Tulips are one of the first garden flowers to appear to remind us of the approach of summer, warmth and relaxation. Do you want to bring this time closer, arrange a spring holiday for yourself on the New Year, Valentine's Day, or have such a “symbol” at home in a pot by March 8? Then we start to act. When the tulips have faded in your backyard (what to do, this happens quite early), their landing site soon becomes empty and ugly. Therefore, a combined method of using several varieties of plants with different flowering periods is simply necessary.

To arrange a flower bed where you plan to plant tulips, you should consider that these plants do not need to be planted in the foreground. They will delight and enliven the front garden while all other flowers are still in a state of growth and dormancy before the start of bud dissolution. But the tulips are blooming. What to do? Their leaves begin to turn yellow and spoil the look of your flower bed. To maintain the attractiveness of the composition throughout the summer season, it is recommended to combine them with violets, early daffodils and chionodox.
If you plan to planttulips with herbaceous perennials, then here, on the contrary, it is better to place them in the foreground. During the flowering of the bulbous bushes, they will grow and cover the unsightly yellowed foliage. You can also use the option of planting tulips in a container. You place the bulb in any container in which you need to make a lot of holes, cover it with earth and bury it. When potted tulips have faded, they are dug up and moved to a more shaded area. This method is convenient, you can plant new flowers in the place where the plants were placed, and faded tulips will not spoil the appearance of your site.

Recommendations for those who did not use the above methods after the tulips have faded. What should you do? Leave the plants at the planting site, pre-cut the stem, do not touch a couple of leaves so that the bulb receives the necessary amount of nutrients through them. Feed the plant with mineral fertilizer (for any method of planting). Wait for the state of the leaves when they turn completely yellow, and the stem becomes soft and bends. Dig up the bulbs and place in a cool place. Choose a dry and sunny day for such manipulations. You can treat the bulb with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, but then it must be dried in the sun.

If you do not plan to get a tulip flower for Christmas at home, then plant in September directly into the ground. The most favorable period for planting is when the soil temperature has dropped to 10degrees of heat. Add horn flour and compost to the ground, mulch. It is better to plant tulips in groups, so they will look more aesthetically pleasing. Mark the spot to prevent damage to the bulbs in early spring.
If you want to get a tulip for the winter holidays, then he needs to arrange a kind of early winter, "deceive" the plant. Depending on which holiday you want to get a blooming bud, place the bulb in a container and send it to the refrigerator until the first shoots appear and start to rest against the walls. Transfer to a cold window sill. And now spring has come to your house, when a winter blizzard is outside the window. You will have a logical question: “When homemade tulips have faded, what to do in this case?”. You repeat everything again, dig it up to plant it in open ground in September, this tulip will no longer bloom indoors.