Customers of LCD devices often experience blackouts in some parts of the screen. This affects not only TVs and monitors, but also laptops and tablets. The leading manufacturer of LCD panels at the moment is Samsung, which also manufactures them to order for other companies. But quantity tends to come at the expense of quality, and it's not uncommon for reviews to report dark spots on a Samsung LCD TV screen. In fairness, it should be noted that such artifacts can be found on products of almost any brand and price segment.

Dark spots from impact
In addition to factory defects and the influence of low-quality components, there are cases of darkening on the display due to mechanicaldamage. Such defects appear completely black with clear edges and cracks. After some time, blurry edges may appear. This is the result of overheating of neighboring pixels. In this case, there can be only one advice - the replacement of the matrix. Due to the thinness of the LCD panel, it has a very low maintainability, and its replacement is much easier, cheaper and faster. In addition, this method will help to solve the problem with dark spots on the LCD TV screen at the root.

Blackout on white background
Uneven white glow of the matrix is a sign that the plane of one or more inner layers is broken or their uneven pressure on each other. Often this does not appear immediately after purchase, but after some time has passed. Indeed, due to the poor quality of materials or assembly, under the action of heating, the geometry of the part is violated.

Also, due to poor protection of the layers, dust can get into the matrix. As the panel heats up and cools down, it expands and contracts, respectively. She is like a pump, she can draw dust into herself.
From the point of view of manufacturers, such "sores" can be explained by the desire to reduce the cost and simplify the design and components. And you can fix it with a simple purge. But it must be carried out as carefully as possible, since a dent or scratch accidentally left on the panel cannot be removed.
Matrices with a similar marriage are accepted by service centers for replacement without any problemsdefective part under warranty. Also, manufacturers can conduct recall campaigns when low-quality components are installed on entire batches of devices. By the way, the appearance of dark spots on the screens of LG LCD TVs is also not uncommon. In the production of components for other manufacturers, some are almost on a par with Samsung.
Moisture stains
If a dark spot appears on the LCD TV screen, this may also be due to liquid getting between the layers of the matrix. Outwardly, they are almost identical with dust spots. Therefore, for self-diagnosis of a malfunction, you need to think about where and how moisture got inside the TV or other display.
Theoretically, this problem can be solved by disassembling the matrix and washing the polarizer and diffuser. Of course, washing should not be carried out with tap water, since after drying there will be stains from s alts and deposits. Purified water or high-purity alcohol is more suitable for this.

But it is still better to entrust such procedures to qualified specialists, since during the disassembly or assembly of the matrix, irreparable damage to the device can be caused. If you decide to do it yourself, then it is necessary to carry out disassembly and assembly in a clean room, preferably after wet cleaning, so that dust particles do not fly in the air. Gloves must also be worn to avoid leaving fingerprints on the matrix components.
Spots in the corners or around the perimeter
Dark spots on the LCD screenTVs may have different origins, and the cost, as well as the possibility of repair, may be different. If dark oval or round stains appear around the perimeter or in the corners of the screen, then, most likely, part of the matrix LED backlight has failed. This defect is often found on TVs and monitors from Chinese manufacturers in the budget price segment. Such a breakdown is easily eliminated by replacing burnt diodes. In some cases, soldering the backlight contacts can help.
Garbage inside the matrix
It happens that during transportation or during the assembly of the TV, dust and various small debris get between the layers of the matrix. On thematic forums, a situation was described when a fly turned out to be a dark spot on the screen of a Samsung LCD TV, which had just been brought from the store. The owner of this find immediately contacted the support service. The answer was that the fly got inside the screen through the ventilation holes in the case, made to cool the components. And the company is not responsible if foreign objects get through them. Users on the forums suggest tapping on the sides of the monitor as a solution to this problem in order to slightly push the layers of the display apart and let the dust fall down, or lightly tap the monitor with a thick cloth, as if “knocking out” it. But do not get too carried away in this way, so as not to lead to the breakdown described in the first paragraph.

Summing up
So, what to do if the dark spots onIs your LCD TV screen preventing you from enjoying the picture? Which of the cases are warranty, what can be solved on your own, and where you can not do without going to the service? Let's list all the options:
- Black spots from mechanical damage. This case is not guaranteed, and this can only be corrected by replacing the matrix.
- The same stains, but no impact marks. It may be possible to return under warranty if there is no trace of mechanical impact on the case and screen.
- Dust ingress. There is a possibility that they will accept the guarantee in case of marriage of the party. But it is also possible to wash one or more layers. True, self-intervention automatically voids the warranty from the device.
- Ingress of moisture. Out of warranty case initially, but rinsing the same as dust ingress may help.
- Failure of backlight LEDs. The case is guaranteed if there are no signs of opening on the case. If the warranty has expired, you can replace the burned diodes or the entire tape.
- Garbage between layers. In the absence of traces of opening, this is a warranty case. But you can eliminate it yourself by blowing the matrix.
I would like to note that this article was informational. If dark spots appear on the LCD TV screen, it is best to contact qualified technicians.