Every master, without exception, regardless of the type of his activity, needs a reliable and high-quality tool. And it often happens that some of the tools are not as versatile as the master would like. Therefore, more and more funds have to be spent in order to supplement the workshop with a new acquisition.

But what if there is an inexpensive, convenient and high-quality tool, the range of which is wide enough to be called universal? Just such a tool is a 3/4 pipe clamp from Enkor.
What is this?
The device of the clamping F-shaped spring is known to everyone. It consists of a guide and two jaws: one of them is movable and is fixed on any part of the guide, and the second is rigidly fixed at one of the ends of the guide, thereby representing a stop for the clamped part. In order to clamp the desired part in the clamp, in one of the jaws,stops, a system with a clamping screw is provided, by tightening which you additionally push one of the stops forward, thereby increasing the compression force.
Pipe clamps are almost identical in design, but they have one significant difference - they are completely collapsible, and their parts are sold separately. You just need to purchase them and assemble the tool at home or in the workshop. Pipe clamps consist of three parts: a persistent sponge, a clamping sponge and a guide pipe.

- The thrust sponge is a kind of analogue of the coupling, to which the thrust pad is welded at an angle of 90 °. In the clamp from the Enkor company, the thrust jaw is movable, and a system of spring-loaded thrust rings is provided to fix it on the guide.
- The clamping part of the clamp is a system of two rings connected by a massive screw. The rear ring differs from the front ring by the presence of an internal thread for fixing it to the end of the guide, while the front ring is smooth inside and, like the thrust jaw, has a perpendicular process - the second thrust pad.
- 3/4 inch - 20mm diameter steel pipe is used as the pipe clamp guide. To install a clamping part on it, you will need to additionally cut a thread on one of its ends.
Advantages of pipe clamps from "Enkor"
The first thing that will please carpenters is the availability of such a device. You can buy it in anyplumbing store at an affordable price. In addition to the set of two parts, you can also buy a guide for them there.

The second nice feature of these clamps is their versatility. The length of the guide in this case is limited only by the needs of the master, and given that the clamp is easily disassembled, you can prepare pipe sections of different lengths in advance and change them if necessary.
Pipe clamps and their disadvantages
One of the main disadvantages of clamps of this kind is the deflection of the pipe during clamping. This nuance becomes most obvious when using a rather long guide. This can greatly affect the quality of the clamped part, so the deflection will have to be compensated.
The second most significant drawback is that to install the clamp on the rail, external threading is required, for which not everyone has a tool.
The third disadvantage of clamps made entirely of steel is weight. They are significantly heavier than plastic and aluminum, this will also have to be taken into account, for example, when transporting them.