Several centuries ago, this culture was already very common on the southern and western directions of trade routes. In the future, peaches reached the Mediterranean, however, most of all it was cultivated in ancient Persia. The Romans also studied different types of peaches with descriptions of the main characteristics. Initially, they called this crop "peach apples" because of the obvious similarity of the two fruits. A little later, the peach crossed the ocean and appeared in the United States. Here, this fruit is still given increased attention and a variety of desserts are prepared from it.
As you know, numerous types of peaches are found today in Ukraine, while they grow throughout the country up to the Carpathians, where they began to be cultivated on an industrial scale. There is also a huge number of amateur farms, where these fruits have been successfully grown for many years.
Many believe that this culture has practically no varieties. If you look at the photo of peaches, the types of which are actually numerous, you involuntarily want to eat these sweet and juicy fruits, they look so appetizing.

The features and types of peaches will be discussed in this article. Consider the most popular of them.
The fruits of this variety ripen quite quickly, the first harvest is harvested in the second half of July. As a rule, "velvety" peach is grown in the territories from the south of Ukraine to the Crimea.
One fruit weighs about 135 g. At the same time, peaches are distinguished by a round shape and a characteristic bright yellow skin color.
The stone of the fruit is quite small and difficult to separate from the rest of the pulp.
This type of peach is distinguished by larger round fruits, the weight of which can reach up to 170 g. The fruits are slightly velvety to the touch. This variety is distinguished by juiciness and rich taste. The medium-sized pits separate from the sweet pulp a little easier, but they rarely come out completely clean.
Peach trees of this variety have a good yield.
This type of peach is characterized by frost resistance, high yield and dessert qualities of the fruit. At the same time, the trees are highly resistant to powdery mildew.

Also, this variety can be classified as early ripening. Fruits weighing up to 140 g grow by the end of July. Peaches are painted yellow with a pronounced dark red blush, which can cover half of the entire surface. The skin of the fruit is slightly fluffy, and the flesh is quite dense. According to the tasting scores, this variety scored 4.8 points. The peach pit separates well from the pulp. As a rule, this variety is grown in the steppe zone of Ukraine.
Stavropol pink
This type of peach has mediumsize, weighing up to 140 g. Their skin is quite light, and the blush is distinguished by a delicate pink tint. The fruits are slightly velvety to the touch. The flesh of these peaches is quite juicy. However, it tastes a bit sour.
This type of peach begins to bear fruit quite quickly. At the same time, every year the plant brings more and more crops.
Describing different types of peaches, you should definitely include this variety in the list. It has a rather fast maturation. At the same time, the trees tolerate frost well. The taste of these peaches is not the best, but this is offset by the size of the fruit. One piece can weigh about 200g.
The skin color of peaches is greenish-cream, and the blush is slightly washed out on the surface. Harvest ripens by the end of July-beginning of August.
If we consider this type of peach, then its name does not quite correspond to the territories in which the crop is grown. In fact, this variety grows in Odessa and the Crimean region. The culture is distinguished by rather large fruits of an oval blunted shape. If you choose a shade among the types of peach color, then here it is mixed, consists of two shades: the skin is yellow with a pronounced blush on one side.
The flesh of this peach is unusually juicy and sweet. The stone is very easily separated from the pulp. Like many others, this peach is very fragrant. According to numerous reviews, this variety is quite popular among gardeners, as it has a fairly high yield.
Golden Anniversary
Forthis variety is characterized by rather large fruits, the weight of which can reach 160 g. The shape of the peach is interesting: it is oval and slightly pressed on the sides. The skin is golden yellow with a scarlet blush. This variety of peaches has a rather dense pulp and a very delicate taste.

The size of the bone is slightly larger than average. Trees of this variety are characterized by good resistance to frost and disease.
Early Kyiv
This variety is most often found in Dnepropetrovsk, Odessa and other southern regions of Ukraine. These crops are very often grown on the territory of Kazakhstan.
This variety is a hybrid. Trees are unpretentious, so they quickly begin to bear fruit. The average weight of peaches is 100 g. Their shape is round, elongated, and the skin color is light yellow. The pulp of this variety has a greenish-white tint, while it is very juicy, with a mild, delicate taste.
This type of peach (photo below) may be similar to others. But in fact, all of them can differ in their taste, bone size, pulp quality, ripening time and other characteristics.

This variety ripens quite late, not earlier than mid-August. Most often, peach trees grow in Odessa, Crimean and Transcarpathian regions. The main distinguishing feature of this variety are rather large fruits, the weight of which can reach 200 grams. Their skin is yellowish-orange,and the blush is burgundy. However, it can cover most of the surface or touch it lightly on one side.
Many note the harmonious taste of the fruit. The stone separates from the pulp very quickly and without much effort.
At the same time, plants take root well and tolerate fairly severe frosts.
Continuing to consider the types and varieties of peaches, it is worth paying attention to this representative of the culture. Trees of this variety grow in the Kherson and Crimean regions. The main distinguishing characteristic of the variety is the size of the fruit, the weight of which can reach up to 200 g. The shape of the peaches is round. The skin of the fruit is greenish-cream in color. The blush is blurry and covers up to 50% of the area.
The fruit pulp of this variety has a greenish-white tint. At the same time, it is quite juicy and sweet. Such peaches have a very pleasant, pronounced aroma. Up to 40 kg of fruits are harvested from one tree per season. This variety tolerates freezing temperatures well.
How to choose peaches
Sweet fruits go on sale from the end of spring (depending on the variety) until the end of November. Therefore, when you see peaches on store shelves in May, you should not doubt their maturity. It is also worth considering the characteristics of the ripening of a particular variety and the area in which the fruits were grown. If the peaches were produced in Russia, then they cannot reach maturity until the end of summer. In Ukraine, the harvest is received much earlier.
When choosing juicy fruits, you need to carefully examine their appearance. Peach shouldn'tbe too soft. This will indicate that the fruit is already overripe. It is also worth staying away from broken fruits with damaged skins. Some low-quality or diseased fruits can be distinguished by an unpleasant white coating.

If the peaches are not ripe and have been plucked, it is recommended to store them at room temperature for several days. It is best to put them in a brown paper bag.
Ripe peaches should be immediately refrigerated. Before eating, in order not to lose their amazing taste, before use, it is recommended to take them out of the refrigerator and warm them up a little at room temperature.
You can also buy various types of peach oil, candied fruits, dried fruits and blanks for making compote in stores. For homemade preparations, it is recommended to freeze fruits, then they will retain all their beneficial properties.
Features of cultivation
For peaches, it is worth preparing sandy or loamy soil. If clay prevails in a suburban area, then juicy fruits will be very difficult to grow. It is also important to clarify the level of groundwater. If they are located very high, then the earth will be very damp and cold, especially in the winter season. Such conditions are considered extremely unsuitable for growing these fruits.
If we talk about the breeding procedure, as a rule, peach seeds are used for this. Some grow this crop by grafting. If you use the fruits themselves, then the resultwill not be the best.
Peaches are most often grafted onto cherry plums. In this case, the culture will be able to grow even on very clay soil. If the site is dominated by dry or gravelly earth, then it is recommended to plant peaches on almonds. This crop can be grown without problems in arid regions. To do this, it is enough to plant a peach on an apricot.
If we talk about caring for a peach tree, then it is enough to carry out standard agrotechnical measures. For example, you need to periodically weed near-trunk circles. You need to water the trees a little less if the summer turned out to be very rainy. In drought conditions, it is necessary to “water” the culture. It is also necessary to periodically loosen the earth.

In addition, experienced gardeners advise timely formation of tree crowns, which should be a kind of bowl. This is done so that most of the branches of the culture receive the maximum amount of daylight.
Useful properties of peaches
These amazing fruits have a huge number of benefits. Peaches are very he althy, as they contain about 15% natural sugar. In addition, they contain a variety of organic acids, mineral components, carotene, essential oils and vitamins.
Peaches are recommended for both the elderly and children. Also, this fruit is often used as a dessert in a wide variety of diets.
Among other things, peaches are used in folkmedicine. For example, they are used to treat diseases such as anemia or hypovitaminosis. In addition, this fruit is useful for those who have just undergone surgery. Peaches improve appetite and normalize the digestive system.

Fragrant and juicy fruits are an excellent diuretic and laxative. They help improve the he alth of the liver and gallbladder. The pulp of this fruit contains potassium, which is especially indicated for those who suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular system.
Peach contains organic ingredients that normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract in cases of low acidity.
Fruits are also used in cosmetology. Peach kernel oil is part of many care products, has a regenerating effect, has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, hair, nails. This is a real fruit balm for he alth and beauty.
We reviewed the most popular of the many types of peaches, the names of which are heard by many gardeners. We advise you to try and appreciate them. Description of varieties and types of peaches will help you make the right choice.