An effective solution to the problem of district heating for industrial and civil facilities are rooftop boilers. They are placed on the roofs of buildings or on a base that is prepared specifically for them. Buildings under construction or renovation can be equipped with such boilers in the absence of district heating.

Today, in our country, rooftop boilers are a common occurrence. It happens that in the buildings of large cities, especially those under construction, there is no way to connect to the central heating networks. In addition, due to the closely spaced buildings and the high cost of land, it is not possible to build boiler houses on the ground.
In order to start designing and building such boiler houses, you must have a document with a permit for installation, maintenance and operation from specialized organizations (municipalities).
According to the principle of construction, roof boilers are of two types: block-modular and stationary. Stationary boiler houses are built on buildings from factory reinforced concrete structures, as well as easily assembled sandwich structures. More profitable is the simultaneous construction of the base of the building andboiler room. The installation of block-modular boiler houses looks like this: ready-made modular blocks of factory assembly are delivered to the site. Then a specially trained assembly team carries out docking, installation and connection to communication networks.

Roof boilers are specially placed systems that are designed for the supply and distribution of heat, their power reaches up to 300 kW. Power must correspond to the required amount of heat, trying to make it maximum is impractical. Sometimes it is allowed to supply heat to several buildings, but only under certain conditions.

Household boiler rooms are usually used in summer cottages or cottages. Separate buildings are built for heating or a boiler room is placed in the basement (with mandatory access to the street).
There are also roof-top gas boilers in which a gas boiler with gas is installed. The power of such a boiler should be enough to heat the entire building, water supply, etc. The main advantage of gas boilers is efficiency and convenience. Stand-alone systems are not tied to old communications. Today, gas is a relatively inexpensive fuel and its energy, derived from its use, is cheaper than the energy of a district heating system. A gas-type rooftop boiler is environmentally friendly, since after combustion, the gas releases a minimum amount of harmful elements into the atmosphere.
In order for gas boilers to last longer and work efficiently, it is necessaryregularly (preferably every year) carry out preventive maintenance of all equipment. Since over time the chimney, chambers and burners become contaminated with dust and soot, which leads to a deterioration in the operation of the entire system.