Baroque… This term can be heard both in literature and in fashion, painting, art and even music. But what is baroque in the interior, architecture? Let's try to understand and highlight the distinctive features of the baroque house.
To do this, let's go a few centuries into the past, namely to the 17th century, when in Italy they first began to decorate houses in the Baroque style. Such architecture was intended to show how rich and we althy the owner of the home is. Finishing a residential building in the Baroque style, people sought to add the maximum number of details: stucco, tapestries, figurines and sculptures. Luxurious fabrics, large mirrors with magnificent frames, mosaics, frescoes and ceiling paintings … The whole structure of the style is aimed at showing both guests and casual passers-by that a truly rich person lives here who can afford it.
How can we understand that we are facing a baroque building, and not some other? Let's highlight a few key details.
Even if the house itself is not very large, it will still have at least a few columns on the veranda or porch. It is they who give even a small building a majestic look.
Stucco moldings
Stucco patterns and curlicues certainly adorn the facade of a baroque house. The number of these patterns can be different, depending on the solvency of the owner, but such a building cannot do without them.
Baroque architecture should look bright and stand out on the one hand, and not be too colorful and catchy on the other hand. As a rule, pastel, slightly muted colors are used. Red, pink, blue and white with yellow accents.
These are the main features of the design of the house outside. But what should it look like from the inside? Read on to learn how to create a home that makes everyone feel like a true king!
Baroque dining room

First of all, it must be a separate room. If you decide to furnish your house in a big way, in the manner of the aristocrats of the 17th century, then in no case combine a cooking room with a room for eating it. Can you imagine kings and queens eating in the same place where servants prepare food? Even if you cook for yourself, still try to match. Allocate a separate room just under the room where they eat.
The main object of the room must be flawless. It is best to choose a table carved, wooden, covered with a layer of varnish. The corners will be prudently rounded slightly. Pay attention to the countertop - it should be beautiful and stylish, asa tablecloth when decorating a baroque house is not recommended. It creates a feeling of something simple and homely, while baroque, on the contrary, strives for ostentatious luxury, a palace atmosphere.
Chairs should be in harmony with the table, as well as be as comfortable and luxurious as possible. Chairs with carved, figured legs and leather upholstery are ideal. It is also appropriate to purchase one chair a little more luxurious, with a higher back - for the owner of the house, the head of the feast. Naturally, simple wooden chairs without armrests, and even more so stools, completely disappear.
Additional attributes
The dining room should not be overloaded with details too much. In order to create a feeling of luxury, you need:
- Place a low glazed rack with beautiful (for example, crystal) dishes.
- Hang one or two pictures of a pleasant landscape or still life.
- Cover the floor area with a table and around it with a soft plain carpet.
- Hang a graceful beautiful chandelier over the table.
- Put a small vase of flowers on the table itself.
And, of course, do not forget that crockery and cutlery must match the room. Agree, it would be strange, sitting at a table suitable for royal receptions, eating with an ordinary stainless steel spoon and serving food on plastic trays from IKEA. Not everyone loves crystal and not everyone can afford it, but in this case, you can get by with high-quality, style-appropriate chinaware.
Living room

The design of a baroque home certainly includes a living room. It can serve as a place for receiving guests, or just a room for family celebrations and gatherings. Decorating a living room in cold, light colors will make it more formal and artsy, while warm, deep tones will give even a large room with high ceilings a certain coziness and homely atmosphere. What items must be present in a baroque-style living room?
Sofa and armchairs
One sofa will not be enough, because, firstly, it can accommodate only a limited number of people, and secondly, it can cause discomfort to people who want to sit separately. For example, if your company consists predominantly of men, not every girl wants and considers it decent to sit on the same sofa with everyone. Therefore, it is worth getting hold of either two sofas or a set of single chairs. Of course, both the sofa and the armchairs should match the atmosphere, be quite luxurious and comfortable. It is better to choose furniture with legs - it looks more elegant and sophisticated.
Tea table
The living room is conducive to long gatherings, lengthy conversations. And long, long conversations are conducive to tea parties. So, so that guests do not have to hold cups in their hands or (God forbid!) put them directly on the sofa, be sure to get a tea table. It shouldn't be too tall or big, just enough to hold a set of cups, a platter of light snacks, and maybe a vase of flowers.
Carpet in the living room should be given special attention. You should not leave bare floors here - regardless of the heating, they will create a feeling of cold and discomfort. A plain carpet will look too formal and boring. Try to choose a beautiful carpet with an ornament that matches the tone of the furniture and the design of the room. If you have a painting on the ceiling, you can look for a carpet that repeats the pattern of the ceiling, or at least looks like it. And do not neglect the long pile. Of course, cleaning such a product is somewhat more difficult, but the feeling of walking on a carpet with a long pile and the general comfort it creates is worth it.
If you can do without pictures in the dining room, then in the living room they are practically necessary. Don't skimp on originals, or at least quality reproductions. The theme of the paintings depends on the personal preferences of the owner. It would be appropriate here as a family portrait of the owners of the house, as well as abstract paintings, landscapes or any other works that appeal to you and are in harmony with the whole room. By the way, if you are painting yourself, be sure to hang at least one of your paintings in the living room. Such a detail will become the very pearl of the Baroque style, as well as an excellent topic for conversation with guests.
Choose a large chandelier that brightly illuminates all corners of the room. You can also hang several chandeliers - one larger, central, and two smaller ones. Or two are the same. The fact that paper lampshades or even "bare" light bulbs will not fit into such a design is understandable.
Alsoa fireplace would be a great detail. Electric or real, it will add to the atmosphere, and as you know, you can admire the live fire for hours.

Some couples neglect decorating this room on the pretext that guests won't go there anyway. However, this approach is fundamentally wrong. Luxury must be created primarily for oneself. If you receive guests at luxurious tables, sit with them by a real fireplace, and continue to spend the night on an old bed or a folding bed, all the luxury of your house will be nothing more than window dressing, a bright wrapper, and you yourself will feel like not a king and queen, but a servant in a rich house.
Believe me, after sleeping on a large four-poster bed, you will begin to feel completely different, you will get better sleep and get up easier in the morning. If you are going to turn your home into the home of an aristocrat, then do it everywhere, and not just in those places where there are guests.
Even if you live alone and no couples are expected, still do not be stingy with a wide bed. On such a bed you will feel in a new way. Also pay attention to bed linen. It should satisfy you both visually and tactilely. Buy two or three sets of good quality linens and wash them at least once a week.
Bedside table and lamp
If you still don't have these things - buy them regardless of whether you are going to change your baroque interior or not. This is not a luxury, this is a convenience, and if you put a nightstand or table near your bed for at least a week, you will soon not be able to imagine life without this thing. If you sleep with your partner on the same bed, be sure to put a nightstand or table with a lamp on each side, this is also incredibly convenient.
Trillage, in simple terms, is a chest of drawers with a mirror. This thing is useful not only for a woman, because if you live in such a luxurious house, it’s a sin to leave the bedroom disheveled and wrinkled in the morning. In the trellis, you can store both cosmetics and just a comb, hairspray and deodorant. And the very presence of such furniture will give the bedroom luxury and grandeur.
Just don't install a mirror directly in front of the bed - this is not good from the point of view of Feng Shui. But even without any mysticism - your reflection can scare you in the middle of the night.
Interior of Baroque houses
Photos help to better understand the topic under consideration and find inspiration. The facade is the "face" of the building, what makes the impression on the guest or passer-by in the first place.

It is clear that not everywhere and not everyone has the opportunity to finish the building from the outside. But if you still have it, be sure to use it and decorate the facade of the house in the Baroque style. Your abode will look luxurious and rich.

Three- and two-storey baroque houses are common in the Czech Republic. The project presented below is striking in itsarchitecture and elegance. The drawing shows not only the facades, but also the internal layout.

The following are examples of baroque house designs. Photos and sketches help to imagine the beauty and grandeur of the building, built in the eighteenth century. It still looks very stylish and luxurious, doesn't it?

Washroom accessories
How else can you decorate your baroque abode? Pay attention to the photo below.

Of course, it is unlikely that the aristocrats of the seventeenth century used such toilets … So you can surpass them in the luxury of your home! Surprise and delight of guests when visiting this place are guaranteed. If you can’t find such an item in stores, you can glue an ordinary toilet bowl with a suitable self-adhesive. Of course, the effect will not be the same, but it will still be an original and funny thing.

The above is another fun washroom accessory. With this toilet paper holder you will feel like not just a king, but a real emperor!