Kila on cabbage is a nuisance that can literally destroy the future crop in the bud.

Let's first figure out what kind of kila is and why it is dangerous. Kila occurs due to an infection that affects the roots of the plant. The causative agent of the disease is a fungus that is dangerous for the cruciferous root system. Cabbage, on which the keel has struck the roots, will die. It is especially detrimental to seedlings.
This disease is most susceptible to white cabbage and cauliflower. Kila is the most dangerous for such species. When young plants are affected by the fungus, the disease manifests itself in about a month. Therefore, when planting seedlings in a permanent place, there is a risk of simply not noticing such a nuisance.
Cabbage, on which the keel has nevertheless formed, stops growing, begins to wither. This is due to the formation of blisters or growths on the roots, which do not allow the plants to receive the necessary nutrients through the soil.

Cabbage, on which the keel was formed in the early stages, as a rule, does not form heads, and if an older plant was affected, then heads are obtainedvery loose.
The outgrowths quickly increase in size, then rot and release into the ground a large number of spores of the fungus that causes the disease. This is how the soil becomes contaminated. Further, the spores can spread throughout the site with the help of insects and groundwater.
If your cabbage looks lethargic when the soil is sufficiently moist, this is one of the first signs of the disease.
Of course, then the question arises: "What to do, how to get rid of cabbage keel?"
In the event of the first signs of the disease, care must be taken to reduce the focus of the spread of infection. In such cases, the plants are removed and burned, and the place where the cabbage grew is treated with potassium permanganate, dissolving it in water to a dark pink color.

Unfortunately, at the place where the disease manifested itself, you can not plant cabbage for about 5 years. That is how much spores of a harmful fungus remain viable. During this period, it is recommended to sprinkle the soil abundantly with lime.
Currently, plants affected by the fungus cannot be saved. How to save the future harvest by saving your site from such a nuisance as a keel on cabbage? How to deal with this disease?
As they say, the disease is easier to prevent than to cure. Therefore, the timely implementation of preventive measures will reduce the risk of disease to a minimum.
Plant seedlings of cabbage every year in a new place. Waterlogged soils must be drained. Try to avoid usingfresh manure or compost on future cabbage beds. Buy seeds of plants that are resistant to the disease. Having bought seedlings in the market, carefully inspect each seedling. Of course, carry out procedures that reduce the acidity of the soil. For this, lime is used. Immediately before planting the seedlings in the ground, the holes are watered with milk of lime.
Following these simple recommendations, you can protect your crop from infection and save it.