Spring speargun. Do-it-yourself spring speargun

Spring speargun. Do-it-yourself spring speargun
Spring speargun. Do-it-yourself spring speargun

In winter, there is enough free time that can be spent usefully. For example, to make a speargun for spearfishing in a home workshop. There are a wide range of modifications that you can make yourself. The article will describe how to make a spring gun with your own hands.

DIY spring gun
DIY spring gun

Design of spring spearguns

The device ejects the harpoon under the action of the energy of a spring or springs that are in a compressed or stretched state.

The design of the handle is located approximately in the middle of the weapon, which makes it more maneuverable and provides optimal balance.

Easy modification ensures a high degree of reliability. Spearguns for spearfishing are compact. This is especially true for models in which the spring is stretched, and the harpoon is placed inside it when charging. The handle is close to the barrel. These indicators contribute to the improvement of accuracy.

Spring shotguns forspearfishing
Spring shotguns forspearfishing


The advantages of such weapons include light weight and accuracy, which contributes to the capture of nimble predatory fish.

If you compare a spring gun based on compression with a gun with rubber bands, the result of such a comparison will clearly not be in favor of the latter.

A gun with rubber has twice as many parts as a spring gun. Soft rubber bands deteriorate quickly. Fast moving parts (rubber cords and harpoon) are also ineffective. According to the accuracy of the battle, it cannot be compared with a spring weapon, since in the latest product the harpoon is located in a long barrel that serves as an accurate guide.

spring gun
spring gun

Negative aspects of the product

Spring gun has a high level of noise when firing. In the process of charging, the spring emits a creak. In order to reduce unwanted sounds, it is recommended to wipe the handle with a cloth moistened with glycerin.

It is quite difficult to make a spring-loaded spear gun with your own hands. This is due to the fact that it is difficult to get stainless steel for the manufacture of springs. The heat treatment process of this part is also laborious.

Do-it-yourself spring speargun
Do-it-yourself spring speargun

What supplies do you need?

To make a gun with your own hands you will need:

  • Metal wire with a diameter of 2 mm and a length of 12-16 m. The wire will become a spring.
  • Duralumin tube. Its inner diameter can vary from 12.5 to 13 mm. The tube will become the basisfor the gun barrel. Often masters use brass, which is almost not subject to oxidation in water.
  • For the manufacture of the trunk, you can use a regular ski stick.
  • Two plates of the same shape made of plastic, the thickness of which is 10-12 mm. The handle of the gun is made of plastic. The material for it can also serve as nylon, vinyl plastic, beech, oak and aluminum.
  • A metal rod with a diameter of 6-8 mm. It will serve as the basis of the harpoon. You can also use stainless steel or silver.

In order to make a spring spear gun with your own hands, you will need perseverance and patience, as the work is painstaking. The process will require a lot of effort and time, but the result will exceed expectations.

Spring loaded speargun
Spring loaded speargun

Product dimensions

The average homemade spring gun can be no longer than 900mm. The distance from the hook to the hole must be at least 75 mm, and the weight of the product must be 1.5 kg.

The power of a homemade device

With proper observance of all the rules, it is possible to achieve that the product will characterize a sufficiently large shot force to hit fish of medium size and light weight. The range will be approximately 3 m.

Making a spring

Many people are interested in how to make a spring piston gun with their own hands.

Before processing the wire, it should be heated to 300 ºС and cooled to room temperature. This technology helps to achieve spring strengthand its resistance to distortion. The spring is heated and bent so that its ends are perpendicular to the axis.

You should start assembling a speargun at home with a spring. It is the most difficult part to complete, and for its manufacture you will need the help of professionals. The part is made by a turner on the machine, then subjected to heat treatment. It is coated against rust.

The diameter of the spring should be 12mm and the pitch should be 2mm. Its length depends on the length of the trunk. Given that the working force of the spring is directed to compression, its length in this form should be 10 cm longer than the barrel. After firing a series of shots, the spring will be shortened by 1/5. The initial length is taken precisely with this deformation in mind.

How to make a spring piston gun with your own hands
How to make a spring piston gun with your own hands


The clip is one of the components of the speargun. Its basis should be brass, the thickness of which is 1 mm. Holes are drilled on the sides. It is better to cut them out after bending the workpiece.

When assembling the clip, you will need to solder it to the barrel. You should fit the parts along the slots and holes.


The length of the barrel should be 600-750 mm. This length is optimal for hunting in any type of water.

The pipe is threaded at both ends. Then a groove for the sear is cut in it. Its length should be 150-170 mm. Such a groove will allow the regulation of the force of the battle of the gun by ordinary movement.handles along the stem. Holes are made in the trunk for a quick exit of water.

A cap and a muzzle are machined from duralumin. A hole is drilled in the plug, into which a harpoon is then inserted to facilitate transportation. When the barrel is ready, you can start making the trigger mechanism and handle.

Handle and trigger mechanism

Holes equal to the diameter of the barrel are drilled in the plates clamped in a vise. Then the contours of the handle are cut out on the plate. On each plate, by means of a cutter or file, a selection is made for the mechanism for starting, the depth of which is 3.5 mm.

Both halves of the handle should be connected on the barrel and pressed with screws. In front of the handle on the barrel, a stop ring is attached by means of a clamping screw. This manipulation is carried out in order to prevent the handle from sliding along the barrel. The assembly of the gun handle is completed by installing the trigger mechanism.

The escapement mechanism includes a sear, fuse and spring. The manufacture of these components is not particularly difficult and is made on a bench machine.

Making a harpoon

The harpoon is the main part of the weapon. It is made from durable steel rod. Its diameter should be 5 mm. At the main end for installation, an M5 thread should be cut and a hole cut out for the line and harpoon. The rod should be hardened in a furnace. In addition, a sleeve is machined for the harpoon. It is better to use stainless steel for this purpose.

The harpoon should have a diameter of 6-8 mm. A sleeve slides along the harpoon, to which it is attachedtench. The sleeve must rest against the shank. It cushions from a PTFE ring. The shank, which fixes the harpoon, is machined in the form of a collet.

The handpiece is simple in execution. Additionally, a flag is made to hold the fish.

The tip of the harpoon should have a trihedral or square, but not a cone-shaped sharpening. Such arrows hit the fish better and cut the scales easily.

Line ejector

This is the last part of the gun. It can be made from steel strip. The finished plate is attached to the barrel plug with a pair of screws.

When winding, the line is placed under the plate. At the same time, it is tied to the fly in front. During the firing of the shot, the line comes out easily from under the plate and unwinds.

Making an insert

The liner in the design is designed to secure flat return springs. As a rule, its basis is textolite. It is glued to the clip, and after that, springs are glued to it.


The spring gun is assembled with rivets. Their basis should be strong steel. To wind the harpoon line, a special hook is required, which is made of brass or stainless steel. The hook is soldered to the base of the trunk. The springs in the fuse, as a rule, are used as a stopper for two main positions. The basis is steel, the thickness of which is 0.5 mm. Usually they use alloyed grade 65 or carbon category U8, U10, U10 A.

Safety rules

Spring gun, the description of whichwas given in this article, should only be charged in a body of water. When leaving the shore, the weapon must be discharged. The shot is fired if the target is well traced, and the water is clean and transparent.

Spring shotgun description
Spring shotgun description

Using the product

When everything is ready, you should fill the harpoon into the barrel so that it rests against the stop, then press the spring against the sear until it clicks. The sear is directed upwards, and the barrel is pressed with a sleeve. At the trigger moment, the spring performs translational movements, and then returns to its initial position. When the angler presses the start mechanism, the sear moves into the groove and makes room for the spring sleeve. Expanding, the spring contributes to the ejection of the harpoon.
