Self-tightening clamps and their purpose

Self-tightening clamps and their purpose
Self-tightening clamps and their purpose

Today, almost every person has encountered various fasteners at least once in their life. Very often in everyday life there are situations when it is necessary to nail, twist, glue something. But what if trouble caught you by surprise, on the road, and the necessary elements for fasteners are simply not at hand? Then this type of fastening, such as self-tightening clamps, will be indispensable for you.

self-tightening clamps
self-tightening clamps


This type of fastener appeared not very long ago, but has already managed to win the trust of motorists. Often there are situations when it is urgently necessary to fix a cap that has accidentally fallen off the wheel or, for example, a barely holding license plate. Also indispensable are self-tightening clamps for connecting various types of air ducts when installing ventilation systems. They are of several types. Consider them.

clamp screed
clamp screed


According to their purpose, all self-tightening clamps can be divided into two types:

  • connecting;
  • fasteners.

By the name it is easy to guess what one or the second type of fastener is intended for. The first is used mainly when joining elements of air duct systems with various adapters and fasteners. Among the connecting ones, a clamp-screed stands out separately. It is this type of fastener that is most popular in the community of car owners. Its advantages are undeniable, since for its installation the presence of any tool is not required. It is only necessary to thread one end with a loop into the second - and you're done! The strength of the connection is achieved thanks to a special notch on one side of the clamp. It is she who plays the role of a lock that securely holds the connected elements in a fixed position and does not allow the mount to loosen.

Advantages and disadvantages of cable ties

The advantage of clamps-screeds is that they can be used in a wide temperature range: from -400 °С to +850 °С. The secret lies in the fact that this type of fastener is made of nylon, which is resistant to heat. It is this fact that allows the use of screeds on engine cooling systems in cars, where the temperature often exceeds +100 ° С.

clamps are self-tightening
clamps are self-tightening

The disadvantage of this type of fixture is that, if necessary, it will not be possible to disconnect the two elements that connect the self-tightening clamps without damaging the fasteners. In a word, it is a one-piece connection.

Mounting plastic clamps are used for solidconnection of duct elements, for example, to walls. Unlike the type of attachment described above, these allow you to connect elements that cannot be squeezed (pipes, branch pipes).

Thus, self-tightening clamps are a universal element of fasteners. They can be used both in everyday life and in industry, mainly when installing air systems. That is why they have gained such popularity among the people. Today, almost every motorist carries a pack of zip ties with them just in case!
