When it becomes necessary to install new windows, you immediately need to take care of such important structural elements as ebbs. They look like a kind of external window sill and are designed not only to give the window area a complete and aesthetic look, but also provide an unhindered flow of water that forms on the surface of frames and glasses due to weather conditions. The long-term use of the plastic window as a whole depends on how well these elements are installed.

The purpose of window drainage is to remove moisture from window panes. In addition, they do not allow water to enter the window sill and frame, prevent the destruction of building materials, and therefore protect the walls from high humidity. In addition to protective functions, ebbs also perform an aesthetic function - they make the window look complete. The window opening looks harmonious and neat.
Window drains dofrom different materials and in different color options, so you can choose them for the facade and window in any design. In order for it to fit into the general view of the facade of the house, the ebb should not be massive and defiant.
The most popular and durable are polymer-coated window drains.
PVC window manufacturers produce products of the required width, length and color according to individual orders. Most often, the width of the window drainage strip is 250 mm.
Installation of products can be done at any time: at the stage of building construction, or during its operation. In the first case, installation work is much cheaper and easier to carry out. All seams and joints can be sealed with minimal loss of money and time.

Material of production
Window drains are not made from all materials, as rust can form on the products and dark stains on the walls.
In order to prevent such troubles and unjustified financial expenses, it is recommended to figure out what materials can be used to manufacture and install drainage on windows.
- galvanized steel;
- polyvinyl chloride;
- tin;
- copper;
- extruded aluminium.
Let's consider the features of drainage from different materials.

Sheet steel
The most common are galvanized steel window drains. There are also products withzinc coating, which is much more expensive, but can be painted in different colors with polymer paints. Metal drips are installed on plastic and wooden windows in block, brick and wooden houses.
Galvanized window drains are most often made in white or brown. White products are installed on white PVC windows, and brown options are installed on windows that have a laminated surface for wood: walnut, mahogany, oak, cherry.
From the sides to the ebbs, plastic end caps of the same color as the product are installed.
The service life of such products is measured in decades, since the thickness of the window drainage steel is at least 0.55 mm. An important advantage of such products is their affordable price.
The installation of galvanized window drainage does not require special skills and special devices, and if desired, they can be made by hand.
Non-galvanized sheet steel is rarely used today, as corrosion quickly appears under the influence of precipitation. Steel window drainage is covered with powder paint, which can fade or crack over time. You need to be ready for this. The thickness of the window drain coating is measured in microns (microns).
There is another drawback. The disadvantages of window drainage made of steel include the characteristic noise that appears as a result of hail, rain or strong gusty wind.

It's overexpensive window drainage compared to analogues made of steel. And this is due to the fact that this material has increased strength characteristics and operational life. The width of products can be up to 35 cm. The strength of the coating of aluminum castings is due to the use of anodizing technology (coating with an oxide layer). The color of such products is only white or brown. If it is necessary to perform in a different tone, powder paint is used.
Disadvantages include sound effects during hail or rain, and high cost.

Plastic drains
Polyvinyl chloride is a practical and durable material with no drawbacks. It is moisture resistant, not subject to negative atmospheric influences, it is quite easy to install and does not require any special care. Such ebb tides are considered the quietest, since even with a heavy downpour, drumming is not heard outside the window. For such products, separate fittings are produced (plastic side moldings, plugs, etc.), which significantly improve the appearance of the outer window sill and the window itself.
But the biggest advantage is the price. With a fairly respectable appearance, plastic ebbs are cheaper than the competitors described above.
Structures are UV resistant, but damage still happens. This material quickly loses its resistance and plasticity, microcracks appear on it, in whichdust accumulates, various biological species settle. That is why plastic window drainage systems do not last more than 30 years.
During installation, it is necessary to observe the slope and make high-quality sealing of the seams. In addition, it is important to take into account the climatic conditions of the region. If predominantly sub-zero temperatures prevail, then plastic ebbs will not last long. Most often, the width of the window drainage strip is 250 mm.
Epoxy resin
This is a modern heavy-duty material based on fiberglass. Such ebbs are not afraid of corrosion. The peculiarity of such products is that they can be mounted both as an independent element and as an overlay on an existing ebb.
An important advantage of epoxy resin drainage systems is the absence of noise during precipitation, since the material absorbs it. Products are available in three colors: white, brown and black.

Question of price
The cost of window sills depends on several factors:
- Manufacturer.
- Material of manufacture.
- Product sizes.
The size of the ebbs is different. Products are often sold ready-made, designed for standard window opening dimensions, but often buyers select drainage systems according to individual sizes.
Before buying, it is important to accurately measure the base of the product, not only when buying a finished tide, but also when implementing your own project. But it's not hardsince the accuracy of the removal can vary within a few millimeters, and it is quite simple to perform such calculations.
First of all, using a square, you need to calculate the small leg of the first and second corner. The sum of these legs is added to the length of the frame and window tide - as a result, the total length of the tide is obtained.
After that, add 1 cm (when inserting) and 2 cm (when bending the edges). So in total, the length of the tide is the distance between the outer cuts of the window opening, to which is added for tolerances along the edges of 60-80 mm.
Width of window drainage
It directly depends on the size of the ledge, i.e. the distance between the window frame and the edge of the wall. To this figure, you need to additionally arrive 30-40 mm on the visor, take into account the angle of inclination of the product relative to the horizon.
The width of the metal window drainage strip is from 9 to 40 cm. The length is up to 3 meters. The thickness of the window drainage steel is 0.5-1 mm. As already mentioned, it is possible to make an ebb of any size according to the customer's order.
Since ebbs not only protect window structures well, but also belong to decorative elements, when choosing them, it is necessary to take into account the color performance. In this case, the coloring and design of the window itself, as well as the appearance of the ebb and the design of the facade, are taken into account. This product should look neat and be done in soothing colors.
Today, manufacturers offer customers a fairly impressive range of colors, but the most popular and in demand is still a white tone,especially in combination with plastic windows. If necessary, drainage can be painted according to a special technology in different colors according to the RAL catalog. Most often, the product is chosen to match the tone of the window frame. But with a creative solution, you can experiment with designs in contrasting colors - in this design, the building will look very interesting and unusual. It is possible to use perforation and embossing, so you can create unique models that will draw close attention to such a house.
Also, ebbs may differ in textures and configurations. Many of these elements are produced to fit a standard window shape, and for unusual design solutions, you can always make an individual tide to order.
The design of metal drainage can be made not only in the form of curved standard rectangles. Sometimes they are given the shape of steps and tiers, rounded or semicircular, convex or concave configuration. Possible solutions are limited only by the imagination of the manufacturer.
The configuration is most often selected depending on what material the house is built from. For example, in a frame house or in a building with a ventilated facade, window sills will be radically different from products in a classic panel or brick building. But at the same time, no matter what form is chosen, the products always consist of 3 parts:
- shelves attached to the frame;
- dropper;
- drainage itself.
The installation of ebbs is extremely important to do correctly, because laternegative consequences may appear, and a lot of effort and time will be required to complete the repair. There are cases when it is necessary to repair even the coating of facades. It is for this reason that the installation instructions must always be strictly adhered to.
Installation tools
For DIY installation you will need:
- metal scissors;
- sealant;
- insulation;
- mounting foam;
- fittings.
A felt-tip pen and a level will also come in handy to determine the horizontal position of the mounted structure.

When installing the ebb with your own hands, first of all, you should decide whether it will be made independently or whether it will be a custom item. Then you need to measure.
Both options are possible. For example, the choice is stopped at a purchased metal tide. Its installation is carried out as follows:
- First check the condition of the lower slope. If it does not quite meet the requirements, plastering is carried out.
- Before that, remove excess mounting foam with a knife, clean the surface of dust and debris.
- Level small irregularities with ceramic tile adhesive, If the slope is not prepared at all, use a cement-sand mortar.
- When working, observe the bias. It should not exceed 10 degrees. The tides are placed on the windows perpendicular to each other. If you follow this simple recommendation, you can geteffective drainage of water and condensate.
- Before plastering, it is very important not to forget to moisten the surface of the facade. After leveling and hardening of the solution, you can proceed directly to the installation of the ebb itself.
- When ordering a structure, remember that it must exceed the slope parameters by several centimeters. After that, the size of the slope is transferred to the ebb, then the metal surface is bent along the marks, and the places of the kinks are cut with scissors for metal or a grinder. The height of the side bends should be approximately a centimeter, and the edges should fit snugly enough to the side slopes. Next, the finished ebb is placed in the mortar mass.
In the second version, centimeter grooves are cut in the plaster with a grinder at the level where the ebb will be placed. The groove in the corner where the grinder's disc does not reach will need to be cut manually. Fastening is carried out as follows: the drainage is tightly inserted into one groove, bent and the second end falls into the second groove. The structure is leveled, and the recesses are filled with mortar. You need to remember about the waterproofing tape located under the ebb.
It should be mentioned that the second option is not suitable for plastic ebbs, which should be fixed end-to-end and then sealed. In this case, special inserts are used to plug the ends.
- At the next stage, for metal ebbs, the bend is mounted on self-tapping screws, while attached to the window frame.
- Ideally, if the bends are in the groove. Liquid nails can be used instead of self-tapping screws. ATIn certain situations, all joints and points of contact of the product with the wall are covered with mastic. It strengthens the connection and increases waterproofing. But most often everything ends with a simple sealing of all junction areas. If the castings are made independently, they buy a sheet of galvanized steel of the required dimensions, measure all the parameters, taking into account the bends, and cut out the final design along the marking lines.
- When installing a metal tide on a wooden room, instead of a cement mixture, a frame made of wooden bars is used. As a rule, just a few boards, which differ in thickness, are enough. They are laid along the opening and fixed with nails. In order to strengthen the fastening and protect the drainage from snow, add mounting foam.