Orbital sander. Review, choice, recommendations

Orbital sander. Review, choice, recommendations
Orbital sander. Review, choice, recommendations

Eccentric orbital sander is designed for surface treatment of various materials. Most often, wood or metal is cleaned with this tool. In this case, the surface becomes perfectly flat, without any flaws.

Grinding machine device

Any orbital sander has a motor, a dust bag and a work sole. Additionally, the tool has a regulator with which you can control the speed. There is also a start button on the handle. Near the dust collector, in turn, there is a switch for changing the stroke of the eccentric. When the device is turned on, the sole begins to rotate around its axis. In addition, it shifts slightly from its center, thereby the vibratory grinder is able to process the work surface faster.

orbital sander
orbital sander

Recommendations for buyers

When choosing a quality grinder, you need to carefully study its characteristics indicated in the passport. Main parameteris the power of the device. On average, this indicator is in the region of 300 watts. Then the disk that the vibratory grinder has is checked. It is usually produced with a diameter of 125 mm. In principle, this is a normal size that will allow you to quickly clean the surface. Larger drives will require a high power device. Next, you should study the parameters of the oscillation amplitude. Usually it is 2.8 mm.

Speed control must be present. It will allow you to change the power depending on the material. Also, manufacturers, as a rule, indicate the number of revolutions that the disk makes. This parameter directly depends on the power of the device. A setting of 10,000 rpm is considered normal. In this case, the minimum values \u200b\u200bshould be within 4000 rpm.

Additionally, manufacturers indicate the oscillation frequency. On average, it is 20,000 vibrations per minute. In this case, the minimum values \u200b\u200bshould be 8000 vibrations per minute. Some models of grinders have a soft start function. In many cases, it will be useful, so it will only be a plus. The ability to connect the device to a vacuum cleaner is also welcome. The body of the grinder itself plays an important role. In order for the tool to be easy to hold in your hand, it must be rubberized.

Any quality orbital sander (pneumatic) is equipped with a lock. It will allow you to work for a long time without holding the start button. The compactness of the grinder is generally welcome. However, her weightshould be within 1.4 kg. In this case, the hand will not quickly get tired of work.

concrete grinder
concrete grinder

Metabo grinders

These devices stand out with good power. At the same time, they have excellent turnover rates. The disk that comes with the product is made of high quality, and it is able to withstand heavy loads. The index of the oscillatory circuit is within 2.7 mm. Additionally, it should be noted that there are many compact models that many will like. Despite the fact that the Metabo company is not very famous, it produces good grinders.

orbital sanders prices
orbital sanders prices

Model "Metabo FSX 200 Intec"

The diameter of the platter in this model is 125 mm. The idle speed is 11000 per minute. At the same time, the rated power consumption is within 240 V. At maximum load, the orbital sander produces 9000 rpm.

The oscillatory contour of this model is 2.7 mm. The weight of the grinder without mains cable is 1.3 kg. The device comes with a dust collector, one filter and a plastic case for transportation. Additionally, the set includes a 2.8 meter cable. Such orbital sanders cost (market prices) about 6200 rubles.

Bosch Grinders

The company "Bosch" has long been able to recommendyourself on the positive side. Of the features of grinding machines of this brand, high performance can be distinguished. In addition, we note the good quality of all parts.

The fan cools the engine quickly. All this allows you to work with the surface for a long time without the risk of overheating. In general, the tool is very convenient to use. This is largely due to the unique rotary knob, which is installed in many models. You can also highlight a very high-quality dust removal system. In this case, the device will always remain clean. Handling is good, speed control is working properly.

vibration grinder
vibration grinder

Model "Bosch GEX 125-1 AE"

This orbital sander has a power of 250W. The minimum number of revolutions is 7000. At the same time, the maximum values \u200b\u200breach up to 12000 revolutions per minute. The oscillation amplitude is exactly 5 mm. In this case, the diameter of the abrasive wheel is 125 mm, which is the standard size. Among other things, we can highlight the small weight of the device (it is 1.8 kg). In general, this model can be described as economical and inexpensive. Its market price averages 7,600 rubles.

Dew alt devices

Dew alt grinders stand out for their good fastening. Among the shortcomings, uncomfortable handles in some models can be noted. There are also certain problems with the engine cooling system. The advantages include good stabilization and excellentdisk balancing. In this case, the vibration from the tool is not transmitted to the handle.

Also, many positively characterize grinders in which special dustproof bearings are installed. The design of many models is very interesting. At the same time, the shape of the handle is quite convenient. Comfortable speed control. All this allows you to successfully work with various materials.

electric orbital sander
electric orbital sander

Device "Dew alt D26453"

This concrete grinder has a wheel diameter of 125mm. In this case, the oscillation amplitude is within 2.4 mm. The idle speed is 7000. The maximum values of this parameter reach 12000 rpm.

Additionally, you can highlight the good performance of moves at the level of 24000. The power of this model is 280 watts. This orbital sander comes with a dust bag. The weight of the tool in assembled form - 1.6 kg. The cost of this model on the market is 9000 rubles.

Makita grinders

Makita has been producing power tools for a very long time. All grinders come with a rubberized body and are very comfortable.

Additionally, they have a protection system to remove dust. The fan that cools the engine works well. Also, in many models, manufacturers have installed turning handles for ease of use. The fastening for sanding sheets is good. Changing working equipment is obtainedvery fast and without problems. Additionally, it should be noted that the control of Makita grinders is very comfortable. With the help of a special wheel, you can change the speed quite simply.

eccentric orbital sander
eccentric orbital sander

Model "Makita BO5041"

This concrete grinder works great. The power of the model is 300 watts. The diameter of the disk that is installed on the tool is 125 mm.

There is an electronic regulator and the ability to connect to a vacuum cleaner. Of the shortcomings, we note the lack of a soft start function. Among the advantages, many highlight the compactness of the model, as well as a small mass, which is 1.4 kg.

The sanding pad is made of very high quality, which allows you to clean the surface well. In this case, this was positively influenced by the indicator of the amplitude of movement. Since the power of the model is large, the rpm parameters are decent. In service, this grinder is unpretentious. Dust from the surface on the parts and the engine of the device practically does not fall. The average cost of this model on the market is 10,000 rubles.

pneumatic orbital sander
pneumatic orbital sander

Summing up

Given all of the above, the Bosch electric orbital sander seems to be the most preferable. It has an acceptable cost and satisfactory parameters. For professionals, grinders of the Makita brand are recommended. They have great features andwill last for many years.
