Joinery has always been and will be popular among consumers. The fact is that wood is used in almost all construction and finishing works. In addition, furniture and other household items are made from it.
Product benefits and applications

So, joinery is used almost everywhere: for the construction of residential buildings and industrial enterprises, for finishing rooms, making jewelry. In addition, wooden furniture is popular.
Among the advantages of the presented products are the following:
- ecological purity and naturalness;
- high strength;
- the tree can be quickly restored and repaired; in addition, any pattern can be cut from this material;
- durability;
- the ability to use products in any room, regardless of the style of interior design.
Product classification

Before you get started, you need to figure out what typesjoinery products exist. There are several classifications of such objects. For example, by the number of elements used, single-bar and multi-bar products can be distinguished. The first group includes those items that are cut from a single piece of wood (plinths, platbands, window sills). Multi-bar objects consist of several elements: furniture, oars, door and window frames.
The following types of products can be distinguished by the processing method:
- calibrated;
- milled;
- sawn.
Features of the choice of material for work

Joinery can be made from a variety of materials. The most commonly used are fir, spruce and pine. Their peculiarity lies in the fact that they have a low level of humidity (only 12%). This property will allow you to build very strong and durable products.
The most expensive types of wood for carpentry work are beech, oak, and exotic woods. They are characterized by increased hardness, strength and resistance to external negative factors.
When choosing a material, you need to pay attention to its certain qualities:
- smoothness and evenness;
- lack of rotten places, flaws, large knots.
In principle, any unnecessary or damaged places can be cut out.
What tools are needed for the job?
Before you make any joinery, you must be sure to collect all the necessary machines and otherobjects that serve to process the material. So, for work you will need these tools:
- Knives, cutters and chisels. They are used for decorative carving (if you will decorate the product).
- Planer (for leveling the surface of the material, as well as removing burrs).
- Sandpaper (wood is sanded with it).
- An engraver and a drill that are used to apply various patterns.
In addition, you will definitely need electric machines. For example, joinery is produced using a workbench, on which the appropriate equipment is installed: a hand mill, a circular saw (with circles of different diameters), a grinder (disk or drum).
To assemble the elements, you will have to use an electric drill, a jigsaw, a screwdriver.
Features of crafting items

In order to make joinery with your own hands, you need to know the sequence of actions performed. So, the whole work consists of the following steps:
- Finding or making a drawing. This is necessary in order not to make a mistake in the preparation of all the necessary elements. In addition, the drawing will allow you to see what the final result should be. Thanks to the drawing, you will not make mistakes in the size of the future item.
- Preparation of raw materials. Before starting work, the selected material must be prepared. To do this, eliminate minor defects.
- Preparation of product elements. At this point you should cut,cut or grind the necessary components, which will subsequently be assembled into a single structure. Naturally, the larger parts are made first. Small details are cut out last.
- Grinding finished parts. This procedure is done to ensure that all edges or areas that will not be available in a holistic design are processed in advance.
- Product assembly. Now with the help of glue, screws or other fasteners, you can connect all the elements.
- Final polishing and decoration of the finished product. Now you can start finishing the structure. To do this, once again sand all surfaces. Next, the wood should be covered with an antiseptic, which will protect it from various negative influences. Lastly, the product is painted or varnished.
Naturally, you can decorate your design with carvings or painting. In principle, the manufacture of joinery requires only time and patience. At the same time, you yourself can decorate your home and make it cozy.