Oleander is a flower in your home

Oleander is a flower in your home
Oleander is a flower in your home

Oleander is a southern flower from the Kutrov family, grows mainly in southern Europe, Japan, Asia and Africa. This evergreen plant blooms all summer. Inflorescences come in completely different colors (white, yellow, red, pink, lilac) and shapes.

Home maintenance

It is worth mentioning that growing this plant at home can be dangerous, as indoor oleander flowers are poisonous. It is also quite difficult to keep this plant in the house, as it is very capricious: in summer it needs a lot of light, while in winter the flower needs coolness. It is best to place this wayward evergreen flower in the east, west or south, no further than half a meter from the window. With a lack of light, the oleander will begin to stretch upwards strongly.

oleander flower
oleander flower

Oleander in nature

Oleander is a flower that under natural conditions can reach a height of two meters, so when grown at home, pruning is simply necessary for it. At will, you can give it any shape - in the form of a bush or in the form of a tree. Be sure to remove 2/3 of the shoot. Forming an oleander in the formbush, pruning is done 3 times before flowering. This is done in order to form a lush bush and increase the number of buds.


Oleander is a flower that requires a lot of attention. In summer, it can be taken out into the garden, but in order not to harm it, the sun should be avoided. The soil for this southern plant is best used prepared from the following components: turf - 4 parts, leafy earth - 2, humus - 2, sand - 1. Oleander is a flower that grows well outdoors in slightly acidic soil with a neutral reaction. If it has undergone a transplant, then it must be provided with enough light, warmth.

Watering should be regular, and the plant needs to arrange a monthly bath in the shower. For watering, it is best to use water in an amount of 5-10% of the total volume of the pot. This means that in winter and autumn, 50-100 grams of water is taken per liter of soil, in the summer heat the volume increases 3 times.

Indoor flowers oleander
Indoor flowers oleander

Keep the flower cool in winter, the temperature should be 8-12°C (not lower than 7°C). If central heating is turned on in a house where there is an oleander, then in this case it must be sprayed regularly. Compliance with proper care in the winter is the key to abundant flowering next summer.


This beautiful evergreen can also be fed with fertilizers such as mullein (organic) or a full mineral blend of houseplants. It is necessary to fertilize during the period of rapid growth (from April toAugust) every 14 days. In August, we do not fertilize, as the plant needs to mature and prepare for wintering. Young oleanders are transplanted annually, old ones once every 3 years, while the top layer of the earth should be changed. The plant propagates by layering, seeds, cuttings, which must be rooted in spring and summer in water or sand.

Oleander flowers photo
Oleander flowers photo

Oleander flowers (their photo can be seen in the article) are quite often grown at home, being a bright interior decoration.
