The dishwasher needs regular and proper care, otherwise the life of household appliances will be significantly reduced and it will no longer effectively cope with its functions. You need to clean the car with gels and powders designed specifically for such devices, and at each wash, use special tablets, not the usual product.
Basic dishwasher care rules
One of the main rules, the observance of which will ensure long-term operation of the dishwasher, is the frequency of maintenance. With daily use, the dishwasher should be wiped with a damp cloth inside and out after each cycle. Dirt often accumulates on the doors, which subsequently provokes problems with closing and opening appliances.

The control panel must be wiped with a dry cloth so as not to spoil the buttons. To wipe the rest of the parts, you can usejust a damp cloth or soapy water. To care for a stainless steel dishwasher, you will need a special cleaner, which indicates that it is intended specifically for such kitchen appliances.
The strainer should be washed weekly. To do this, the lower basket is taken out, the screws are unscrewed, after which the filter is removed. The part can be washed under ordinary running water, i.e. without the use of special detergents for dishwashers. The shower blades are also washed, but this must be done after cleaning the device from scale and food debris. If the rotation of the blades is difficult, they need to be cleaned again.
The door seal should be cleaned every six months. For this, a special tool is used. The choice can be made in favor of Finish products. All products of this line (cleaners, tablets) effectively remove grease and scale that accumulate in hard-to-reach places, eliminate unpleasant odors and generally support the operation of the dishwasher.

The most essential care detergents
All dishwasher care products can be conditionally divided into three groups: tablets, gel, powder. Special tablets are in the greatest demand, each of which contains all the necessary components to ensure proper care for both the dishes and the device itself.
Powder is less convenient to use for dishwasher care, because you need to measure out the required dosage for one cycle each time. But according to gener althis option is more economical.
Gel is identical in composition to powder, but has a liquid consistency. There are gels that are sold in large packages, so you will also have to calculate the dose yourself. It is more convenient to use the product in capsules designed for one cycle of the dishwasher.

Best dishwasher tablets: rating
Top 5 best dishwasher tablets are represented by these products:
- BioMio 7 in 1. Eco-friendly eucalyptus oil tablets, produced in Denmark, are considered among the highest quality. The product is recommended for washing glass, because due to its composition it protects such dishes from mechanical damage. BioMio also softens water, removes unpleasant odors, dissolves perfectly, prevents scale formation and can be used to wash vegetables, fruits, and children's dishes. The only drawback, judging by the reviews, is the high cost.
- Finish Quantum. Polish tablets remove any contaminants under all modes and at the required temperature. The packaging is soluble;
Clean Fresh. The tablets consist of four layers: the first (in combination with active oxygen) conducts intensive cleaning, the second is designed to protect against scale, the third (with pearls) gives the dishes a micro-shine, the fourth layer performsflavor function and protects glassware from damage. Among the disadvantages can be listed that the solution is often not completely removed and leaves white streaks.
- Somat All in 1. Tablets are made in Germany. Effective in removing stubborn dirt, protects glass from darkening, but can cause an allergic reaction, has an unpleasant odor (according to many buyers) and is expensive.
- Filtero 7 in 1. Affordable and high-quality product, prevents limescale, protects the dishwasher from corrosion and scale, copes well with burnt and greasy stains, eliminates all types of dirt. However, streaks may appear on silver items when using Filtero.

Additional targeted action
In order to ensure the full care of the dishwasher, you may need additional tools of a narrow action. For example, so that there are no streaks on the dishes, rinse aid is used, which begins to act at the final stage of washing. It is enough to add the agent to a special department. Check the rinse aid indicator once a month.

When an unpleasant smell appears, a special freshener is useful. Fresheners are attached to the top basket. One is enough for 60-90 cycles. S alt for dishwashers is used to prevent the formation of scale and soften the water. The agent is poured into a special hole at the bottom of the machine. With high water hardness, you need to fill in about 1 kg, with medium and low water, 0.5 kg will be enough.
How to deal with scale, mold and rust
Even with proper and regular care of the dishwasher, the appearance of scale, rust and mold over time is almost inevitable. To get rid of scale, you need to turn on the appliance, but do not load the dishes. The dishwasher is pre-filled with citric acid, baking soda or table vinegar. After the cycle is completed, you need to clean the machine and run it again without any means.
If mold has begun to form, then the problem is high humidity. To avoid this or eliminate mold that has already appeared, after each cycle of operation of the appliance, leave the door open for a while to allow the moisture to evaporate naturally.
A large amount of mold can be removed with special bleach. Such products are very aggressive, so it is not recommended to use them too often or in large quantities at a time. Do not use bleach on stainless steel kitchen appliances.

The appearance of rust may be due to a metal object forgotten in the dishwasher. To eliminate rust, you need to remove the cause of its appearance, that is, remove the object. In some cases, rust is due to insufficient care or a long service life of the appliance.
If rusty areas appear on the cover of the baskets,you need to buy a sealant-paint designed specifically for the dishwasher. In some cases, it is better to replace the baskets with new ones. Sometimes rust is formed due to too high water hardness. In this case, you need to use special s alt or install filters.
Preventive measures: general operating rules
The most common problem with dishwashers is a clogged drain. To avoid this, after purchase, you must first check how the device works by running the cycle without dishes, but with a cleaning agent. Before each subsequent use of the dishwasher, you need to make sure that there are no food particles left from the previous wash inside, and the dishes are loaded correctly.