Increasingly, people have to deal with the need to purify their water - these are the current realities associated with environmental factors, as well as the peculiarity of water in different regions. Choosing the right equipment for water treatment on your own is not an easy task, requiring certain knowledge and understanding of this process, in addition, a huge number of manufacturers can confuse anyone who has encountered a similar problem.
Water treatment systems
Complexes for water treatment may include several types of filter elements, each of which performs its specific function. Depending on the nature and intensity of water pollution, the following filters are used:
- coarse cleaning (to remove various water suspensions: particles of sand, clay, small stones, etc.);
- iron removal (there are several types: reagent, reagentless, reagentless with connection to an aeration system, with an accurate dosage of sodium hydrochloride);
- water softeners (remove hardness s alts);
- fine cleaning (removal of small residues that could get from other water treatment elements);
- ultraviolet andozone sterilizers (kill pathogenic bacteria);
- acidity correction systems.

In addition, water treatment systems in their design are of the following types:
- balloon;
- cartridge;
- membrane (reverse osmosis).
Cylinder-type cleaning systems are widely used in the water supply of country houses, and cartridge and membrane systems - in city apartments and offices. But in any case, the decision to install a particular system is made individually by each consumer.
What factors influence the choice
To select the necessary water treatment systems for a country house, apartment or office, the first thing to do is chemical and bacteriological analyzes of water. For this, water samples are taken and sent to a certified laboratory. You can do this procedure both on your own and with the help of the involved specialists of a company that sells, installs, service and guarantees water treatment equipment.
After receiving the results of the water analysis, specialists will need to inspect your water supply and sewerage system, and also take into account what materials they are made of (metal, plastic), pipe diameters, characteristics of the water source (well, well, village water supply), norms of daily water consumption, frequency of consumption (seasonal or permanent). Based on these data, they will develop technical documentation and select the necessarytypes of filters, control systems (manual or automatic) and other additional elements of the water treatment system.

A good solution may turn out to be very close: if one of the neighbors in your cottage or holiday village has already installed any water treatment system, you can find out their reviews about the company that installed it, and if you wish, you can ask for a water sample from their faucet to see if it works. This will come in handy if you have the same source of water or identical results of its analysis.
Water Treatment Plant Manufacturers
The water treatment equipment market is represented by both foreign (Ecosoft FK 1252, Aquachief, Filtromatic FDP, Raifil, etc.) and domestic systems (Aquaphor, Barrier, Nortex, etc.). It should be noted that the Nortex Osmo water treatment system is a five-stage complex, which is designed to remove all common contaminants from the water.

The main thing to pay attention to when choosing is the availability of product quality certificates and a serial number. It would be useful to test the water in the laboratory after the installation of the system to make sure the quality of the equipment and its connection.
Nortex water treatment system: reviews
The Internet is full of reports of fraud, which is associated with the name "Nortex". The scheme is this. Under the guise of employees of managing organizations inapartment buildings people come and invite tenants to meetings. There they ask questions about water quality and get the expected answers. Then they announce that they are acting in accordance with the federal (municipal, state, etc.) program to improve water quality and for beneficiaries they announce a discount on equipment and its installation. Moreover, the prices for water treatment systems vary depending on the well-being of the regions.

Judging by the reviews of this equipment, it does not have serial numbers on the units, it does not have quality certificates, and it is suspected that low-quality Chinese filters are sold under the guise of a domestic manufacturer at inflated prices. Be vigilant!