In the middle of winter, gardeners and gardeners begin to purchase seeds for planting seedlings. Tomatoes, the best varieties and reviews of which we will consider today, are sold in huge quantities in stores. Almost every novice vegetable grower, choosing from the assortment, focuses on the external data of the variety, but not on recommendations for planting, and this is wrong. Which tomato seeds are best for open ground, and which ones are suitable for growing in greenhouses? That is what you need to pay attention to. As part of this review, we will try to help as much as possible with the choice of the most suitable variety.
How to choose the right tomato seeds: feedback from gardeners

Any gardener who has been working on his site for more than a year will say that the variety should be chosen as adapted as possible to the climate of the region and to the characteristics of the soil. For example, in the southern regions, tomatoes can grow both on high-quality black soil and on mixed soil. In varieties adapted to the south, the leaves will grow in such a way as to hide the fruits from the excessively scorching sun.
If you need to grow tomatoes in northern latitudes,then you need to choose those that are specially bred for the climate. It is cold-resistant, early maturing. Such varieties will be demanding on the composition of the soil, the leaves on them are rarer than those bred for the south. The sparsely growing foliage allows the fruits to receive the maximum amount of sunlight, warmth and minerals.
Producers of tomato seeds, according to gardeners, rarely indicate the regional destination on the packages, and you have to choose the most suitable one yourself, which is why we wrote this information.
It is also important to pay attention to the timing of ripening. Almost everything is suitable for the southern regions, because the harvest can also be obtained from the latest varieties. For the northern and eastern regions of Russia, only early-ripening ones are suitable, for the middle lane - early-ripening and mid-ripening.
It is impossible to get a good harvest if you do not care for tomatoes, including stable tying of bushes. If there is no time or desire for this, then it is better to choose an undersized variety. The bushes will be compact, do not take up much space and save time on tying.
Classification of tomato by type of growth

It is worth paying attention to when choosing and this information in order to accurately get the harvest. Varieties are classified as follows:
- Indeterminate - these are varieties where the central stem grows indefinitely. For the most part, they are suitable for growing in greenhouses, but they can bear fruit well in the southern latitudes in the open field.
- Determinant. If ayou are thinking about which tomato seeds are best for open ground, gardeners' reviews will be almost unanimous: these are the ones. The bushes are medium in size, bear fruit well without greenhouse shelter in any regions of Russia. Early ripe.
- Superdeterminant. Ultra-early varieties, undersized, adapted for regions with a capricious, cold climate.
Choice by purpose

An important factor in choosing tomato seeds is their purpose. That is, what they will be used for: in s alting, for fresh salads, for juice or for long-term storage fresh. You need to read the following information:
- salad variety - these are large fruits with thin skin and fragrant, fleshy pulp;
- for canning - these are small and even small fruits, few seeds, tight pulp and dense skin;
- universal - medium fruits, tasty juicy pulp, tight skin, suitable for salads and juice making, as well as for canning;
- for storage - only late-ripening varieties with good keeping quality, tight skin, small and dense fruits are selected.
Color, size, flavors and shape of tomatoes are not the main criteria, and their choice depends only on personal preferences.
Choose Pure or Hybrid?
Any beginner vegetable grower asks this question. To decide which tomato seeds are better, you need to familiarize yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of hybrids and pure varieties.

Pros of the pure variety: low cost of seeds, you can harvest seeds yourself in the future, stable characteristics.
Disadvantages of the variety: smaller yields compared to hybrid tomatoes, low resistance to various diseases.
Pluses of hybrids: high yields, stable fruiting, friendly ripening, disease resistant, excellent presentation.
Cons: seeds are more expensive than varietal ones, it will not be possible to procure material for further planting on your own.
Next, consider tomato seeds - the best varieties according to gardeners. The list has been compiled for both open ground and greenhouses.
Best early maturing outdoor varieties

Based on the reviews, we have chosen seeds of early-ripening tomato varieties that are suitable for growing in open ground. These are determinant species, the ripening time of ultra-early ripening is from 75 to 90 days, early-ripening - from 90 to 110 days.
- Beta is one of the most popular ultra-early varieties for outdoor cultivation. Fruits weighing about 60 grams, the height of the bush is half a meter, the yield is plentiful. The variety can be grown under any weather conditions, even with a consistently absent sun, tomatoes grow perfectly, only the taste becomes more sour. The purpose of the fruit is universal. Judging by the reviews, these are the best tomato seeds in Russia, as the variety is adapted to all regions.
- White filling - the bushes are taller, stronger, fruits are massiveup to 130 grams, abundant fruiting. The color is scarlet, the skin is thin, the pulp is sugar. Purpose - salad. Zoned for the entire Central part of the country, the Volga-Vyatka region and Altai.
- Alpha - an early variety for salads. Bushes of 40-50 centimeters do not need a garter, so they are suitable for the busiest and laziest. Fruits up to 60 grams, fragrant, juicy, very tasty. Can be grown outdoors throughout Russia.
- Explosion - an early ripe variety of salad destination. The bushes are low, but very sprawling, you need to stepson. Fruits up to 90 grams, with a thin scarlet skin. The pulp is fleshy, juicy. Adapted for all Russia and outdoor cultivation, resistant to both cool weather and dry season.
- Snow White - suitable only for the Central Black Earth region. Not afraid of drought, heat and low temperatures, resistant to diseases. The bushes are medium in size, the fruits are small (average weight 50 grams), but very tasty and fragrant. Fruiting is high, from a meter of land you can collect up to 6 kilograms of beautiful marketable tomatoes.
- The Far North, although adapted for the whole country, feels better in the northern and central parts. Resistant to cold, bushes up to 65 centimeters, fruits from 80 to 90 grams. The color of the tomatoes is bright red, the taste is excellent; the destination is universal. Fruiting is plentiful, ripening is friendly.
- "Sanka" - for the Central Black Earth region. The fruits literally stick around the bush, the average weight is 90 grams. The purpose is universal. The taste is pleasant, with a slight sourness, pulpjuicy and fragrant.
- What are the best tomato seeds on Sakhalin? Of course, the Sakhalin variety, which is adapted for outdoor cultivation. Early ripe, fruits up to 110 grams, high yield. The flesh is fleshy, the color is red. Bushes up to 50 centimeters, but sprawling, you need to stepson. Not afraid of drought, heat, temperature drop, you can get a high yield in any part of Russia.
Seeds for open ground mid-season

Mid-ripening tomatoes ripen in 110 to 120 days on average. Bushes of medium size - from 70 centimeters to a meter. Almost all types need to be tied up, stepchildren. Which tomato seeds, according to amateur gardeners, are the best from this category?
- Velmozha is a beautiful heart-shaped tomato, pink, juicy, incredibly fragrant and delicious. Salad destination. Bushes from 70 centimeters, high fruiting. Regionally adapted for outdoor cultivation in the Urals, the Far East and Siberia.
- Table is a universal option. When s alting, it does not burst, in a salad it is juicy and fragrant, the juices are thick and saturated. The bush is medium, the fruits are 70-90 grams. It is not afraid of cold, heat, drought, or heavy rainfall. Suitable for growing in any region.
- Gift of the Volga region - adapted for the Far East, the North Caucasus and the Central Black Sea region. This is a salad variety, it is well stored and transported. Bushes from 70 to 90 centimeters, abundant fruiting. The color of the tomato is reddishorange, sweet taste is accentuated by a slight sourness.
- Delicacy - salad option. The color is pink, the taste is rich, fragrant. Fruits up to 120 grams, pulp juicy, sugary. Zoned for all regions.
- Yellow ball is an amazing strain. Tomatoes are saturated yellow in color, their shape is round, the presentation is excellent. Productivity is high, on average, one bush gives 2.5 kilograms of crop. Adapted to open ground and for growing in all regions.
- Gold of Kuban is another representative of the yellow color. Suitable for growing in the Central Chernozem region and the North Caucasus. Purpose - for conservation. The taste is excellent, rich both in s alting and when consumed fresh.
- Emerald standard - green tomato! This is one of the new varieties, but already quite in demand. Fruits up to 110 grams, bush up to a meter. Fruiting is plentiful. Recommended for cultivation throughout Russia.
- Sugar giant is the real king of tomatoes! Fruits from 250 to 300 grams, color - pink, pulp - sugar. Taste without complaints, purpose - salad. Recommended for cultivation throughout the country.
Late outdoor varieties

The vegetation period of such tomatoes is from 120 days, therefore, when grown in open ground, you can get a good harvest from them only in regions with a warm climate - the southern part of Russia. Which tomato seeds are best for outdoors from this category?
This is:
- Wonder of the world - for lovers of yellow tomatoes. The shape is really wonderful, these tomatoes are incredibly similar to lemons, both in color and in shape. The fruits are medium in size, fruiting is high, maturation is friendly. It is unpretentious to the soil, is not afraid of drought, heat, temperature drop and heavy rains.
- De Barao - late variety, small fruits - up to 30 grams, but tasty. The shape of the tomato is oblong, intended for canning. According to gardeners, they do not burst when s alted, they are good in fresh salads.
- Finish is a great option for making tomato juice! The fruits are large - up to 90 grams, incredibly juicy. The color of the tomatoes is red-orange. Suitable for growing in the Lower Volga region and the North Caucasus.
Having found out which tomato seeds are best for open ground, you can safely go to the store and select according to your preference.
At the end of the review, we will tell you how to harden the seeds and protect the seedlings from pests. In the meantime, we offer a review of the best tomato seeds for greenhouses according to gardeners.
Tomato seeds for greenhouses

When planning to grow tomatoes in a greenhouse, you should take care of good penetration of sunlight and ventilation. If the conditions are created, then you can proceed to the choice. The best tomato seeds, according to reviews, are:
- Pink raisin - an early variety. Tomatoes are small, oblong, pink in color. Purpose - for conservation and s alting. But even fresh, they are beautiful - fragrant, rich in taste, with a slightsour.
- Ilyich F1 - early ripe handsome red-orange. The fruits are large - up to 150 grams, round neat shape. Moderately juicy, fleshy. Suitable for both s alting and fresh consumption.
- Search F1 - early maturing, high yielding variety. The fruits are round, red, medium in size. It is not afraid of temperature fluctuations, therefore it is also suitable for open ground, but only in the southern part of Russia. Hardy, disease resistant. Destination - salad.
- The Black Prince has long established himself as a leader among tomatoes. The color is red-black, or pink-black, fruit weight up to 400 grams. The taste is delicate, sweet, the pulp is sugar fleshy. Bushes up to two meters, so only a high greenhouse, caring hands will do. Destination - salad.
- Renet. On low, neat bushes (about 40 centimeters), beautiful rounded fruits grow up to 100 grams in weight. The taste is sweet, rich, the pulp is juicy, the color is red. Destination - salad.
- Honey drop - tomatoes really look like droplets (in shape), the color of sea buckthorn honey! The fruits are medium-sized, bush up to 2 meters. The taste is sweet, rich, intended for canning.
All varieties and not to list, so many of them. Gardeners recommend paying attention to the seeds of tomatoes Gardens of Russia. This manufacturer has established itself as one of the best. The seeds of this brand are trusted by more than half of gardeners. The prices are democratic, the quality is guaranteed.
How to choose seeds?

You need to buy planting material only in specialized stores. If in doubt about any variety, just ask the seller.
The package must contain the main characteristics of the variety. It is impossible, when planting tomatoes for the first time, to stop at one variety, you need to take at least four, and then choose the most suitable one from them. We reviewed the best tomato seeds according to reviews, but everyone has their own opinion, experiment!
How to harden seeds and protect them from pests?

Seed treatment in potassium permanganate will protect against viruses. You need to dilute a gram of powder in a glass of water, place the seeds in gauze and soak in the solution for twenty minutes, then rinse with water.
After washing, the seeds need to be hardened. In the same gauze (wet), puts them in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf. After two days, the material is ready for planting! Hardened seeds will give strong seedlings that will not be afraid of cold weather!
Even the best Siberian tomato seeds for greenhouses, according to gardeners, can give a low yield with temperature fluctuations. That is why it is highly recommended to harden the seed.