Mesh fence: photo, installation, installation

Mesh fence: photo, installation, installation
Mesh fence: photo, installation, installation

Sooner or later, every owner of a private house faces the question of what material to make the fence of his site. In recent years, many owners have chosen a lightweight and relatively inexpensive mesh fence, a photo of which can be viewed below. After reading this article, you will learn about the main advantages of such products.

mesh fence
mesh fence

What is a chain-link?

This is a fairly durable and relatively cheap building material used for the production of fences. You can buy it in almost any specialized store. As a rule, it is produced in rolls, so it can be easily transported to any distance.

To build such a fence, it is not at all necessary to turn to specialists. You can mount a mesh fence with your own hands. Any beginner with no building skills can handle this task.

mesh fence photo
mesh fence photo

Existing varieties

Today, it is especially popular with our compatriotstwo types of mesh fences are used:

  • Tension, which are the simplest designs. Their construction does not require welding and complex tools. Even elementary wooden fasteners can be used to stretch the net.
  • Sectional, installed with metal frames.

For quick installation, it is advisable to choose a stretch mesh fence. Despite its apparent simplicity, it is quite effective.

mesh fence installation
mesh fence installation

Types of chain-link mesh

Today, manufacturers produce three main types of such products. All of them differ from each other in the material used for their manufacture. Non-galvanized mesh is made from ferrous metal. It must be painted immediately after installation. Otherwise, the mesh fence will quickly begin to rust. In the future, it will be necessary to renew the paint layer every three years.

In recent years, galvanized chain-link fences have gained great popularity. The demand for such products is due to the fact that they are very resistant to corrosion. The only significant drawback of galvanized mesh can be considered its comparative high cost.

Relatively recently, plasticized chain-link products appeared on the domestic market. The surface of this type of mesh is treated with a protective polymer that enhances the anti-corrosion properties. Products made from it have a more aesthetic appearance.

mesh fence installation
mesh fence installation

Advantages and disadvantageschain-link fencing

Of course, such structures cannot provide full protection for private households. Basically, the installation of a mesh fence is carried out in case of a need for a temporary fence. But, despite such a significant drawback, it is quite in demand among the owners of detached cottages. Such popularity is due to the fact that such products have a number of undeniable advantages.

First of all, chain-link fences do not prevent the penetration of sunlight and do not obscure the local area. As a result, favorable conditions are created on the site, conducive to the rapid growth of cultivated plants. Thanks to this, such designs have gained unprecedented popularity among summer residents. It is also important that the mesh fence is easy to install. Almost every owner will cope with its installation. In addition, chain-link structures are notable for their low cost. Especially compared to brick fences.

As for the disadvantages of such products, they include the inability to prevent unauthorized intrusion into the local area, as well as the appearance. Not everyone considers mesh fences to be aesthetic.

DIY mesh fence
DIY mesh fence

Which poles are suitable for such structures?

Experienced craftsmen know that a mesh fence can be erected in several different ways. The chain-link is considered a fairly light material, which is not characterized by windage. Therefore, it is often pulled on wooden poles. They can be made frompeeled and pre-painted poles. To extend the service life, it is recommended that the part that will be dug into the ground be treated with a special waterproofing mastic.

Metal supports are considered more reliable and durable. As a rule, they are made of round or square pipes. In addition, ready-made steel supports are sold in stores, equipped with already welded hooks. Buying these poles will save a lot of time and effort.

how to install a mesh fence
how to install a mesh fence

Required tools and materials

Before you put up a mesh fence, it is recommended to take care of the preparation of improvised means in advance. During the installation process you will need:

  • drill or shovel;
  • protective gloves;
  • cord;
  • pegs;
  • roulette.

In addition, you need to stock up on water, gravel, sand, cement and anti-corrosion mastic in advance.

Installing a mesh fence

At the initial stage, it is necessary to mark the site. To do this, in each of its corners, one of the pre-stocked pegs should be installed and the thread pulled. Its length should be a couple of meters longer than the dimensions of the chain-link to be installed. Then you need to decide on the places in which the pillars will be dug in. The distance between adjacent supports should not exceed two and a half meters. Otherwise, the mesh will begin to sag.

In the place of the marks made, it is necessary to dig holes for concreting the supports. This can be done with a shovel.or borax. The pits should be fifteen centimeters deeper than the ground freezes through.

Then you can start installing the corner posts. The bottom of the pit should be covered with sand and gravel and well tamped. To fix the pillars, you need a special solution consisting of crushed stone, cement and sand, mixed in a ratio of 2: 2: 1. Water must be added to the container with these components. After thorough mixing, you should get a not too liquid solution. It must be used to secure the supports. In the process of carrying out work, it is important to ensure that all pillars are located strictly perpendicular to the surface of the soil. After installing all the supports, you need to wait until the cement mortar has completely solidified. This may take three to eight days. On hot summer days, concrete is recommended to be watered periodically. Otherwise, it will begin to crack and lose strength.

After the solution has completely dried, you can start stretching the chain-link. First, carefully straighten the roll. The mesh is attached to the supports with nails or pre-stocked hooks. In order to avoid deflections near each post, it is recommended to thread a reinforcing bar into the chain-link.

Immediately after completion of installation work, you need to paint the fence. So you can protect it from corrosion.
