Our homes are equipped with a wide variety of appliances, wall and floor coverings, interior details and furniture. All this surrounds us, helps us to live and pleases the eye. However, in order to maintain a satisfactory appearance and aesthetics of the premises, as well as to avoid various diseases and pests, it is necessary to regularly clean, wash, clean all these constituent parts. Each surface has its own care requirements. In this article, we will look at the methods and choose the right product for the care of tiles of any kind.
Types of tiles used in our homes
Some rooms in our home need more thorough and frequent maintenance and cleaning. These include bathroom, kitchen, hallway. In apartment buildings, this is also the driveway. It is because of the frequency of cleaning and high humidity that it is advisable to tile the floors of these rooms.

Kitchen is an important part of the apartment. Here food is prepared for the whole family, meals can also be held here. This means that oil splashes, grease stains, fallen pieces of food, spilled liquids and other things cannot be avoided. The bathroom has high humidity and temperature fluctuations, as well as various microbes (especially ifshared bathroom). Caring for tiles in such conditions is much easier than caring for carpet, for example. As for the appearance of such a floor, the hostesses can have no doubts - stores offer tiles of a wide variety of colors, patterns and types. Ceramic tiles are great for kitchens and bathrooms. It is presented in a wide range, with various decorative elements. Refinement will give glass tiles, but its price is more expensive. Tiles are suitable for bathroom and kitchen floors. And for exterior finishes - stone and metal.
Indoor tile care
Tile is an unpretentious material, but it also requires some attention. If in the hallway it is enough to wipe the floors once a week just to remove the dust, then the kitchen tiles need a more thorough cleaning. Traces of fat, organic contaminants (the same food) and so on remain on its surface. And in the bathroom, the detergent should also be disinfectant (to avoid the development of fungi and various bacteria). When choosing a product, it is also necessary to take into account the presence of small children and pets, since many products are poisonous, and it is not always possible to wash them completely.

Varieties of household chemicals for tiles
Most often we try to remove dirt mechanically. That is, we take a harder sponge, some cleaning powder and begin to actively scrub off the dirt adhering to the tile. The method is proven, but completely inappropriate. Together with the layer of dirt, we remove the protective layer of the tile, appearcracks and small chips. Subsequently, even more dirt will clog into these cracks and it will be even more difficult to clean it out.
There is a huge amount of cleaning household chemicals on store shelves. The principle of operation for different means is different. So, chemicals remove pollution using alkali or acids in their composition. They do a good job with stains and without much effort. Tile powder in most cases acts as an abrasive, therefore, it destroys the top layer to a greater extent than gels and liquid products.

Cleaning outdoor tiles
Let's touch on the cleaning of street paths. It would seem that paving slabs do not require such cleanliness as tiles or any other indoors. However, she also needs care. Particularly not pleased with stains from machine oil, dried chewing gum, plastic and rubber melted from high temperatures. Care for tiles with such contamination should be of a professional level. Specialized tools can be purchased independently at hardware stores or ordered online. There are also organizations that provide cleaning services for difficult stains. They will come with their equipment and cleaning reagents, you will only have to pay for their work.
For regular maintenance, it is enough to use a hose with water. There are also special devices that beat with a powerful jet of water. Thus, you can knock out the earth, leaves and other debris from all the cracks in the tile.

Folkcleaning supplies
Caring for ceramic tiles in the house is quite feasible with ordinary soapy water. Most contaminants are organic compounds. The alkali contained in the soap does a great job with them. It is best to use laundry soap. It is known for its magical qualities in cleaning surfaces. It is necessary to grind the soap bar into shavings, and then beat the resulting mass in water until a large foam forms. With many problems, this mixture will do just fine.
To remove rust stains and mineral deposits, ordinary table vinegar will do. The smell from it will disappear quickly enough, and there will be much less harm than from aggressive detergents. In this case, it is better to provide tile care with acidic compounds. These include citric acid, and vinegar, and others similar to them.

Precautions for using cleaning products
All packages, jars and bottles of chemicals are labeled with precautions. Often, tile care ends in severe poisoning. These measures are really worth remembering.
Caring for tiles with aggressive cleaning chemicals must be accompanied by wearing rubber gloves and a respirator. Otherwise, chemical burns of the skin and respiratory tract, as well as poisoning, cannot be avoided, since these compounds easily enter the bloodstream through the respiratory system.
Remove children from this kind of work. They should not be in the room at the momentcleaning. The same goes for pets.
Cleaning after repair is best left to professionals. Not everyone knows the accuracy of the dilution and use of building solvents and surface cleaners.
In case of the first signs of burns and poisoning, seek medical attention immediately!