The best way to fight blues is to transform your home space. In other words, renovation. So you can occupy your thoughts with the selection of various options for colors, styles, and there will simply be no room for negativity in your head. The market for finishing materials offers a wide range of options for changing the design of an apartment, office or any other room. Today we will talk about liquid wallpaper. Reviews about them are mostly good and inspiring.

Material selection
Once a decision has been made to renovate, a more important question arises: what materials to use? Wallpaper made of paper or film, which can be immediately glued to the surface, requires even planes. For most apartments, this turns out to be a problem, as the walls are replete with angularity and bulges. This does not mean that wallpapering is impossible, but if you are counting on quality,it will take a lot of time to correct the situation. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the choice of pattern. The use of wall panels requires the appropriate skills and equipment. What to do?
The ideal option in this case would be the choice of liquid wallpaper, reviews of which indicate that they are fundamentally different from other materials and, due to their structure, are able to easily cope with all the shortcomings of the living space.
In most cases, liquid wallpaper, reviews of which indicate their naturalness, consist of cellulose or cotton, high quality coloring elements and glue. All this is contained in a plastic bag. You only need to stir its contents in the right amount of water, and the liquid wallpaper is ready to use. In addition, the composition of the wallpaper includes natural components with a neutral electrical charge. This speaks of antistatic properties. In addition, they will not collect dust, and this plays an important role in maintaining the he alth of all family members. Liquid wallpaper reviews also talk about their fire resistance, because they meet all fire safety standards.

Material can be used to renovate a wide variety of premises, whether it be a bedroom, corridor or office. The color range will pleasantly surprise the most demanding customers. It ranges from snow-white tones shimmering and sparkling in the sun, to vibrant shades of summer. To create a business environment inoffice, use gray liquid wallpaper on the walls. Feedback from people who have used silk elements in the material speaks of the richness and beauty of the space. These wallpapers create the effect of a fabric covering.
If you dream of a solemn and rich transformation of the living room, the presence of gold threads in liquid wallpaper will do. Reviews and prices will pleasantly please you, since the cost starts from 250 rubles. for packaging, which is enough for 3-4 square meters. For creative people with avant-garde views on life, a coating that combines spots of various color shades will ideally fit into the interior. True, to create such a masterpiece, the hand of a true professional master is needed. But the result is worth it: you will get a unique design that meets your views and character.

A few shortcomings
Many of those who have tried this material leave reviews about liquid wallpaper. As it turned out, they also have shortcomings.
- Drying time. In order for the wallpaper to fully acquire the desired color, you need to wait 2-3 days.
- This type of finish does not like contact with moisture. Otherwise, unwanted spots on the surface may result.
- The cost of liquid wallpaper, compared with other possible elements of finishing work, is high.
In addition, to obtain drawings in the interior, you must use special stencils, which is quite a difficult task for someone.
Comparative characteristics of liquidwallpaper with other finishing materials:
Features | Liquid wallpaper | Paper wallpapers | Venetian plaster | Paint |
Ecology | + | - | - | - |
No bad smell | + | + | - | - |
Integrity | + | + | - | - |
Possibility of restoration | + | - | - | - |
Seamless docking | + | - | + | + |
Do it yourself | + | + | - | + |
Heat and noise insulation | + | - | - | - |
Ability to use in arches | + | - | + | + |
Crack masking | + | - | - | - |
Not only finishing, but also a way to hide imperfections
As mentioned above, those who made liquid wallpaper left very positive reviews about their ability to hide wall imperfections - bumps and bulges. They also mask cracks and other defects well, especially in places where sockets, skirting boards, and switches are located. Only to obtain such an effect, the walls must first be coated with a primer. In most cases, a high-quality primer will be offered to you at the place where you buy wallpaper. Its prices are varied. If the budgetsmall, you can use zinc white or water-based emulsion paint.

Depending on the color of the future wallpaper, choose a primer. If the tone is light, do not use dark paint under the bottom, otherwise it will show through. You can also use liquid wallpaper in the bathroom. Reviews of those who have encountered such a finish pay attention to the nuance of the insulation of batteries and pipes. This is due to their ability to pass moisture, which leads to rust and stains on the surface.
Finishing a new apartment
Another significant advantage of liquid wallpaper is the possibility of finishing a completely new apartment in a new building. Typically, builders do not recommend expensive repairs before two years have passed. This is due to the shrinkage of the new house. But with liquid wallpaper, you can give the apartment a great look without waiting for shrinkage.
Due to the variety of types, liquid wallpaper has a different structure of the fibers themselves. This leads to the fact that some lie on the wall with a thickness of 3 mm, others about 5 mm. In the first case, they are more similar to ordinary wallpapers, in the second they can be compared in texture with fabric ones, since they look more voluminous. But in any case, during the shrinkage of the house, neither the first nor the second will have defects, they will remain safe and sound due to their elasticity.
Kitchen finishing features
You can also use liquid wallpaper in the kitchen. Reviews say that this method of finishing easily copes with various contaminants that are most often found.right in the cooking room. To cope with the problem, you need to clean the contaminated surface and apply liquid wallpaper to it. But in this case, there are several nuances that should be taken into account during the correction of the situation.

In reviews of liquid wallpaper for the kitchen, the shortcomings are also highlighted by consumers, in particular, it is indicated that the new applied area will be very different from the previous one if the apartment is smoked a lot or the wallpaper has been for several years. Therefore, if it is possible to do without removing old wallpaper, use it. For example, dirty spots can be cleaned with an ordinary eraser.
Wallpaper in the bathroom
Liquid wallpaper has a special microporous structure. This allows the material to "breathe", retain heat and sound insulation well. But if you decide to use liquid wallpaper in the bathroom, reviews advise pre-coating the walls with a protective layer, such as varnish. This is done in order to limit the penetration of moisture and soot. Yes, it will preserve the beauty and attractiveness of the room, and will also allow you to get rid of dirt with just one wet wipe. But there is also a minus of liquid wallpaper. Reviews also say that the effect of a "breathing" coating is reduced to zero. Then the question arises: why pay more? More practical vinyl wallpaper can be used immediately.
Applying process
If you study all the recommendations correctly, you can apply liquid wallpaper with your own hands. Reviews who did it at home, you canwatch the video below.

Consider the application steps:
- Preparing the walls. Before starting, it is necessary to clean the walls of various kinds of pollution, remove unnecessary nails or other metal objects. Correct pits and other defects with enamel. If a fungus is found, treat the surface with a special antifungal agent. Wipe off the dust and leave to dry.
- Primer application. If you live in a house that has been renovated for a long time, treat the walls with a primer and two layers of white enamel. This will prevent yellow spots.
- The room temperature must be at least +10 °С.
- Pour dry wallpaper contained in a plastic bag into a bucket or a special container.
- Add to them the other dry ingredients included in the kit, the right amount of water and start mixing the mass until smooth.
- Applying wallpaper is done with a spatula or gun. In the first case, soak the mass for about 30 minutes and gradually begin to apply it to the walls. In the second option, you can use liquid wallpaper immediately. Determine the type of application according to the recommendations on the package.
- The walls will dry on average 12-72 hours. It depends on indoor humidity and temperature.
Look also at the video of how Bioplast liquid wallpaper is applied. Reviews about them are mostly positive, and the prices will please with their democratic nature.

Let's dwell in more detail directly on the process of applying wallpaper and consider some of the stepsoptional.
Preparing the walls
The quality of the final result depends on how scrupulously you approach this process. The main task at this stage is to remove everything superfluous from the walls: old wallpaper, whitewash, etc. The result should be an absolutely clean and uniform surface.
All metal objects must be removed without fail. This will prevent corrosion and unwanted stains. If for some reason it is impossible to get such an item, apply oil paint over it.
For best results, coat walls with acrylic primer or water-based paint. In order to achieve the desired shade in the end, try to use a primer in white tones.
Dilute the mixture
In appearance, liquid wallpaper is very similar to sawdust. They are packed in plastic bags. The composition already contains all the necessary ingredients to create the desired finish. To prepare liquid wallpaper, you need to dilute the contents of the packages with warm water (not higher than 40 ° C). This should be done until a homogeneous mass is obtained, similar in density to sour cream.
According to standard standards, one such bag of dry mix will need about 6 liters of liquid. It is important at this stage to do all the manipulations manually. The use of various electric mixers and other tools can lead to deformation of the fiber structure itself.

After thorough mixing, the mixture must be left to infuse for a period of about 12 hours. Next, the solutionre-knead and only then applied directly to the wall.
Applying wallpaper to the walls
In most cases, the mixture is applied with a spatula. To evenly distribute the mass over the surface, additionally use special rollers and graters. There are wallpapers that can be sprayed with the Hopper Gun.
You need to start work from the corner of any of the walls. In order to optimally distribute the material over the entire surface, taking into account the drying period, the thickness of the application layer should be on average 2 mm. In this case, it is necessary to monitor the uniform distribution over the entire area. But regardless of the thickness, the characteristics of the decor material remain the same.
Apply recommendations
When applying liquid wallpaper with your own hands (in the reviews of people who tried to cope with the task on their own, this is confirmed), it is necessary to control the force pressing on the tool. This is one of the most important points while working. Excessive pressing of the spatula leads to deformation of the texture layer and distortion of the structure. If, on the contrary, not enough force is applied, the layer will turn out to be too thick and lie unevenly on the surface.
When working with a grater or spatula, move only forward and backward movements and in no case circular.
Another important nuance is the presence of a sufficient amount of the mixture. If you doubt whether you have enough material, it is better to play it safe and dilute more mass. To ensure uniformity of color and texture materialyou must use the same batch. If there are residues, they can be dried and left for the future to eliminate possible dirt and defects.

Fixing defects
There are times when it becomes necessary to replace some section of the liquid wallpaper. An example would be pollution. In this case, you can easily remove the old layer and apply a new one on top of it.
To do this, the first step is to moisten the damaged surface. Use a regular spray bottle (which you spray flowers with). After that, with a spatula, carefully remove the damaged layer and place it in a clean glass or plastic container. From this dry mass, prepare a new batch of liquid wallpaper.
The cleaned part of the wall must be covered with a double layer of primer, leaving each to dry up to 6 hours. Then, with the same spray gun, moisten the dry edges of the wallpaper on the wall and apply new ones with a spatula. Pay special attention to the joints with old wallpaper, carefully processing them with a tool.
After the new area dries, it will be difficult to distinguish it from the big picture both in color and quality.