There is nothing surprising in the fact that innovations appear in the fields of science, technology or production that have long been familiar to us. Here is the simplest example - wood processing by people has been carried out for more than one millennium, it would seem that what else can be invented in this area. However, it is not uncommon for some new materials that use wood to be used here. An example of one of these inventions is OSB board, whose dimensions are stable, and the product itself is homogeneous and environmentally friendly.

So what is this mysterious stuff behind this acronym? Oriented Strand Board is translated as "oriented strand board" or OSB is abbreviated. To some extent, we can consider the long-familiar chipboard to be its analogue. But the similarity here is very weak, except perhaps the source material, which is the chips. If we want to see what an OSB board is, the dimensions and prices of which are inmainly determined by the conditions of production, then you need to pay attention to manufacturing technology.

It implies at least two features - the use of special chips and its orientation in the production process. Here it is immediately necessary to clarify that the chips are used specially prepared, up to seven tenths of a millimeter thick and up to fourteen centimeters long. The raw material for it is thin wood. It undergoes special processing, and after that, chips are obtained from it. Thanks to this approach to raw materials, the finished OSB-board dimensions are quite stable at all stages of production.
Another feature of manufacturing technology is the orientation of the chips themselves. It is laid in three layers - two of them are parallel to the length of the slab, and the middle one, located between them, is perpendicular. Wood chips are dried, impregnated with special compounds (wax, boric acid s alts). Synthetic resin is used as a binder. Under the influence of pressure and high temperature, it glues all the layers together, after which the finished OSB-plate is cut into sheets, the sizes of the pieces can be both standard and at the request of the customer.
There are four types of plate, differing from each other in certain characteristics. So, OSB-3 is a plate, the dimensions of which are standard, it is distinguished by high strength and moisture resistance. Although, as already mentioned, at the request of the customer, the dimensions can be changed. To date, the mentioned OSB-3 is most in demand on the market due tobetter features than previous brands and lower price than next.

The applications of this oriented strand board are extremely diverse. It can be used for the production of furniture, in the construction of frame-panel houses as walls, for interior and exterior decoration, as a formwork element, etc. Even a simple enumeration of possible applications can add up to a list of many items.
OSB-board, whose dimensions and technical characteristics are highly stable, is considered one of the promising materials, especially in terms of frame-panel construction of houses. Ease of use, affordable prices and the possibility of application in various areas of industry, construction, as well as in domestic conditions provide increased demand.