At the moment, many people want to build their own house using timber. Everyone who is just planning the construction of a residential building wants to take into account all the pros and cons of the chosen material. When choosing glued laminated timber, reviews from real buyers will not be superfluous.
What are manufacturers silent about?
There are times when it is quite difficult to find reliable information. Any product, and even more so building material, should have both positive and negative sides. Many manufacturers of glued laminated timber hide reviews of negative points. They tend to believe that it is best to provide the consumer with only information about positive characteristics, in which they are greatly mistaken and thus commit an irreparable mistake.
Today, many position this building material as one of the unique. But is it really so? After all, if you thoroughly approach the matter, you can find reviews about glued beams, the disadvantages of which will also be described. For some reason, manufacturers are trying to make it unique in the eyes of potential consumers. For those yearsduring which the timber is produced, many shortcomings were revealed that did not particularly suit the manufacturer. But this does not mean that consumers will not be interested in them either.

Negative sides
Reviews about the disadvantages of glued laminated timber manufacturers are trying in every possible way to hide. Despite this, they are still identified by buyers. These include:
- Cost of material. On the one hand, this cannot be attributed to negative points, because any product has a price, regardless of quality. But according to many buyers, this is precisely the negative point. Many may say that this can be due to only one factor - someone can afford it, and someone can't, and that's what ranks the price as a minus. If we consider the situation from a different angle, then we can understand that the material has an unreasonable cost, which does not match the quality. There are reviews about glued beams that if you build a house out of it, then its service life will be minimal.
- Using poor quality glue. The first thing you need to ask yourself is: how often do we trust the manufacturer? After all, the declared qualities can be anything. For example, advertising will say that only high-quality glue is used in the production process, which is also safe. But how can this be tested at home? And besides, there is no completely safe glue. It may be less dangerous to human he alth, as it contains many chemical elements.
- Material lowvarieties. There are times when quality material is used only outside, in places where it can be seen and appreciated. Do not be surprised if in fact the timber is of poor quality. There is information about glued beams on the Internet. Reviews say that the material has led or blue spots have formed on it. And this is not surprising. After all, the building material must dry for a long time, as stated by the manufacturers. In fact, one comes across wood that grew naturally in the forest before being cut.
- Complicated care process. A house built from such material has an attractive appearance. But few people wondered how to maintain it in such an ideal form. The house must be impregnated annually with special products that have a high cost. Most people believe the manufacturer when they claim that the material will last a long time and will not even change color. Be honest with yourself, how often have you seen wood that, under the influence of natural factors, remained as light as on the day of production?

Beam house
Due to the fact that the material has just appeared on the building materials market, there should not be many owners of glued laminated timber houses, reviews, respectively. If you resort to the help of forums and look for information on them, you can understand that things are not the best way. When purchasing a building material, everyone expects exactly those properties that are declared by the manufacturer at the stage of purchasing material for building a house from gluedtimber. Owner reviews are proof that quality expectations are not justified.
Few people think why praise a product whose quality leaves much to be desired, and even the cost is unreasonably high. The answer to this question is as simple as possible. The main goal of any manufacturer is to get as much profit as possible from the goods sold. But to believe their words or not is already a personal matter for everyone. It is rare that anyone can present to the public the negative aspects of the product. These include manufacturers of tobacco products. Everyone is aware of the he alth risks, but that doesn't stop consumers from shopping because the product is well advertised.
Beam has not only positive aspects, but also a number of disadvantages. Consider the main disadvantages of a house made of glued laminated timber. Feedback from the owners of such houses will be just right:
- Let's assume that if a cottage is built from this building material, then in the summer period of the year it will be quite warm. In the event that it is planned to live in it throughout the year, then it will be necessary to additionally insulate the walls. But it is worth considering that after the timber is insulated it will not be visible.
- The time it takes for the timber to shrink is the same as for ordinary dry material, even a little longer. It would be useful to mention that, on average, it will take at least 7 years for ordinary material to shrink.
- There are times when low quality material comes across in a batch of timber. Over time, it begins to crack, and these cracks constantly grow in size. If aCaulking is scheduled to be carried out, unfortunately this is not possible.
- If production technologies are not followed, the material may be toxic and adversely affect the he alth of households.
- Many manufacturers claim that the building material is able to breathe. But the question immediately arises: how can he breathe if the composition contains resin? After all, the resin itself is not capable of passing air, so this quality can be called into question.
- People who can afford to purchase such material will not do construction work on their own. Then what is the point of giving preference to him if the plans do not include making the work of the construction team as easy as possible?
As you can see, there are quite a few good disadvantages of a glued beam house. Testimonials from real consumers are proof of this.

Profile timber
This type of timber is produced in a factory, using machines specially designed for this purpose. It would seem that conifers are taken as the basis, the finished product should have excellent technical characteristics. Unfortunately, at the moment there are many handicraft industries of glued profiled timber. Feedback from many consumers indicates disappointment.
You can avoid this quite easily if you contact trusted organizations. Thanks to the development of technology, it is easy to purchase special equipment and make it from ordinary material.profiled timber independently. But for this you need to have special skills.
The material is dried, for this special chambers are used, and have a natural level of humidity. Many buyers recommend using only dried material for building a living space.
Firm Choice
Forum users quite often ask the question: how can an ordinary buyer make the right choice and not make a mistake with the choice of organization and material in general.
It is worth considering that prices can vary, there are times when it is quite difficult to understand how they are formed. In order not to fall into the hands of scammers and not to purchase low-quality goods, it is necessary to understand the building material. The first step is to ask for a quality certificate for the goods being sold. When receiving it, do not flatter yourself, because this does not guarantee that the necessary equipment is installed in the production workshop.
You also need to inspect the material. The composition must be homogeneous and consist of one type of wood. In the event that a beam is glued from several species, then it must be borne in mind that the species have different characteristics and it is rather difficult to determine how they will behave together.
The organization "Detinets" appeared on the market of goods and services, which provides potential consumers with the opportunity not only to purchase timber, but to purchase a ready-made house on a turn-key basis. Competitors currently have similar offers.
The Internet hasa lot of reviews about houses made of glued laminated timber "Detinets". Most of them talk about the poor quality of work. Customers are not satisfied with the quality of building materials, construction time, and even the work of managers. During the operation of houses, critical shortcomings arise.

Insulated timber
Insulated timber is compared with sandwich panels. In both cases, the material is laminated using an adhesive. This beam is found in two variations:
- Package - the design is closed and resembles a box, there is a heater inside.
- With one chamber - consists of two boards that are interconnected with a jumper.
Consider the pros and cons of insulated glued beams. Feedback from real buyers was divided into two parts. People cited the following as positive:
- Heat is retained in the room several times more than when using conventional glued material.
- The cost is much lower, by 25-30%.
- Give the house an extra level of strength with the help of special crossbars that connect the boards.
- You can save a lot on pouring the foundation. This is due to the fact that the finished material is light in weight and the load on the foundation is minimal.
- Due to good dryness, the material will not crack over time.
- The appearance of the building is not inferior to wooden buildings.
- Due to the high level of heat retention, you can significantly save oncold season on heating.
Among the cons consumers note:
- The material that is responsible for thermal insulation is gradually destroyed during operation. Unfortunately, it is simply impossible to replace it.
- Due to the presence of resins and adhesives, the material is not breathable. In this regard, the house does not breathe, which leads to additional costs for installing a ventilation system.
- Any wood material absorbs moisture. If ecowool is present, then it absorbs it even more. Drying such material is quite problematic.
- Manufacturers claim of environmentally friendly material questioned.
- Design is a great option for rodents that prefer ecowool.
- Over time, the wood begins to darken, which leads to the need for interior decoration.
- There is a material on the market of goods and services that can imitate the texture of a bar. When using it, there will be no difference, and it will come out cheaper.
Construction of a bath from glued beams
Bath is considered a place where a person comes not just to relax, but to improve his he alth. Opinions on the use of material for construction are ambiguous. Many manufacturers recommend using glued laminated timber for a bath. Reviews of the minuses indicate that it is better to prefer another material. Walls must breathe. Can this type of material be considered environmentally friendly, which can be safely used for a "wellness" place?
Let's consider the mainthe reasons on the basis of which it is not recommended to build a bathhouse from glued beams. Reviews of the owners of such buildings say the following:
- This type of material prevents air from entering. As a result, the walls cannot breathe. Because of this, the air circulation process is disrupted.
- Often there are unknown manufacturers from whom you can buy low quality products. At high levels of humidity and temperature conditions, the material begins to crack.
- When heated, the adhesive becomes toxic, which can lead to poisoning.
- It is very difficult to talk about the service life, since such a bar has been on the market for no more than 20 years.
- During the heating process, the material loses its strength.
This negative information is the main one for baths from glued beams. User reviews are evidence of this. If you choose the right material and take into account all the nuances, then such construction is possible.

Beam producer from Ivanovo
About 10 years ago, a new company "Technology of glued beams" (Ivanovo) appeared on the goods market. Consumer reviews about this company say that they build well here, only if they want to, they try to push the marriage away. People warn that they will have to constantly correct shortcomings in construction. Among the positive aspects of operation, they note that such houses are easy to heat.
The organization is engaged in the construction of residential premises, both according to standard projects andindividual designs. Positioning is carried out due to the fact that the manufacturer claims: the material is environmentally friendly, made on special machines.
Construction of the tower
Under the tower is meant a private house made of wood. Construction work requires a lot of attention, especially with regard to the choice of material. With the advent of a new building material on the market, timber began to gain popularity. It is necessary to study in advance all the pros and cons of building a house-terem from glued beams. User feedback contributes to the correct decision making. Many argue that the first thing you need to pay attention to the contractor:
- Study completed projects.
- Read reviews of both the company as a whole and the work.
- Carefully study the contract.
- Pay attention to the official website, as it is considered the face of the organization.
- You need to pay attention to the professionalism of employees during communication.
- You need to ask questions, and the more the merrier.
- The organization must have standard projects developed in advance, from which you can choose the future building.
- Conduct a comparative analysis of the room configuration.
In order not to invest additional funds in the finalization of the implemented project, it is better to familiarize yourself with the reviews on the construction of houses from glued beams in advance. Any consumer has a number of requirements for his future home, in which he will spend more than one year. You need to pay attention to all the nuances, details.

What to choose: timber or log?
It is definitely impossible to say which is better: a log or glued laminated timber. Consumer reviews, if taken into account, say that it is impossible to compare two completely different materials in terms of characteristics. But let's try to compare them:
- Both options are made from a tree trunk, only the log does not change the texture.
- The log holds heat much better, retains its original properties.
- Different in shape, the installation process is easy in both options.
- Cracks may form during operation. In the case of a beam, there are more of them, and it is impossible to eliminate them even with a caulk.
- In each case, a caulk is needed when laying.
- Building buildings with timber is easier and faster.
- The service life of a log is longer than that of a bar.
- Can be used in all climates.
- The cost of a log is much more affordable.
- Beam has a lower level of stability.
In advance, you need to take into account the pros and cons of glued laminated timber, reviews of experts and consumers. They will help you make the right decision.

Glulam Studio: customer reviews
This organization offers its services for the construction of residential buildings, baths and cottages of any complexity and area. In the course of work the glued bar is used. Representatives of the company take care of everything and guarantee to bring the project to life, based ontheir desires and preferences of the client.
If you visit the official website, you can find many positive reviews from satisfied customers. People say that they were satisfied with everything, the work is carried out quickly, there are no additional costs, construction teams work efficiently and professionally. But who will guarantee that the information is reliable and really from real users? In any case, you need to personally visit the office, talk with experts and then draw some conclusions. If necessary, you can get acquainted with all the pros and cons of glued beams, reviews of the owners of finished buildings will help with this.
Disadvantages of log houses
Many consumers and manufacturers leave only positive feedback about the building material. But if you turn to the forums, you can find the real owners of turnkey houses. Reviews about glued beams are not always positive. The main disadvantages include:
- Resin stands out. At the moment when the material is harvested, an adhesive-based composition is used, its safety is practically not controlled. There are a number of requirements according to which the adhesive must be made. But it is a rare case when all production shops will be checked for compliance with rules and regulations. This is exactly what unscrupulous manufacturers use, thereby endangering human he alth.
- Poor quality material. In this regard, glued laminated timber has disadvantages. Consumer feedback on how quickly the material begins to crack is confirmation of this. There are times when the adhesive begins to lose its properties and the material falls apart.
- Raw materials are being replaced. Houses built from timber can often break the proportion of the frame. All this may indicate that the production technology of glued laminated timber has been violated. Reviews of some experts help to understand that this comes from the desire to save money and reduce the cost of the finished material. It is quite difficult to notice a marriage at the stage of purchase, it may even take several years before it is noticed.
Positive and negative points can be considered using the example of residents' feedback on glued beams. There are pros and cons just like any other product or service. Some emphasize a number of advantages and hush up some of the disadvantages. Most people try to emphasize the negative aspects. How can you convey information about low quality to the manufacturer of glued laminated timber? Reviews help other consumers not to make a mistake, and point out to the manufacturer the shortcomings that need to be corrected.