About sixty years ago, a new building material appeared, called expanded polystyrene. Its characteristics far surpassed many heaters known by that time.

PPP's popularity grew exponentially. Today, new excellent insulating materials have been discovered and created, but PPS, better known to us as polystyrene (although polystyrene and polystyrene foam are produced in different ways), is still one of the best. Why is polystyrene foam so attractive to builders?
Material features and benefits
The best way to save energy is to insulate houses. In order not to "drown the streets", the dwelling should be well insulated. The easiest way to do this is with an inexpensive but very reliable PPP. Gas-filled plastic granules conduct heat very poorly. This helps to keep it inside the house in any weather changes. Insulation with expanded polystyrene also allows you to protect housing from excess moisture. PPS is not at all afraid of dampness: even being under water for several days, it practically does not get wet. Expanded polystyrene, the characteristics of which can be compared with natural wood,able to "breathe". Its vapor permeability is approximately the same as that of boards or bricks, therefore, professionals advise to insulate houses from these materials with foam plastic. PPS does not rot at all and does not give in to fungus, it dampens sound perfectly, therefore it can be used not only as a heater, but also as a sound insulator. What else is interesting polystyrene foam? Its characteristics from the point of view of chemistry are very peculiar.

He is not at all afraid of paints, s alts, acids (except for acetic and nitric), therefore PPS is used in construction almost everywhere. The low cost of the material is perfectly combined with its eternity (PPS does not age, does not deform under any circumstances). Once you have insulated the house with the help of PPS, you can forget about it forever: you don’t have to change the insulation. PPS is available in different types, but expanded polystyrene tiles are especially popular. It can have different sizes (for example, 60x120, 50x100), so builders can choose the format that is convenient to work with. Of course, PPP, like everything in the world, has a number of shortcomings. However, they are so insignificant that among the many heaters, polystyrene foam remains the most popular.
Features and disadvantages
- PPS is afraid of benzene, dichloroethane and some other solvents.
styrofoam tiles Rodents sometimes make holes or passages in porous material: they also love warmth very much. You can scare away animals with the help of chemicals intended for them.
- The foam itself is combustible. To reduce its fire hazard, manufacturers today add fire retardants, substances that prevent combustion, to the source material. The teaching staff obtained with their help is marked with the letter.
- PPS handles compression well, but is quite brittle. Modern technology has helped to solve this problem. Extruded polystyrene foam is much stronger than usual, although it passes steam somewhat worse. But with a well-functioning ventilation system, this disadvantage disappears.
Do you want to insulate your house inexpensively, but with high quality and for a long time? Choose Styrofoam. You can't go wrong.