What to do when potted orchids have faded?

What to do when potted orchids have faded?
What to do when potted orchids have faded?

Gave an orchid - and a new concern. Beautiful phalaenopsis has been blooming for three months now with luxurious creamy flowers. Everything seems to be going as it should: standing in a bright place, but not in direct sunlight, watering once a week by immersion in warm water. Kind people taught how to care for these very whimsical flowers. But what to do when the orchids have faded - they did not have time to say. So, you need to figure it out yourself.

what to do when orchids have bloomed
what to do when orchids have bloomed

Wilting begins

The flowers have fallen, the leaves have drooped and wrinkled. A heartbreaking sight, as Eeyore would say, especially considering how long it takes to re-bloom. What to do when the orchids have faded? During this period, we need to look very carefully at the flower. Our further actions depend on his condition. If the peduncle dries up, you can not cut it yet - the plant will take the remnants of nutrition from it.

after the orchid has bloomed
after the orchid has bloomed

And when it is completely dry, you need to remove it and leave stumps two and a half highcentimeters. If the peduncle does not dry out, but continues to grow - this is undesirable for the orchid, it is better to cut off the faded stem above the dormant bud. It is likely that the plant will soon give a new sprout and even bloom again. Phalaenopsis is especially generous with such surprises (the same one on our windowsill!). So there is still hope.

Care after pruning the peduncle

So, Phalaenopsis orchid has faded. What to do with this beauty - we study further. It is clear that care cannot be stopped even now. In the same way, the flower will need watering and feeding if we want to wait for a new bloom. In general, the ways of further care are different. If the flowers have fallen off, and the leaves are still fresh and he althy, you can cut the stem right above them - perhaps in this place the phalaenopsis will give a new sprout and buds. But this will slow down its further development.

If necessary, the plant can be transplanted. There is conflicting information here. Some say that an orchid can only be planted in a plastic pot, while in a ceramic pot, the roots will firmly grow into the walls, and then try to extract them without damage. Other connoisseurs say the opposite: a plastic pot is one of the reasons for the rare flowering of an orchid. This means that clarification will be required empirically.

phalaenopsis orchid has faded what to do
phalaenopsis orchid has faded what to do

To painlessly remove the roots from the pot, the soil must be shed abundantly, and only then remove the lump. No need to try to unweave the roots - they break easily. Dried and blackened parts of the roots are carefully removed. Transplantation takes place in a light substrate that is soldespecially for orchids. What to do when the orchids have faded in a small pot? Upgrade to a bigger one? There is no need: this flower needs just enough space to accommodate its roots.

Is spring coming soon?

Spring is a relative concept. The orchid is out of season. After the orchid has faded, it remains for us to love and care for it as before. And wait for a new bloom. When is another question, to which each plant has its own answer. It all depends on the variety of the orchid, on the care during and after flowering, on successful or incorrect pruning, on the place where the pot stands, on temperature, on light … In a word, everything should come together. And the time before a new flowering may take two or three months, or maybe a year. And what to do when the orchids have faded and ceased to be a decoration of our house? Be patient and wait. Which is what the author of these lines is going to do.
