Arranging furniture in a one-room apartment is not an easy task for owners. In this type of housing, a single room is multifunctional: it is a bedroom, a living room, a dining room, and sometimes even a nursery. Therefore, it is important to initially choose the most ergonomic cabinets and sofas, cabinets and tables that will not clutter up the room and at the same time can perform many useful functions. And now we will take a closer look at how to furnish a one-room apartment, we will give photos and approximate plans as illustrative examples.
Layout as a preface
If you have at your disposal an old-style "odnushka" in its original form, then it is desirable, of course, to reschedule it. If you expand the boundaries of your housing a little, then arranging furniture in a one-room apartment will no longer be a mega-difficult task for you. Need to come fromhow many people live in the premises. If there is only one tenant, then there will definitely be no problems with the design of the apartment. When a family consisting of two or more people lives there, it is already necessary to divide the space into zones so that everyone can have their own corner. Note that in case of redevelopment of the premises, the kitchen, bathroom and corridor can be reduced. Those square meters that you take away from them go into the common room, due to which its footage increases. Also, do not forget that redevelopment involves the demolition of old walls and the installation of new ones. Try to keep them as thin as possible (after all, they are internal) - this will also have a positive effect on free space.

Solving the issue with color
In order for a room, even the smallest one, to be cozy and pleasant for living, it is not enough just to know how to furnish a one-room apartment. The photos that we see in magazines can show everyone that the color of the walls, the furniture itself and the fittings also have a huge impact on the perception of space. If you divide a room into several zones, then consider the influence of each tone on the psyche, and also take into account the individual characteristics of your apartment. For example, the effect of beige and blue colors on a person is approximately the same - soothing. Therefore, if there is little light and heat in your room, then we choose beige, but if the side is sunny, then blue. When the space is divided into two zones - for children and adults, then in the first it is best to paint the walls yellow or green. the secondpart can be made cream or soft pink.

What should be the furniture in the house
After the task of moving and moving the walls is solved, the arrangement of furniture in a one-room apartment begins. The photos presented in the article clearly demonstrate that each cabinet, each shelf has a minimum size, while they are multifunctional and versatile. More specifically, we note the following. Use wardrobes. They can serve you not only as storage for things, but also as an element that can divide the space into two zones. Place it with its edge against the wall, and you will get another separate corner in your house, which can be decorated, say, as a nursery. Further, so that the arrangement of furniture in a one-room apartment does not lead to the fact that the room is cluttered, choose such cabinets, chests of drawers and cabinets that will be high. That is, the shelves and drawers in them will be placed one above the other, and not next to each other, which will noticeably free up space for you.

Our sleeping places
Proper arrangement of furniture in a one-room apartment is only half of our task. The selection of such items that will save space is a real art. In the previous chapter, we de alt with only one aspect - a closet, which, being ergonomic and roomy, also performs the function of a wall. Now consider in detail the most cherished point of any home - the bed. So the bed shouldbe spacious so that the owners feel comfortable, and at the same time not bulky. Therefore, of course, we bypass the double bed and buy a folding sofa. Let us draw your attention to the fact that there should be drawers in the sofa - this will enhance its functionality. The sleeping place can also be located on the windowsill. To do this, you only need to insulate the window as much as possible. And also order the appropriate window sill - wide and long.

Tables and bookshelves
In order for all accessories, papers, books and other small things to always be in their places and not litter the room, pay attention to the built-in furniture. These are shelves of various sizes, slides and secretaries. Opening, they form tables, niches in which you can store anything. When buying such headsets, make sure that they match your color. You can visually expand the boundaries of a small room if the built-in shelves are only a couple of tones different from the color of the walls. Also, do not forget that the arrangement of furniture in a one-room apartment affects the zoning, which we talked about above. Therefore, you should not place the built-in headset under the same wall as the sofa. Set aside your space for him.

For a family with a child
A slightly more difficult task will be the arrangement of furniture in a one-room apartment with a child. Photos of many examples taken from Western magazines do not always fit into the frameRussian small-sized apartments, so here you have to improvise. Option one: the baby's bed can be hidden in the closet. A very original and convenient solution in a similar situation. The second option: a children's two-story corner. On the first tier there can be a table, shelves for books, niches, and on the second - a bed. Also, instead of a table, a wardrobe can be located below. Keep in mind that the child must have his own corner - for toys or other items. Therefore, allocate such a zone for him opposite the table or bed and furnish it, based on the interests of your child.

When there is more than one child in the family
We have already considered some of the simplest options for how to arrange furniture in a one-room apartment. With a child, of course, living on a small footage is quite difficult, but what if the baby is not alone in the family? And here there is a way out, the main thing is to correctly select furniture and reasonably place it in free space. So, to begin with, separate their zone for children. In order for it to be as functional as possible, use remote niches. On their shelves it will be possible to store all household items, books, souvenirs and even some children's things. Behind such niches there will be a corner for your kids. The most important thing is the bunk bed. Also note that there should be drawers for clothes under the lower tier so that you do not purchase another wardrobe for the children. The second mandatory element is built-in furniture. You should get two small built-in tables (like a slide), in whichthere will be niches for each child's toys and notebooks. The play area is also divided into two parts, depending on the preferences of the kids. So we more or less figured out how to arrange furniture in a one-room apartment. With children, living in such conditions is, of course, problematic, but still making it comfortable is quite possible.

If you have Khrushchev
Khrushchevs are considered especially small apartments. There is a lot of such housing throughout the country, so many families are forced to huddle in a few square meters, where it is sometimes crowded even for one. And now we will consider how to arrange furniture in a one-room Khrushchev and at the same time save at least a little free space. This type of apartment has one very small advantage - a balcony. With proper repair, it can be transformed into a loggia or even become part of the room, so we do not miss this option. It is on the balcony that you can place a work area or office. Just remember to insulate it and install built-in furniture there. And that part of the room, which is located closer to the kitchen, can become a bedroom. Place a folding bed there, and install niches instead of a wall. We do not recommend installing a wardrobe, as it will be too dark in the room. The seating area remains in the part of the room that is closer to the exit.
In Khrushchev with children
Of course, no matter what arrangement of furniture you choose in a one-room Khrushchev apartment, you still won’t be able to create completely isolated zones. Eachone of them will be a checkpoint, therefore it is worthwhile to be psychologically prepared for this in advance. So, it would be best to place the children's sleeping area closer to the window. This will allow the maximum amount of light to enter. It is only important that the window and the balcony behind it are insulated. In the part of the room that remains free, we organize a living room-bedroom. It is best to use folding sofas, small corners that can transform from small couches into huge double beds. Let's not forget about the kitchen. It is advisable to add a folding table to its interior. So at the time of cooking, nothing will interfere with the hostess, and when the time comes for the meal, the whole family will be able to gather at a large table. Ergonomic shelves that have a vertical rather than a horizontal structure are also suitable for the bathroom.
Some general points
When arranging furniture in one-room apartments, it is also important to take into account some tricks. They are based on the visual perception of space. You can visually expand the boundaries of any room with the help of mirrors - this is a well-known rule for a long time. You just have to place them wisely. For example, you can order furniture with a mirrored front surface. The main thing is that it should have as few fittings as possible and the surface itself should be as smooth and complete as possible. Of course, the idea with dark tones for walls, and for furniture, should be shelved. Only light shades should be present in the interior, variations can only be between warm and cold.
Optionsthere are a lot of arrangements of furniture and decor elements in one-room apartments. You can choose both ordinary furniture, putting it in different corners, and built-in furniture, which will greatly improve the perception of the interior and make the room more spacious. The main thing is to deal with sleeping places, because they occupy the most free space. Well, in everything else, rely on the experience of master designers and your own imagination.