Potted rose: photo, cultivation and care at home

Potted rose: photo, cultivation and care at home
Potted rose: photo, cultivation and care at home

Home roses planted in pots are also beautiful, just like garden roses. To date, ornamental bushes are an excellent substitute for plants in the open field. But for potted roses, special attention is needed: it is necessary to create suitable conditions for growth and flowering. This is described in the article.

Because the plant is not considered tropical, it needs moderate conditions. Care includes providing suitable temperature, humidity, lighting. You also need to know about the rules for watering and feeding the plant.

Best varieties

There are several popular varieties of potted roses that housewives love. At the same time, each has its own characteristics. The best include:

  1. Potted rose Cordana. It is important for this flower to provide careful care, and then from May to October it will bloom profusely. Its growth is no more than 30 cm, dark green foliage and classic buds (they come in red, pink, yellow and white). Plant these potted roses outdoors, creating beautiful borders. The difference from other species is the lack of aroma.
  2. Baby Masquerade. Bushes reach a height of 30 cm. On strong, somewhat branched shoots that form a narrow bush, there are practically no thorns. Small dark green leaves perfectly set off chameleon flowers 3-4 cm wide. First, their color is yellowish, and then turns into pink and red. The aroma lasts throughout the flowering, which is almost never interrupted.
  3. Angela Rippon. Considered a miniature rose. When flowering, it is covered with small flowers 3-4 cm wide. The bushes grow 40 cm high. When growing, it is necessary to perform preventive treatment against powdery mildew and black spot. Plants do not need pruning. Top dressing is done in small quantities, but often.
  4. Easter Morning. The variety is resistant to fungal infections. Dense bushes include upright shoots with harsh dark green leaves. Lush blooms continue without interruption.
  5. Fire Princesses. These roses reach a height of 30-40 cm. The flower includes branched shoots looking upwards, covered with dark green leaves. Double flowers have a diameter of 3-4 cm.
potted rose
potted rose

When choosing a plant for your home, you need to pay attention to the appearance. It should be attractive and fresh. It is important that the branches and leaves are green, juicy, without spots and dried tips. It is necessary to control that young shoots are not elongated. Roots and stems should not be dried and damaged.

If the plant is sold in a pot, then the soil should be soft, breathable. He alth is considered an important factor when buying a rose.plants, not the number of buds on it.

Temperature and humidity

Potted roses require moderate temperatures in summer and cool temperatures in winter. At home, such plants suffer more from overheating and drying out of the soil. A suitable temperature for keeping in summer is from 20 to 25 ° C. But small fluctuations will be useful. In winter, roses are transferred to a cool place where it should be 10-15 ° C.

In the room where these plants are located, moist air is desirable. In a very dry environment, the bushes become infected with parasites, so spraying should be done regularly (every 2 days). If the potted rose is located in a cool room, then it does not need frequent spraying. And to remove dust from the leaves, you can perform a short warm shower. By the way, on a sunny day it is better not to splash water on the flower itself, as this can damage the buds and develop fungal diseases.


Potted rose, like many ornamental plants, is considered light-loving. But you should not bring the matter to overheating of the bushes, so it is better to put them on a window facing the southeast or west side.

potted cordana rose
potted cordana rose

In order to protect the plant from the direct rays of the sun in the summer, it is advisable to put it outdoors - on a balcony or terrace. In the absence of this possibility, the pot must be moved to another place or darkened.

Pot and soil

Flowers are allowed to be planted in containers of different shapes and sizes. The main condition for this is that there should be enough space in the container so thatthe bush could develop, and the air circulated easily. Heavily overgrown bushes need to be transplanted into a large container. When buying a pot, you need to consider the color of the flowers and the style of the interior.

Wooden and ceramic pots are considered the best by the type of container. They are also plastic, but these containers are not very reliable. The soil in them quickly dries out in the summer, which causes wilting of the buds. Clay pots are also better not to choose - they can quickly lose water.

It should be noted that both for the Kordana potted rose and for others from the list above, it is necessary to choose air- and moisture-permeable soil. The following nutrient substrate is suitable for plants:

  • turf land - 4 parts;
  • humus - 4 parts;
  • sand - 1 part.

You can also buy a ready mix. It is important that the pot has a good drainage system so that excess moisture can pass through the soil. But the size of the drainage holes should be such that water does not flow out of the container quickly.


And if there are potted roses at home, how to care for them? Good watering is required, which is carried out as the soil dries out. Plants also need top dressing in the growing season and timely pruning. Watering is especially necessary in summer during flowering and growth. Drying out of the earth is considered dangerous, so you need to water the flower as soon as the soil has dried up.

potted roses how to care
potted roses how to care

But it's not worth transfusing either. Roses are sensitive to overflow, especially in autumn and winter. Therefore, when stopping budding, it is necessaryreduce watering. For this procedure, settled, filtered warm water is used.


Care for a potted rose involves top dressing. Since the water in the pots evaporates quickly, you need to fertilize the soil more often. In spring and summer, this should be done every 2 weeks, alternating mineral and organic nutrients.

Uses standard fertilizers designed for flower crops. Before use, they are dissolved in water. It should be borne in mind that the flowers do not respond well to top dressing in cloudy cold weather. It is not necessary to fertilize newly purchased or transplanted plants for a month. Sick bushes should not be fed either.


As seen in the example of Cordana's potted rose, caring for these flowers requires timely pruning. It includes the removal of yellowed, dry leaves and withered flowers during the growing season. This procedure makes the plant formed, and the budding will be early and lush. Flowers should be cut to the first leaf, eliminating weak stems.

rose potted cordana care
rose potted cordana care

You still need to prune before hibernation, shortening the stems to a height of 10 cm. Leave 4-5 buds on the branches. Cut shoots are used for propagation.

How is reproduction done?

It's not just home care that's important. A potted rose (Cordana or any other variety) must be properly propagated. For this, the cutting method is used. It is advisable to perform this procedure from Mayto September. Lignified cuttings (10-15 cm long) are cut from the faded shoot with secateurs. They are then placed in clean, warm water.

There should be 3-5 buds and several leaves on the handle. The first roots appear after 3 weeks. Developed cuttings are planted in a prepared substrate. For planting young plants, small pots (200-300 ml) are used. To root the cuttings, the growth stimulator "Heteroauxin" is added. The first buds must be removed. If planting is done before going into hibernation, then next year there may be rapid growth, flowering.

For any variety of this beautiful plant, including the potted Kordana rose, home care has its own characteristics, depending on the time of year. This must be taken into account in order to grow beautiful and he althy flowers.


At this time, the rose has new leaves and twigs. The plant should be watered more abundantly and fed with mineral fertilizers. Liquid from bird droppings or mullein is used. In spring, the plant should not be deficient in moisture or light. Sometimes in the evenings the flower should be sprayed with cool boiled water.

rose potted cordana home care
rose potted cordana home care

When a rose outgrows the pot, it is transferred to a large container, preventing injury to the roots. After spring frosts, at a warm night temperature, you can transfer the pot to fresh air. It is necessary to accustom the bushes to the bright sun gradually. To do this, the flower is placed in a shady corner, and only after 10-14 days it must be transferred to a sunnyplace.


Summer care involves regular watering, spraying, fertilizing, removing wilted parts of the plant. To prevent overheating in the summer, you need to monitor the condition of the flower. It is necessary to inspect it in order to timely identify diseases and pests.

After growing, the bush is transferred to a spacious container. If the flower located on the window is illuminated only from one side, then it reaches for the sunlight. In order for the lighting to be uniform, you need to regularly turn the pot. Using this procedure, it will be possible to prevent the development of a one-sided plant.


The plant must be moved indoors and placed on the south window. After flowering, it is prepared for wintering: it should be watered less often and gradually finish feeding. Before wintering, the bush is pruned. 5 buds are left on the shoots, the leaves are not eliminated.

rose potted cordana home care
rose potted cordana home care

Pruning should be done in the evening. If you skip the procedure, then next summer the plant blooms later and not so abundantly. In addition, the bush will have a sloppy look. If pruning was not done in the fall, then it should be done in the spring.


At this time, the plant does not grow and does not bloom, it only sheds the remnants of leaves. In winter, it rarely needs to be watered and sprayed. When the earth is dry, the flower needs to be watered only after 2-3 days. The temperature in this case should be from 15 to 17 ° C. You can transfer the flower to the windowsill.

Next to the bush should not be heating and electricaldevices. If the apartment has central heating, then the following protection options are used:

  • the flower is placed between the frames;
  • don't need to seal the window in autumn where the rose will be during the winter;
  • part of the window needs to be fenced off with polyethylene;
  • the container must be placed on a stand with wet pebbles or gravel and check that the stones are wet.

Probable diseases

Improper care is considered to be the cause of disease in potted roses:

  • very high temperature;
  • high humidity;
  • poor ventilation.
potted rose care
potted rose care

Miniature roses in an enclosed space may have the following ailments:

  1. Leaf spot is a fungal disease that manifests itself in the form of small dark formations on the leaves. Gradually they turn yellow and crumble. Spotting appears at high humidity. During watering, do not allow water to get on the leaves. Painful sheets should be removed. To eliminate the disease, antifungal soap or fungicides are used.
  2. Powdery mildew. With this disease, a white powder appears on the leaves, stems, buds. Young leaves change shape. The disease appears due to frequent temperature changes. Fungicides are used to eliminate it.

Thus, care for potted roses is not a problem. Growing this plant allows you to create your own flower mini-garden. At home with roses there will be a cozy atmosphere.