Whitening methods excite all housewives. With good care and proper washing, the fabric will still lose its color over time. If a thing is light, then it is doubly prone to shedding, since the following groups of factors contribute to this - this is the process of sweating, eating, sun, etc. As a result, clothes must not only be washed, but also bleached, and this must be done regularly so as not to look untidy. Therefore, all housewives and the fair sex in general need to have an idea of how to bleach a faded white thing at home.

Problem of loss of color and brightness of things
It happens that washed fabrics lose their color saturation. Every housewife had such a problem sooner or later. And in this situation, the question arises: is it possible to bleach a faded white thing?
If the color fades immediately after washing, you need to take immediate action without washing the thing again. Washing will only ruin the clothes. She ismay get mottled elements, color change, shade on the fabric when washed with unchecked pockets, which could have, for example, a bright scarf or dye wrap.
If this is the case, then the paint is chemical in nature and it is better to turn to store-bought stain removers, because home methods will not be able to whiten well. Today there is a large selection of manufacturers and all kinds of bleaches, which are divided into two main types: the first contain chlorine in their composition, and the second contain oxygen.

Chlorine bleaches
Almost the most effective are chlorine-containing products. But they should be used for bleaching and stain removal only for clothes made from natural durable fabrics. Chlorine-containing bleaches also have high disinfecting properties. Therefore, if you need to not only bleach the faded fabric, but also disinfect it, it is recommended to use "Whiteness". But for sensitive and delicate materials (silk or synthetics), you should carefully select its dosage.
Oxygen bleaches
Oxygen substances work with a certain chemical reaction that negatively affects the quality of the fabric, but leaves the structure of the fabric intact. Tools from this group can be used for automatic machines. When washing wool, silk, such solutions should not be added.
Types of bleaches
Let's consider the two main types of bleach in detail.
"Whiteness" is a cleaning product that containscontains chlorine. This solution is used for various purposes in everyday life. Before considering how to bleach faded white things with it, consider the advantages and disadvantages of this tool.
Dignity of "Whiteness"
Among the advantages of this tool, users noted the following:
- Low price, unlike analogues in action.
- Effective stain removal.
- Quality disinfection.
Disadvantages of "Whiteness"
Users also noted some shortcomings of "Whiteness":
- Affects fabric.
- Frequent use can lead to the destruction and change of the canvas itself, which wears out and breaks over time.
How to bleach faded things with this tool? With the help of "Whiteness" it is forbidden to carry out bleaching procedures and remove stains on wool, silk. It is not recommended to fall asleep / fill in when washing in a machine, chlorine damages parts of household appliances from the inside and leads to its breakdown. When using, you should follow safety precautions, first check for allergies and use very carefully.
Can faded items be bleached with other formulations?
Let's consider another common good remedy - "Persol". By structure, it is a powder that belongs to the oxygen type. It removes many different stains and can be used on almost any fabric.
Advantages of bleach "Persol"
Users highlighted the following benefitsof this tool:
- Applies to any fabric.
- Washes well at different temperatures, unpretentious tool.
- Keeps fabric structure.
- No allergen ingredients.
How to bleach faded things? It is necessary to apply and dilute the detergent strictly according to the instructions, calculate the dosage very carefully. When used with detergent, put in the detergent drawer.
It is forbidden to mix these two types, it can be very dangerous for a wardrobe item.

Restoring gray fabric
It is not easy to restore a washed white thing, but it is quite possible. The fact that the white fabric turns gray and wears out is a natural process. Consider how to bleach faded things at home.

Step by step instructions
To bleach a thing, you can use the following step-by-step instructions:
- Prepare a large deep bowl.
- Pour about 10 liters of warm liquid into it.
- Add about two large spoons of ammonia, peroxide.
- Stir well.
- Immerse the item in the composition.
- Rinse and wash after half an hour.
This method is very common and not dangerous for washing and cleaning all types of material. After carrying out all the procedures, the item should be aired, washed and ironed as usual.
Did the thing fade? How to bleach if fabricsynthetic and will not withstand chemical treatment?
- An effective method for removing stains and restoring the color of things is soaking in a s alty composition. To prepare the solution, add about 50 grams of table s alt to 1 liter of water at room temperature.
- In some situations, boric acid is used instead of s alt. Especially often used for washing white sports shoes and socks. To prepare, follow the steps: take 25 ml of the solution and mix with 1 liter of non-cold water, set aside the diluted liquid for a couple of hours. Then dip and leave wardrobe items in it.
- Another very effective, common, cheap remedy is baking soda. It should be used in exactly the same way as a solution with s alt.

Removing yellow sweat stains
It is almost impossible to completely remove yellow persistent sweat stains from white clothes. Similar traces of organics are eaten into the fibers. Of course, if you act on the material with the help of aggressive household chemicals, you can get rid of yellowness on clothes quite effectively, but in this case, most likely, your favorite thing will also be damaged.
The only effective way to prevent stubborn yellow stains on clothes is to wash them after each use. You should also, if possible, try to dry your laundry in direct sunlight, but this is not true for all fabrics.
Whitening Methods
There are several folk recipes to help withremoving sweat stains:
- Natural things made of cotton and linen are bleached simply with the help of chlorine, which perfectly eats away such yellow spots and disinfects the material. However, you can replace it with baking soda, but it will be less aggressive.
- For delicate materials ammonia, mustard are perfect.
- For synthetics, only s alt formulations prepared strictly according to the recipe should be used.
First you need to soak with the selected product, then wash with the powder in accordance with the information on the label.

How to bleach a faded thing? We offer recipes for the preparation of soaking compounds:
- Ordinary laundry soap perfectly removes complex stains. Ammonia is used when it is required to remove the most difficult contaminants that a simple powder cannot wash. Preparing the solution is quite simple: grate half a brick of soap, pour about two liters of water at room temperature into it, then pour ammonia there, stir thoroughly until a lush foam appears. Dip clothes in the prepared liquid and soak for a couple of hours. Then rinse about three times.
- There is a good way to bleach a faded colored thing - soak it in a solution of hydrogen peroxide. The solution copes well with stains, is suitable for any type of material. To prepare, you need to pour three liters of clean, not hot and not cold water into a bowl, pour in about a spoonful of peroxide and mix wellingredients with a wooden spoon, dip the clothes into the finished composition for about half an hour. It is important to constantly stir the wardrobe items in this liquid so that everything happens evenly. After the time is up, rinse the clothes in cool water several times.
- To remove stubborn dirt, it is worth using mixing components, preparing combined solutions in which up to 5 active substances are combined. To bleach a faded white thing at home, you need to soak it in water with vinegar. You need to soak for several hours, keep in a dark place, for example, in the bathroom. Then spread out and align the thing. After preparing the mixture: 50 milliliters of peroxide, 40 grams of s alt and half a glass of soda. Spread this solution with a sponge on the place where there are stains and leave again for half an hour. Then wash and rinse under normal conditions.
- To bleach wool clothes, you should start using mustard powder. Step-by-step recipe: pour 2-3 tablespoons of mustard, pour the same number of liters of boiling water and leave for two to three hours. Over time, the solution becomes cloudy, the water, with the exception of the sediment, must be carefully poured into a small basin. For bleaching, you need to carefully place the wardrobe items and keep a couple of hours. After the whole procedure, you just need to rinse and dry the thing. Do not wash.
- For silk and knitted fabrics, a product using ammonia and soda is perfect. In warm water at room temperature, dilute 2-3 tablespoons of soda and a spoonful of alcohol. Everything carefully and neatlymix. Soak clothes for 4-5 hours, then rinse and wash. Effectively copes with any pollution, you can wash children's things, safe for the skin.
- Another remedy that combines more than one active ingredient. It will help to cope with the problem of mixing colors during washing, when you accidentally put a white and red thing, and it turned out pink. A step-by-step recipe for preparing a “magic solution”: pour four liters of boiling water into a basin, add powder, shabby laundry soap, a little potassium permanganate, mix until a lush foam forms. To soak, put things in a basin and leave for 7-10 hours, depending on the degree of contamination. After completing all procedures, wardrobe items must be rinsed well.
- Since ancient times, probably since the discovery of aspirin, it has been used in washing, it effectively removes dirt and whitens fabrics. If a thing has shed, how to bleach? To prepare the mixture, you need to heat the liquid, knead five tablets into a powder form; add to water and mix thoroughly. Place things in the prepared solution and leave overnight.

Also, if household chemicals and folk compositions do not help from stains and fading, then boiling will be a potent method. It is very popular among housewives to boil kitchen towels.
Whitening step by step
- Pour clean water and boil.
- Throw shavings of laundry soap into boiling water, you must firstgrate.
- Toss and dissolve 15 peroxide tablets.
- Stir well.
- Leave the solution to cool and infuse.
- Then immerse things and bring to a boil.
- You need to “boil” clothes for one to two hours as they are cleaned and the complexity of the dirt. Stir all the time with a wooden spatula.
- Then leave things in the solution until cool.
- Then transfer to bath and wash with conditioner.
Only cotton and linen can be washed this way.
Washing Tips
- It is important to sort clothes by color and type of fabric before each wash.
- Carefully read the labels on clothes, it describes how to wash.
- Wash all whites at once, don't delay.
- It is recommended to dry light-colored clothes in the sun and store them separately from colored ones so that they do not turn gray.
There are many ways and means to bleach faded things, remove stains and restore color. They must be prepared and applied strictly following the instructions. Be sure to check household chemicals for the presence of allergens.
Before use, be sure to check on an inconspicuous area of \u200b\u200bthe fabric, and only then apply for washing things. Be careful, wash and bleach in time, because fresh stains are easier to remove than old ones.