How to install an alarm in the apartment?

How to install an alarm in the apartment?
How to install an alarm in the apartment?

Security alarm in an apartment is quite common today. To protect your home from the unpleasant consequences of burglary, you should take care of reliable protection in advance. You can install an alarm in the apartment yourself, or you can take it complete with the installation and services of a security organization.

There are a lot of features when choosing a protection system for your apartment. If the security setting is done independently, first of all, you should decide on such questions as:

1) what needs to be protected;

2) where the hacking might come from;

3) what to do if a problem is identified;

4) what additional features would you like to have.

Varieties of burglar alarms

Installing a burglar alarm in an apartment is possible in two of the most popular ways. In the first case, the installation is carried out by specialists in their field, and in the second - with their own hands. For an independent option, you must have elementary installation skillssensors and wiring, as well as the tools and materials needed for this. If the installation of the alarm is done by a hired force, the best option would be specialists from a company that will protect you.

install an alarm in the apartment
install an alarm in the apartment

According to the type of protection, remote and autonomous security alarms are distinguished. The console is not named so by chance. Since in case of penetration or operation of any sensor, all information is sent to the security console. Further actions are determined by the clauses of the agreement concluded between you and the security company.

Autonomous alarm means an independent response to break-in or penetration, independent of additional organizations. The result can be either a simple sound or light signal, or a call to a phone number, or rather several phone numbers.

Advantages of different types of alarms

In order to decide on the question: what kind of alarm to install in an apartment, consider the main advantages and features. Remote protection of the home attracts, first of all, with a timely response, regardless of the location of the owner. Therefore, it is most convenient in case of frequent business trips and departures. Serious private security implies in the contract a clause on payment of compensation in case of hacking. When concluding a contract, you should review all paragraphs and footnotes in order to add or remove as desired in time.

install an alarm in the apartment
install an alarm in the apartment

Autonomous alarm pleases with a one-time contribution. Having invested once, you can be sure that the apartment will be securely guarded without a monthly subscription fee. Installing an alarm in an apartment with additional features is even better. Flexible function setting allows in case of triggering of any sensor:

  • send sms to one or more mobile phone numbers;
  • make a call to the main and backup numbers;
  • turn on sound and light notification;
  • release tear gas.

A few words about shortcomings

In addition to the obvious advantages, each type of installed alarm has disadvantages. For example, the console version has a more complex setting and the need to reconfigure all sensors and systems. At the same time, one should not forget to disable this option when the main residents are in the protected area. The main disadvantage of autonomous home security is full responsibility for your apartment. The speed of response to the situation will depend only on the owner himself and no one else.

Composition and features

The complex security structure of any alarm system has a number of basic elements. First of all, these are the sensors themselves, which are connected by wires or radio waves to the main unit. The more sensors, the more reliable and functional the protection of your apartment. The main unit is a control transceiver. In case of operation of any of the sensors included in the protection circuit, various actions are performed, pre-programmed during setup.

The quality of operation depends onsensitivity of sensors and their correct installation. Sometimes a well-placed system with fewer detectors is more effective against a similar option with a chaotic arrangement of more.

install a burglar alarm in your apartment
install a burglar alarm in your apartment

Installing an alarm in an apartment, knowing the composition and features, is not difficult. At the same time, one should remember such an important, albeit optional, part of the system as a battery. This greatly increases the reliability of protection in the event of a blackout.

In order for the alarm to notify you in the event of a burglary, a cellular communication module is located in the main unit. This increases the complexity of the system, but at the same time increases the reliability of protection as a whole.

Variety of alarm sensors

Depending on the placement, they are allocated:

  • contact - sensors that are triggered when the contact is broken;
  • acoustic - mounted on glass;
  • volumetric, or motion sensors;
  • vibrating.

Contact detectors are installed on the front door and windows. They are the sensor itself and the magnetic part. As soon as the magnet-sensor contact is broken, a trigger occurs. It can be structurally made wired or radio. Wireless sensors are much easier to install, but wired sensors are still more reliable.

install an alarm in the apartment private security
install an alarm in the apartment private security

In case of penetration through windows on glass, except for contactsensors, vibration and glass break sensors are installed. Installing an alarm in an apartment means placing motion sensors in the hallway and in rooms where there are windows. Windows should only be protected if they can be reached. This applies to the first and last floors, as well as other options, for example, a "convenient" tree growing nearby.

Do-it-yourself burglar alarm

In order to install an alarm in an apartment with your own hands, it is better to follow some action plan.

1. Decide on the composition and type of protection. To do this, you should look at your home through the eyes of an intruder and identify all the vulnerabilities.

2. Purchase the necessary components and materials, as well as prepare tools.

3. Perform installation work according to the developed plan.

Installing a burglar alarm in an apartment with wires is much more labor-intensive than a similar wireless one. If these are still wires, it is most reliable to remove them into the walls. Therefore, it is best to combine the installation of alarms with construction work. Once properly laid wires will serve uninterruptedly for a long time.

install an alarm in an apartment without a home phone
install an alarm in an apartment without a home phone

Radio communication with the wireless version can be jammed with special devices. Therefore, such a security system does not provide special reliability. Installing an alarm in an apartment without a home phone is also easy. In this case, the signal is output either to the neighbors, or directly to the control

This is how the question is solved: how to install an alarm in the apartment yourself. The main advantage of such a scheme is that, apart from you, no one will know the location of the sensors and the unit, and hence the security capabilities in general.

Features of console security

The console security system is quite common, as it solves the most basic issues: round-the-clock surveillance and departure to the scene in case of detection of detectors. It is not enough to install an alarm system in the apartment. Private security is the simplest solution to protect your home. All responsibility will be shifted to the shoulders of professionals in their field.

how to install an alarm in the apartment yourself
how to install an alarm in the apartment yourself

In order for the protection system with the help of a private security company to work without failures, the most important thing is to provide for all possible cases in the contract. In this way, you can save yourself from potential friction and disputes in the future.

In conclusion

Installing an alarm in an apartment is both a simple and complex undertaking. It is important to think about several issues at once regarding the protection and protection of housing. But in any case, the installation of an alarm will give the state of calm and reliability that is so necessary today.
