If you do not have a vegetable dryer yet, we advise you to purchase it in the near future. This is an excellent device for harvesting for the winter and preparing various snacks, as evidenced by numerous reviews. Dryer "Veterok" models 2 and 5 - the hero of our article. We will tell you what she is and what housewives say about her.
General description of the Veterok dryer
It is produced at the Kursk plant of electrical household appliances. The device is a structure of five or six pallets with gratings. At the very bottom is a fan. Fruits, vegetables, herbs, mushrooms and berries are drawn on the top of the lid, and next to it, for convenience, there is information on under what conditions to dry these products.

Also, there you can make a note for a specific hour of the end of cooking. But the dryer will not turn off on its own - there is no timer. Sturdy pallets made of high-quality material - white or transparent plastic. They can be swapped or removed altogether. Below is the temperature control knob.

According to the reviews, the noise from the dryer is the same type, but not quiet.
Inside the multi-colored box with useful tips, you can find, in addition to the device itself, an instruction manual and recommendations for use. Warranty for the device is 1 year.
Now let's give a detailed description of the models "Veterok-2" and "Veterok-5".
Dryer for vegetables and fruits "Veterok-2"
"Veterok-2" - a dryer with a maximum load of 12 kg, a power of 600 watts. Plastic pallets in the amount of 5 pieces are made of white high-quality plastic. The model "Veterok-2-U" has 6 pallets. There is protection against overheating of products. It is possible to adjust the temperature and air flow. The Veterok-2 device has the following overall dimensions and weight:
- height - 475 mm;
- width - 405 mm;
- depth - 410 mm;
- height of one section - 30 mm;
- weight - 6 kg;
- volume - 30 liters.
The main difference from other Veterok dryers is the presence of a fat tray. Continuously can work 12 hours. "Veterok-2" is a dryer that copes with the processing of vegetables, fruits, mushrooms and herbs. You can dry meat and fish. You can buy this device for about 2500-2800 rubles.
What kind of reviews does the Veterok-2 dryer get?
Positive Feedback
Housewives love the ease of use of the dryer. It is enough to load chopped fruits, vegetables or other products and turn on the desired power andtemperature. No complicated programs and numerous buttons.
The Veterok-2 vegetable dryer has good performance: one load can dry about a bucket of apples if they are spread out on all pallets.
Sections are easy to wash, even in cold water without special tools. The smell of plastic does not absorb.
A real discovery for housewives was the fact that the Veterok fruit dryer can also dry meat. Here is one of the simple recipes:
- cut fresh beef into pieces 8-10 mm thick;
- roll slices in any spices and s alt;
- put the workpiece in the refrigerator for 24 hours;
- tumble dry for 10 hours.
According to reviews, it turns out very tasty jerky-dried meat.
People who already had another dryer in operation - made in China, highlight the following advantages of the device from the Kursk plant:
- deep trays;
- reliable operation;
- easy to use.

Negative reviews
The device "Veterok-2" also has its own minor drawbacks. So, housewives have wishes for the manufacturer to make transparent pallets, because it will be easier to follow the drying process. Many are annoyed by the short cord and the need to use an additional network extension cord. Some housewives do not like the noise from the device if it is turned on at night.
The lack of an off switch on the case brings its own inconvenience in use.
For the elderly, the weight of the device is 6kg - turned out to be not very acceptable for transporting the dryer to the country house and back.
Many people say that the information on the lid about the drying time is not true. It actually takes more hours.
A slightly improved device from the Kursk plant - the Veterok-5 dryer. Manufacturers took into account the wishes of users and made the pallets transparent. Although models with sections that do not transmit light can also be purchased. Weight has changed downward (from 3.5 kg to 4 kg - according to various sources). The wire length of 1.5 meters pleases customers.
- height of one section - 33mm;
- power - 500W;
- bottom pan temperature - 60 degrees;
- the presence of an emergency thermal switch;
- maximum load of one pallet is 1 kg;
- height - 40 cm;
- width - 32.5 cm;
- number of sections – 5.

In the box you can find the instruction manual and small tips.
The price of the dryer varies from 2650 to 3320 rubles depending on the region of the Russian Federation.
Pallets can be purchased separately for 200-300 rubles apiece.
Next, we will analyze what reviews the Veterok-5 dryer deserves from housewives.
Positive Feedback
Unlike the Veterok-2 device, this model is not so noisy. The Veterok-5 dryer quickly copes with large volumes of fruits, berries and vegetables. The transparency of the device cannot but rejoice, because you can monitor the condition of the products without removinglids and trays.
The plus is that the electric dryer can work without interruption for 10 hours, and after "rest" only 10 minutes. Not every device of this type can boast of such parameters.
Users of the dryer note that the device copes with the simultaneous drying of different products. So, you can put mushrooms down, fruits in the middle, and greens upstairs. Odors do not mix, and time is significantly saved.

The Veterok-5 dryer also received negative reviews.
The tray grate has holes through which small pieces of fruit or berries can slip through. In this case, the housewives offer to cover the trays with parchment paper, but always with small holes. Some people buy round grids for pans that are just the right size.
The lack of a timer and automatic shutdown creates a certain inconvenience. After all, you have to constantly monitor the device and the drying process.
For some, the transparency of the pallets is a drawback, because, in their opinion, sunlight should not fall when drying herbs. To solve this problem, it is enough to put the device in a room with artificial lighting. It should be noted that transparent plastic may crack over time.
Housewives also noticed that when the toggle switch is set to zero temperature, the air actually warms up to 33-35 degrees.

Benefits of drying foods
When dried, products retain their maximum benefits. Vitamins, trace elements, minerals - everything remains unchanged in fruits, vegetables, herbs, mushrooms. This is a great way to process a bountiful harvest for further cooking in winter and spring. Dried fruits, unlike store and market counterparts, will be without the addition of chemicals, but with excellent taste and aroma. The effectiveness of food drying compared to other processing methods is confirmed by the following scientific data:
- During canning, the loss of nutrients is 60-80%.
- When freezing-50-60%.
- When drying only 3, 6-4, 7%.
Thus, drying is not only an easy process of preparing food for the winter, but also a way to preserve almost all the nutrients. The dryer for vegetables, fruits "Veterok", according to the reviews and description, is a reliable device at an affordable price.