" in your apartment is guaranteed to serve for many years. Ease of use and minimum maintenance costs will not cause problems and save time. The luxury of a bathing bowl will decorate the bathroom, add grace to it.

caldewey baths
caldewey baths

Bath "Caldewey": reviews

Customer opinions are unanimous - excellent products are Caldewey bowls. Bathtubs have proven themselves well in everyday life. Consumers especially like the smooth finish and the ability to choose the right model for the size of the room. Housewives note ease of care. But the products also have disadvantages - the bath cools quickly. Therefore, lovers of long soak in hot water, it is not suitable.
