How to remove faded spots: possible solutions to the problem, reviews and practical advice from housewives

How to remove faded spots: possible solutions to the problem, reviews and practical advice from housewives
How to remove faded spots: possible solutions to the problem, reviews and practical advice from housewives

The situation when a thing faded during washing is familiar even to an experienced hostess. There may be several reasons for this: from non-compliance with recommendations for the care of clothing to poor-quality dyes used in the production of the material. However, a faded stain is not a reason to give up your favorite thing. There are a few simple ways you can try to bring your clothes back to their original look. How to remove faded spots, we will tell in our article.

How to wash clothes without shedding?

How to wash clothes without shedding
How to wash clothes without shedding

One of the most common washing machine problems is faded clothes. As a rule, in this case, some women go to dry cleaning in the hope that their things will be restored to their original appearance, while others try to get rid of them faster. Butso that you do not have to rack your brains over how to remove a stain from a faded fabric, you must take all measures in advance to prevent such a situation:

  1. White and colored fabrics should always be washed separately.
  2. Don't keep things damp in the laundry basket where they can stain.
  3. Use a special washing powder for washing: for white things marked "white", and for colored things - "color". This will prevent color fading and preserve the brightness of the fabric.
  4. Before you wash the item, pay attention to the tag attached to it. It will indicate the temperature of the water and the optimal washing mode.

Manufacturer's recommendations for clothing care

When washing in a washing machine, use the detergents recommended by the manufacturers for this type of fabric. Before setting the mode and water temperature, it is necessary to study the symbols on the tag. Most manufacturers recommend following these guidelines:

  1. Water temperature for colored items should be between 30-40 °C. Hot water will wash the dye out of the fabric, so use it as little as possible, in case of emergency.
  2. Wool and silk clothes should be washed using a special liquid powder or shampoo. Ordinary granules can damage the delicate fibers of such fabrics. Things should not be rubbed and twisted, and for drying it is enough just to lay them out on a horizontal surface.
  3. New things should always be washed separately from other clothes. First time dyeis washed out of them the most.

How to determine if a thing sheds or not?

Items faded in the wash
Items faded in the wash

When buying some types of clothes on the wrong side, along with the tag, you can find a small piece of fabric from which it is sewn. It can be used as a patch in case the thing breaks, or as a test material, if it is necessary to determine whether the product will shed or not. Therefore, along with the study of the tag, you can check the quality of the fabric before the main wash using this patch. To do this, wash it in the same powder and at the same temperature as the product itself.

This tip will help you avoid a situation where you need to remove faded spots. As with any other laundry, the main thing here is to carefully read the instructions on the tag and sort the clothes correctly.

Household chemicals for stain removal

Household chemicals for removing faded stains
Household chemicals for removing faded stains

If extraneous stains were noticed immediately after washing and the dye has not yet had time to eat into the fabric, the damaged item can be saved. Household chemicals and folk remedies will help correct the situation. The first option is more suitable for those housewives who do not have the desire to prepare special solutions from improvised means. Almost all household chemical stores today offer a wide range of products that are designed for both white and colored clothes.

If you don’t know how to remove faded spots with folk remedies, or if such attempts were unsuccessful, buy atstore one of the following:

  1. Vanish, Ariel, Comet, Ace, "Whiteness" bleaches are suitable for white fabrics. By the way, the last remedy is only suitable for natural cotton or linen fabrics. That is why before using any of the bleaches, you should carefully read the instructions on the package.
  2. Stain removers and color restorers should be used for colored fabrics. For example, "Eco2oxygen+soda", Amway, Vanish for colored items or K2r universal stain remover spray.

Improvised remedies for faded spots

You can eliminate stains on fabric after an unsuccessful wash using the following tools:

  1. Prepare a mixture of starch, powder (1 tablespoon each), table s alt (2 tablespoons) and laundry soap (100 g). Dilute it with water to the consistency of gruel and apply to the stain for 10-12 hours from the wrong side. If the fabric is white, you can add an additional tablespoon of citric acid to the gruel.
  2. You can remove stains from faded things (both from white and colored fabrics) using ordinary baking soda. It is enough to take a few spoons of this product, dilute it with water to the consistency of gruel and apply on the stain for a few minutes.

How to get faded stains out of white clothes?

Means for removing faded stains on white things
Means for removing faded stains on white things

Before you begin to eliminate the stains resulting from poor-quality washing, you need to find out if the product chosen for this is suitablethe type of fabric from which the item is made. For example, bleaches containing chlorine, while highly effective, may not be suitable for all types of fabrics.

To remove stains on white clothes with household chemicals, you must strictly follow the instructions on the package. As a rule, it is recommended to apply a certain amount of bleach to the faded stain and leave it on the clothes for 15-60 minutes. After the time has elapsed, the item should be washed in the usual way.

With the help of improvised means, you can remove a faded spot on white, as well as using household chemicals, within a few minutes. To do this, use one of the suggested methods:

  1. Boiling. Prepare a solution of soda ash (5 tsp) and water (5 l), put the laundry in it and boil it on the stove for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  2. Baking soda. Prepare a paste of soda and water, apply it on the stain, rub it with your hands and leave for 15 minutes. After a while, wash the item using regular powder and rinse.
  3. Potassium permanganate. Boil 10 liters of water, add 2-3 manganese granules and 100 g of washing powder to it. Put a thing in the resulting solution for 1 hour, then rinse it in cold water.

How to get faded stains out of colored clothes?

How to remove stains from colored fabrics
How to remove stains from colored fabrics

It is much more difficult to get rid of stains on fabric with a pattern. There can be no talk of any boiling in this case. Suitable for colored fabricsstain removers, special powders and repaints. Only in such ways it will be possible to return your favorite thing to its original appearance if the clothes have faded.

How to remove stains on colored fabrics with improvised means, read below.

  1. Pour 2 liters of warm water into a bowl and add 100 ml of alcohol. Soak the item in the resulting solution for 2 hours, then wash and rinse.
  2. Soak colored laundry in a solution of hydrogen peroxide (2 tablespoons per 2 liters of water) and washing powder. Leave the fabric for several hours until there is no trace of stains.
  3. Grate the faded stain with laundry soap. Wash clothes with powder after 10 hours and air dry.

Removing faded stains depending on the type of fabric

How to get stains out of denim
How to get stains out of denim

The first thing to consider before you start getting rid of things from stains is the type of material. After all, it is no coincidence that the manufacturer indicates the recommended temperature for washing clothes on the tag. Not all fabrics can withstand boiling and exposure to aggressive detergents.

There are several rules that can be followed to remove stains from faded clothes:

  1. You can get rid of streaks on thick denim, cotton or linen fabric with soda, making gruel out of it.
  2. You can remove stains from synthetics with a mixture of soda and water.
  3. Mustard will help get rid of faded stains on clothes made of silk and wool.

For removing stains from absolutely all typesfabrics, an aqueous solution of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide is suitable (1 tsp per 1 liter of water). Soak clothes in it for 1 hour, then wash them in the usual way.

Practical tips for housewives

How to remove stains from clothes
How to remove stains from clothes

The following tips will help reduce the chance of fading in the wash:

  1. To prevent color fading and preserve the brightness of the color, it is recommended to pre-soak them in a saline solution for 20 minutes. To prepare it for 1 liter of water, you need to take 1 tablespoon of s alt.
  2. Navy blue and black jeans are recommended to be washed by hand in soapy water and turned inside out. So they will retain their color and shape longer. After washing, rinse things in water with vinegar.
  3. If you accidentally get colored clothes into the washing machine with white clothes, washing with bleach at the highest temperature will help to correct the situation. If the stains still remain on the fabric, you will need to take half a glass of s alt, add a tablespoon of citric acid to it and the same amount of laundry soap shavings. The resulting mass is applied to the stain and left overnight, and in the morning things will need to be washed again in the machine.

Using the above tips, you can keep the brightness of the color of clothes for a long time and not think about how to remove faded spots. Favorite things will be able to serve faithfully for many more years.

Dyeing faded fabrics

If you have used all the above methods, but remove the stain on clothesif you couldn’t, try dyeing the fabric in a more suitable dark color. To do this, it is better to use aniline dyes. They are easy to work with, and they are suitable for absolutely all types of fabrics.

To dye things, you need to prepare a hot solution according to the instructions on the package, dip the clothes into it for 20 minutes, then rinse it in water with the addition of vinegar (for wool) or s alt (for cotton). This will fix the dye to the fabric. Dry the dyed item in a place protected from sunlight.

Reviews of hostesses about removing stains

According to many women, getting rid of stains on the fabric is difficult, but still possible. They willingly share proven ways to remove faded spots at home. Judging by the reviews, most housewives prefer to use household chemicals in the fight against stains. Vanish and Frau Schmidt's special "Antilin" product do an excellent job with faded stains. But ammonia and hydrogen peroxide for stain removal, many housewives called useless.
